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Parkview Elementary Audit findings and responses Dates of Visit: November 4, 5, 6, 2014.

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1 Parkview Elementary Audit findings and responses Dates of Visit: November 4, 5, 6, 2014

2 Strengthening The School’s Instructional Program Finding: There is limited evidence that school-wide systems are in place to promote communication, trust, and effective collaboration.

3 School’s responses An EPSS review was conducted Oct. 24, 2014 and will continue throughout the SY. Stakeholders: teachers, administration, and parent representation. Documentation will be placed in EPSS file cabinet as it is acquired. Monthly meetings for Leadership Team. Continued definitions of roles, responsibilities, purpose and communication with other stakeholders will occur. The purpose is to review and improve upon current school practices and procedures.

4 School’s responses continued Vision and Mission statements will be revised in a joint effort by teachers, leadership team, administration, and PAC. They will be posted in the school and on our school website. Newsletters will be posted and distributed quarterly by grade level, individual classes, specials classes and /or departments. School calendar will always be updated on our website. Hard copies will be sent with students on a monthly basis.

5 School’s responses continued Principal’s letter sent out September 29, 2014. It clarified teacher morning duty times, school start and end times, and breakfast time. Hard copies have been distributed to stakeholders. Bell schedule will be changed to maximize efficiency my minimizing interruptions and maximizing instructional time. Character Counts program promotes positive student behavior. School counselor meets with each class weekly. Activities include: role playing, discussions, videos and other activities.

6 School’s responses continued Discipline: Levels 1 and 2 are managed by teachers. Levels 3 and 4 are office-managed. Specifics have been emailed to teachers. Leadership team will continuously work on communicating and collaborating with stakeholders. Administration will communicate the instructional focus and mission of the school by: data being the driving force behind the development of our instructional focus. PLC time will allow for data interpretation.

7 School’s responses continued District is in the process of developing a system which will provide training for building principals in the analysis of school, teacher and student information as it relates to student academic performance. Information will be shared with school level stakeholders. The purpose is to enhance student academic performance.

8 School’s responses continued The following lesson plan components have been reviewed and reinforced: – Standards are stated – Instructional practice – Student activities – Check for understanding – Modifications/accommodations

9 School’s responses continued Administration will adhere to the teacher evaluation system and follow the established timeline. Based on observational feedback, professional development needs will be identified. PD needs will also be identified through PLCs and the data discussions that occur.

10 Strengthening The School’s Instructional Program Finding: There is limited evidence of alignment to the Common Core using rigorous instructional strategies.

11 School’s responses Minor changes to Parkview’s master schedule were implemented in January after the winter break. The changes maximize uninterrupted instructional time. The pullout schedule was reviewed; however, no changes could be made because the music teacher and one PE teacher are only at Parkview for morning sessions. Intercom interruptions will be eliminated after 8:15AM except in the case of an emergency. All announcements must be pre-approved by administration.

12 School’s responses continued Procedures, routines, supply availability and transitions will be addressed during walkthrough observations by administrators. This will protect instructional time.

13 Parent/Community Audit presentation to include: findings and the school’s responses Thursday, January 29, 2015 5:30PM Parkview’s Cafeteria

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