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Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Michael Jackman,

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Michael Jackman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Review of Mobile Laboratoriein Turkey for On Site Analysis An Overview Michael Jackman, Chemistry Expert Module 2: Water Budget, Pressures and Impacts, Significant Water Management Issues, Monitoring, Characterization Report

2 Mobile Laboratories Off-road 4X4 vehicles, which are small but have the advantage of reaching remote regions

3 Trailer Mobile Laboratories Trailer Mobile Laboratory External Trailer Mobile Laboratory Internal Used on the Caspian Sea

4 Examples of Physico- Chemical Test Kits

5 Muti-parameter Water Quality Sonde



8  There are currently at least 42 mobile laboratories within MOFAL and it is understood that more mobile labs are to be procured to improve the sampling Equipment in Mobile Laboratories Palintest dedicated UV /visible spectrophotometer with dedicated laptop computer Palintest colorimetric reagents for the NO3, PO4, TN, & TP with the associated methods. Palintest hotplate for digestion for TN and TP. WTW pH meter /pH probe Lang – DO Meter Jenway EC meter/ Probe Flame photometer Operating and method manuals

9 Equipment in Mobile Laboratories * Soil physical analysis equipment currently unused. * Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system * Excessively large HP Printer – this will be replaced by a * smaller and simpler unit. * Stainless steel sink * Refrigerator * Ultra Pure Water system * Photometer

10 The Palintest is a considered to be useful system of analysis.

11 Observations The Palinstest system may not be as accurate and precise as the results obtained with more advanced spectrophotometers with better optics in the permanent laboratories. The hotplate method in the mobile laboratory for Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorous (TN &TP) may not be as aggressive as specialized custom made units as noted above. Therefore the TP and TN results may be lower owing to incomplete digestion.

12 Harmonisation It is recommended that the results of these are compared with those obtained in the central permanent laboratories. Furthermore it is essential that the optimum quality controls are applied Ideally method validations should be carried out

13 Spectrophotometers vs Photometers  MOFAL was considering purchasing more mobile laboratories but changing the Palintest spectrophotometers with photometers.  An assessment was carried out on these equipment options and a summary report assessing these issues was submitted and is included in Annex 2 Water Analysis Report

14 Spectrophotometers vs Photometers  The Dept of Land Rehabilitation & Irrigation Systems (DoLRIS) Ankara (MoFAL) was about to procure 40 more chemical analysis kits  It was debating whether to procure UV/Vis spectrophotometers or simple photometers and requested urgent advice on this.

15 Spectrophotometers vs Photometers  The analytical methods for determining up to 40 different parameters, including nitrates and phosphates, in water can use colorimetric methods.  This technique entails adding specific reagents to the sample which react with the parameter to develop a coloured compound.  The intensity of the colour can be measured either by a photometer or spectrophotometer to determine the concentration of the parameter by measuring the absorbance at a specific wavelength

16  The photometer uses simple coloured filters to determine the wavelength and a simple photodetector. So it is relatively inexpensive, robust, portable and easy to use.  The spectrophotometer uses a very sensitive monochromator to determine the wavelength and therefore is more accurate, and sensitive.To clarify this Table 1 highlights the differences with this equipment

17 Differences between photometers & spectrophotometers

18 Ion Specific Electrodes ISE  The ISE methods apply a potentiometric technique that can be relatively easy by simply using specific electrodes that are sensitive to certain ions such as nitrates.  Normally there is no need to filter the samples but often require the addition of specific buffer solutions  the electrode must be calibrated using semi-logarithmic

19  Mobile Laboratories -Advantages  Analyses can be undertaken on –site  No possibility of sample degradation  No need to preserve samples and  Easy to take follow up samples at nearby sites  e.g. find source of pollution

20 Mobile Laboratories Disadvantages Some methods may not be so accurate as those in permanent Laboratory Recommendations Ideally need to take duplicate samples to check at central laboratory Ensure that quality controls are in place Check the methods by Method Validations

21 Reference Framework Contract Beneficiaries Lot 6: Environment EuropeAid/127054/C/SER/multi: Further Enhancement of MFAL Actions towards the Nitrates Pollution Monitoring Network Expansion and CoGAP Application Specific Contract n° ALTUN/NPMNE/TR2010/0740.01-2/FWC/082 April 2014Technical Report- Task B1: Harmonisation of Methods for Analysis of Nitrates

22 To optimise the sampling and the analysis, on-site analysis is very useful. However, the support and checking by a central permanent laboratory is also essential. Thank you for your attention.

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