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T HE S ECRETS TO B EING H IGHLY P RODUCTIVE by Christina Stoll LACONI October 30, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE S ECRETS TO B EING H IGHLY P RODUCTIVE by Christina Stoll LACONI October 30, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE S ECRETS TO B EING H IGHLY P RODUCTIVE by Christina Stoll LACONI October 30, 2014

2 N O M AGIC  Work Upfront = Huge Rewards Later  Work Smarter, Not Harder Organize the small things to give you more time to focus on the bigger things.  Phase in New Habits Do what works for you, your job, your organization  Embrace both Low & High Tech Tools Stay Flexible and Review Organizational Methods LACONI October 30, 2014

3 E MAIL Buckets 1) Review - Trash or Store? 2) Take Quick Action Now - Trash or Store? 3) Book to Do Later - Complete - Trash or Store? LACONI October 30, 2014


5 F ILES File Maintenance  Name files/folders the same  Use Draft & Final  Create a Historical Folder  Server Size Limitations  Retention Policy LACONI October 30, 2014

6 M Y T O D O L IST – CALENDAR LACONI October 30, 2014

7 M Y T O D O L IST – CALENDAR LACONI October 30, 2014  “Color Code” Work, Meetings, Projects  Let others know when you are Busy vs. Free  Book “Work Time” with yourself

8 M Y T O D O L IST – C ALENDAR LACONI October 30, 2014  Making your Calendar a Project Task List

9 M Y T ASK L IST - C ALENDAR LACONI October 30, 2014  Making your Calendar a Project Task List

10 C OMBINING C ALENDAR, E MAIL, F ILES LACONI October 30, 2014  Keep smaller notes within Calendar Tasks  Create email and file folders that support your larger projects & tasks.

11 M Y W EEK LACONI October 30, 2014  Monday – look at week ahead  Today Prioritize deadlines Identify uninterrupted work versus interrupted work. Prepare for following day  Friday – Review upcoming week, re-prioritize tasks and deadlines.

12 T EMPLATES LACONI October 30, 2014 Types  Emails, Monthly Reports, Budgets, Friends Proposals, Annual Reviews Benefits  Staff on the Same Page  Saves Time  Manuals can be great learning & teaching assignments Key Tips  Last Saved by Date  Accessible, Maintenance and Training  Ownership

13 N OTE T AKING LACONI October 30, 2014  Circle  Highlight  Star  Add Initials  Take Action on Noted Items  File Notes Away

14 T OOLS : L OW & H IGH T ECH LACONI October 30, 2014  Blend Low & High Tech  Key Tips: Stay adaptable Use what works for you Latest trend may not be the best

15 R ESOURCES LACONI October 30, 2014  Getting Things Done : The Art Of Stress-free Productivity / David Allen  Ready for anything : 52 productivity principles for work and life / David Allen  The 7 habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic / Stephen Covey  First things first every day: because where you're headed is more important than how fast you're going / Stephen Covey

16 Q UESTIONS LACONI October 30, 2014

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