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Bangladesh and Transit for Landlocked Countries

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1 Bangladesh and Transit for Landlocked Countries
International trade is the engine of economic growth and a major catalyst for social development. International trade is very much competitive in the present liberalized & open multilateral trading system. In past, only tariff was considered as the barrier in international trade. Now, other issues that add costs to a product are also being considered seriously. Transportation cost in international trade is a very crucial issue.

2 Landlocked developing countries are encountering special constraints due to their unfavourable geographical locations Constraints are : Lack of access to the sea; Remoteness from major international markets; Inadequate transport infrastructure; Cumbersome transit procedures; They have to bear, on average, 50 per cent higher international transport costs which increase costs for external trade transactions;

3 Measures & objectives of International community to address transit transport problems of landlocked countries are : Secure access to and from the sea by all means of transport according to applicable rules of international law; Reduce costs and improve services so as to increase the competitiveness of their exports; Reduce the delivered costs of imports; Address problems of delays and uncertainties in trade routes; Develop adequate national networks; Reduce loss, damage and deterioration en route; Open the way for export expansion; Improve safety of road transport and security of people along the corridors.

4 Bangladesh Position : Bangladesh is neither a landlocked country nor an immediate neighbouring country of a landlocked country. Bangladesh has two seaports at Chittogong and Mongla. Nepal & Bhutan are landlocked and interested to use Bangladeshi seaports. Bangladesh is ready to provide such transit facilities for landlocked countries of this region. Transit arrangements would benefit both landlocked country and transit providing country.

5 Neighbouring Countries
                                                                                                                           Indian Ocean Destinations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Map of Bangladesh and Neighbouring Countries Chittagong Port Mongla Port

6 We are developing and improving facilities at our land ports.
Recently we have developed a land port at Banglabandha at the north-western point of country with particular attention to Nepal & Bhutan. Through this land port Nepal & Bhutan will be able to use our seaports. Jamuna Bridge on the river Jamuna and Lalan Shah Bridge over the river Padma have been constructed. Rupsha Bridge over the river Rupsha is going to be constructed.

7 The main objective of constructing these bridges to bring the entire country in an uninterrupted road network without any river ferry. This road network will also be very useful for landlocked Nepal & Bhutan to get easy access to our seaports. Bangladesh is trying to conclude transit arrangements with Nepal & Bhutan. One such arrangement named as “Operating Modalities for the carriage of transit Cargo Between Nepal and Bangladesh” is at the final stage.

8 To develop multimodal transit transport arrangements involving road, railway and waterways, we would require technical and financial assistance as such an initiative entails huge investment --- Thank You ---

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