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Identification of needs in a high risk population

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1 Identification of needs in a high risk population
By Hamda Qotba, B.Med.Sc, M.D, ABCM

2 What is need? Capacity to benefit from intervention
The ability to benefit from health care (DoH) Dr.Hamda Qotba

3 Health Is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely absences of disease or infirmity (WHO) Dr.Hamda Qotba

4 Health Needs Assessment (HNA)
Process of exploring the relationship between the health in a community and the resources available to address those problems in order to achieve a desired outcome It’s Process not task Of no benefit by it self it’s a tool helps to achieve other objectives Dr.Hamda Qotba

5 Systematic method of identifying unmet health and health care needs of a population and making changes to meet these unmet needs Applications: Service planning and resources allocation Program planning, management and development Program evaluation It helps in socio-political changes Dr.Hamda Qotba

6 Different aspects of needs
Felt needs: what people consider and say they need (what people feel) Expressed needs: needs expressed by action (visiting doctor, demand) Normative needs: what health professional define as need based on provision of service Dr.Hamda Qotba

7 Approach to needs assessment
Epidemiological approach Comparative approach Corporate approach Epidemiological approach : depends on incidence, prevalence, mortality, and morbidity data Comparative approach: comparing levels of services between different population Corporate approach:trying to get all interested parties to work to gather Dr.Hamda Qotba

8 10 steps of health need assessment
profile your population measure the extend of the problem (prevelence, incindence ) calculate the expected number of cases collect and analyze routin data on service utilization calculate unmet needs or excessive service provision segment your population into diffrent strata Profile your population: in terms of age, gender, environmental factors, and life style Measure the extent of the problem: by gathering some data of incidence and prevalence Calculate the expected number of cases: prevalence X population/1000 Collect service utilization data: number or percentage of people accessing the service Calculate unmet needs:expected number of cases( step 3) – current number of people who are using the service (step4) Segment your population: total population, parents, high risk groups,people with disease, care giver……… Review current evidence:effectiveness of health education, counselling, exercise, healthy life style………. Measure your population expectation:through interviews, questionnaire, focus group, health panel……. Seek opinion: engage professionals and those people working in the field review curent evidence on the effectivness of intervention measure your population perceptions and expectations seek the opinions of professional about the size of the problem, best practice and delivery plan project type and size of the action programs and services need to deal with the identified problem Dr.Hamda Qotba

9 CHD in Qatar Total population in Qatar In 1999 was 173,000 while the age group >15years accounts for 101,000 (53%), CHD prevalence among >15 years was (13%), those who access the services were according to hospital records were 8909(68%) Example of HNA IN CHD IN QATAR Step 1 total population in Qatar is 173,000 from which >15 years 101,000 (53%) Step 2 prevalence of CHD is 13% according to family health survey Step 3 expected number= 13 X 101/1000 =13130 Step 4 those who access the service 8909 (68%) from (100%) CHD population according to hospital records Step 5 unmet needs= (100%) (68%) = 4221 (32%) Step 6 segment your population like obese people, smoking, hypertensive ……….. Step 7 review current evidence like: health education in regards to (stop smoking, healthy diet, active life)…… Dr.Hamda Qotba

10 The risk factors of CHD (NFS)
Smoking Physically inactive lifestyles Poor diets Excess salt intake Obesity Alcohol Diabetes Dr.Hamda Qotba

11 10 steps of health need assessment
Dr.Hamda Qotba

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