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ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 ProQuest Advisory Board Meeting Ann Arbor, Michigan May 7-8, 2007 Corey Seeman Director, Kresge Business Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 ProQuest Advisory Board Meeting Ann Arbor, Michigan May 7-8, 2007 Corey Seeman Director, Kresge Business Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 ProQuest Advisory Board Meeting Ann Arbor, Michigan May 7-8, 2007 Corey Seeman Director, Kresge Business Administration Library Ross School of Business University of Michigan

2 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 Topics for Discussion 1.Free and fee-based content 2.Advertising within Paid Databases 3.Trends in Library Financing and Budgets 4.Unmet Information Needs 5.Marketing of Library Services (Academic) 6.Everything Else (Institutional Repositories, Open Access, & ILS)

3 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 1. Free and fee-based content Question: Free and fee-based content, the role of each now and in the future Good Free Resources Available – We should not ignore these Business Research – Stock pricing and some news freely available via Yahoo, Google, Marketwatch, etc. SEC publications available via EDGAR ( Students can open up stock accounts and get access to information about publicly traded companies. These tend to be more “objective” resources

4 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 1. Free and fee-based content Question: Free and fee-based content, the role of each now and in the future Higher level questions and more comprehensive research require extensive cost-based resources Action Based Learning (MAP) requires access to a wide range of resources potentially canvassing nearly every industry Marketing reports are highly sought out by students are never freely available These tend to be more “subjective” resources

5 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases Question: Your thoughts about advertising within databases in academic and public libraries. Horrible idea! Need to distinguish paid resources with ‘free’ resources. When advertising appears in the paid interface, there is no clear understanding, for users or administrators, that we pay for this (even if there is branding.

6 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases

7 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases

8 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases

9 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases If we wanted advertising to pay for resources, we could do it ourselves. It completely changes our role with students and faculty and devalues every dollar spent by the library (It is all on the Internet, right?)

10 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 2. Advertising within Paid Databases Question: Your thoughts about advertising within databases in academic and public libraries. Where it might work… Creation of an alumni portal/alumni edition of ProQuest databases (for existing customers) Very low cost option for schools to offer an alumni package This could support advertising if the price to the library/school is right

11 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 3. Trends in Library Financing and Budgets Question: An update on trends you see, particularly related to funding and plans for permanent access databases? Do you anticipate shifts in how spending will be occurring by subject area or discipline? Continued shift in library budgets from one- time or sunk costs to recurring costs Kresge has only 5% of materials budget in one-time purchases Expansion is difficult to sustain

12 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 3. Trends in Library Financing and Budgets Especially with business resources, unrealistic or unenforceable licensing terms from vendors. Problem disconnecting the value to business (to grow a business) vs. the value to the academy (to use as a teaching tool). Permanent Access is a big deal – especially for a research library – We need a reasonable means of assuring this protection.

13 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 3. Trends in Library Financing and Budgets Other pricing issues Pricing at campus vs. system access level (issue at Michigan) Pricing at current print purchase model (maintaining the revenue and penalizing good customers) Pricing not at the number of “heads” but the number of “interested heads” – or how many of the 80,000 Michigan students, faculty and staff really care about business? One vendor thinks the number is 7,400.

14 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 4. Unmet Information Needs Question: Emerging information needs not now being met; use of enabling technologies in the library and the classroom…and elsewhere Unmet information needs not in technology, but in resources MAP Team demands – granular market data that is expensive Delivery means via IM and email are sufficient right now. Texting is now available at Kresge, but Not used that much

15 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 4. Unmet Information Needs Question: Emerging information needs not now being met; use of enabling technologies in the library and the classroom…and elsewhere More flexibility an possibilities with RSS Feeds One-Click full text links –Better control over where the links go –Problems with print holdings –Problems with Factiva/Lexis and other full text –Incorporation into alerts (Very important) Off campus alert options (send through proxy)

16 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 4. Unmet Information Needs OneClick Links to Full Text

17 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 4. Unmet Information Needs Journal Alert Issues 1. No Link to Full Text 2. For full text, does not go through the proxy (if a patron is at home, alerts are ornamental)

18 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 5. Marketing of Library Services (Academic) Question: What you are doing to promote the library to faculty and students. (We've just launched a "Marketing to Public Libraries Toolkit" and would like your input on that as well as on the need for a similar tool for academic libraries.) We also would love to hear about your training needs. Library Initiatives in 2006-2007 Expanded Library Hours (2am close Sun-Thurs) Expanded Library Instruction Program Embedded Librarians (Action Based Learning)

19 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 6. Everything Else Question: Thoughts on Institutional Repositories, Open Access, ILS, and anything else that comes to mind. Institutional Repositories Deepblue at University of Michigan (D-Space) ( Collection for Ross Working Papers, Independent Projects, & Library Scholarship ( Expands access to much broader population Allows us to maintain items in native electronic format There is a value in pulling this data into commercial products (ABI/Inform)

20 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 6. Everything Else Question: Thoughts on Institutional Repositories, Open Access, ILS, and anything else that comes to mind. Open Access Titles Important everywhere! Want to see these resources in aggregators (for indexing, more full text, and added exposure) ARL Adopt a journal idea – could change the world

21 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 6. Everything Else Question: Thoughts on Institutional Repositories, Open Access, ILS, and anything else that comes to mind. ILS Integration Make it serve as the window to the collection It’s the Data…. Searching metadata vs. data - this is the source of dissatisfaction with the OPAC Libraries need to better integrate print and electronic resources Market economy – do not like your vendor, change “Do not split hairs, when no one cares”

22 ProQuest Advisory Committee - May 2007 Contact Information Corey Seeman Director, Kresge Business Administration Library Stephen M. Ross School of Business University of Michigan 701 Tappan Street, K3330 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234 (734) 764-9969 Cell Phone (734) 717-9734 Fax (734) 764-3839

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