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… tissue on demand for unmet medical needs Methuselah Foundation Webinar June 10, 2009 Private Presentation CONFIDENTIAL This report is solely for the.

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Presentation on theme: "… tissue on demand for unmet medical needs Methuselah Foundation Webinar June 10, 2009 Private Presentation CONFIDENTIAL This report is solely for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 … tissue on demand for unmet medical needs Methuselah Foundation Webinar June 10, 2009 Private Presentation CONFIDENTIAL This report is solely for the use of intended web audience. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution without prior written approval from Organovo Inc.

2 Methuselah/Organovo Partnership 1 Angel investors $ $$$$$ Investment Pool Seed Funds Return

3 2 Tissue Printing Is the First Automated Tissue Manufacturing Process Initial steps: adherent cells of interest are isolated or differentiated, preferably from an autologous source from patient (bone marrow, adipose tissue)

4 Spherical cell aggregate: the bioink Supporting biocompatible gel: the biopaper Organ printing: Building Organ Modules, by Borrowing from Nature

5 Fusion Blood Vessel Contains Several Cell Types and Is Multilayered

6 After Printing, Blood Vessels Are Matured in Perfusion Bioreactors For 6 Weeks to Assure Sufficient Strength of Extracellular Matrix 5

7 Fascicle Nerve Structure End to end repair Limit the stretching of the nerve to 10% Autologous graft Can create further trauma to the patient: Donor site morbidity Aberrant regeneration Inadequate return of function How to repair ruptured nerve? Application to Nerve Regeneration

8 Blood Vessels Cartilage Grafts Cardiac Muscle Grafts Nerve Regrowth 7 A Number of Attractive Commercial Areas Can Benefit Early From Organ Printing Technology

9 8 Vascular Health Presents Several Sets Of Large And Growing Opportunities For Medical Innovation Dialysis accessDialysis accessDialysis accessDialysis access Cardiac bypassCardiac bypassCardiac bypassCardiac bypass Leg Artery Grafts Total US Opportunity = $2.4B Source: HRI Global Medical Device Report, 2006 US Renal Data System 2007 Annual Data Report, Company Projections 100,000 leg bypass surgeries year currently 450,000 cardiac bypass surgeries year currently 100,000 new patients/year 350,000 total patients

10 We Hear Clearly from Vascular Surgeons that they Want This Product MarketLeg Bypass; Dialysis Access Primary TargetVascular Surgeons Secondary TargetNephrologists 9 “Harvesting vein is by far the most invasive component of surgery; provide an alternative that works better than plastics, and surgeons will jump on it” -Cedars-Sinai Vascular Surgeon “The big limit in surgery is the conduit we use – native vein is the best choice, but works poorly; and you face serious wound issues with vein farming.” - Maine Vascular Surgeon “We have become glorified plumbers. There is a constant need to unblock current arteriovenous access grafts.” -UCLA Interventional Radiologist

11 Organovo Blood Vessel Graft Has The Potential to Become Standard of Care 10 Current grafts rapidly become blocked Require time and money to keep vessel open Unmet need for patient and payer Cost driver for payer to save $10-12k per revascularization After 1 yearAfter 3 years Leg Vein81%69% Synthetic Graft66%52% Dialysis Graft60%20% Success rates for current graft options Rates given for below knee peripheral bypass except for dialysis graft. Source: W.L. Gore Co.

12 11 Product *Source:Cytograft public materials Organovo Can Be Capital Efficient Like Our Competition and Differentiate on Price and Improved Structure/Performance Blood Vessel Structure Improvement over current grafts Price point target Rolled fibroblast sheet Native artery structure Three layers of cells $25k*$7-8k Endothelial cells reduce clotting Smooth muscle cells allow elasticity Manufacturing Process Flat 2D tissue culture, manually rolled on dowel, 26 weeks* Automated deposition and incubator maturation, 8 weeks

13 The Promise of Stem Cells Can Be Realized With Tissue Printing Stem Cells Tissue Printing Successful Therapies 12 100-200 companies 400-500 academic labs 1-2 companies

14 4/29/2015 David Mooney, PhD – Harvard University Professor of Bioengineering Cell signaling interactions Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, PhD – Columbia Professor of Biomedical Engineering Cell culture for tissue engineering Glenn Prestwich, PhD – University of Utah Professor of Chemistry Biomaterials expertise Four biomedical companies launched Craig Kent, MD – Chief of Surgery, Univ. Wisconsin Vascular Surgeon Former Chairman, Society for Vascular Surgery Advisory Board Organovo’s Scientific Advisory Board Brings Together the Expertise Required for Success

15 Dr. Craig Kent is Key Partner for Preclinical Studies 14 University of Wisconsin, Madison  Chief of Surgery  Former Chairman, Society of Vascular Surgery Organovo SAB member NIH-funded preclinical lab, well published Major Projects Underway Vascular Graft Implantation Patient Cell Sourcing

16 Organovo Is Actively Expanding Our Collaborations 15 Small Animal PreClin Patient Cell Sourcing Craig Kent, U Wisconsin Blood Vessels Collaborative grants PreClinical and Clinical Paolo Macchiarini, Univ. Barcelona Trachea, Esophagus Collaborative grants Research tool sales driver Sanjay Nigam, UC San Diego Kidney Collaborative grants Mesenchymal Stem Cell Peiman Hematti, Univ. of Wisconsin Stem Cells

17 16 Contact information: Keith Murphy, CEO (310) 729-9053 Website:

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