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Access to water and population Caroline Jane Kent DSW Roundtable „Water Resource Management in Africa“ Intro.

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Presentation on theme: "Access to water and population Caroline Jane Kent DSW Roundtable „Water Resource Management in Africa“ Intro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access to water and population Caroline Jane Kent DSW Roundtable „Water Resource Management in Africa“ Intro

2 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Access to water and population growth Introduction to DSW Access to water Population growth: trends and projections Water and population growth: Meeting the unmet need What is DSW doing?

3 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » DSW’s main goal is to help people free themselves from poverty. For this purpose we support family planning and sexual and reproductive health projects in Africa and Asia. Our premise is simple: only if people are able to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS do they have the chance to lead a healthier and better life. In this respect reaching young people is key. Young people are the parents of tomorrow and crucial to the development of their country. Investing in their health means investing in a better future. German Foundation for World Population: Our Goal

4 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Brief introduction to DSW cont. Established 1991 Around 170 employees 7 offices:  Hannover HQ  Berlin Liaison  Brussels - EU Liaison  Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda,  Grants to partners: 8 additional countries in Africa and Asia  Advocacy capacity building: 11 additional developing countries  Dialogue to push the agenda: 60 countries

5 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Brief Introduction to DSW cont. DSW’s Y2Y Initiative has led to the formation and support of over 1,000 youth clubs, with over 30,000 members, reaching millions of young people in Eastern Africa.

6 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Where do we work? DSW EthiopiaDSW KenyaDSW TanzaniaDSW Uganda DSW BerlinDSW Brussels DSW Hannover

7 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Access to water – a human right Millennium Development Goal 7: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights 2002 Kenyan Water Act: legal basis for the right to water in national Kenyan law

8 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Access to water – finite resources The planet‘s renewable fresh water is finite

9 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Water Sustainability The Vision for the water and sanitation sector is “to ensure water and improved sanitation availability and access to all by 2030.” Photo by Felix Masi

10 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Historical development of population growth

11 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Population Projects till 2100

12 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Population Projections till 2100

13 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Regional Population Growth

14 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Africa is youngest continent

15 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Average number of children per woman

16 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Kenya’s Population 1999 28.8 Million Source: 1999 Census

17 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Kenya’s Population 2008 38.3 Million Source: CBS Population Projections

18 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Current Situation Population Statistics 38 million people (2008) 4.6 births per woman (2008) 23% teens ages 15–19 bear children 40% population under 15 Sources: Spectrum; DHS 2003, 2008

19 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Trend in Fertility Kenya, 1989-2008 Fertility Rate Sources: Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys

20 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Population Pyramid Kenya`s Youth Bulge Male Female 40% of the population is under age 15 Age (Years) Source Spectrum

21 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » 82 Million People … Population increase by 2040 Under Current Fertility Rate Population (Millions) Source: Spectrum High Fertility Low Fertility

22 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » 65 Million People Demographic Transition Assuming a Decline in Fertility Population (Millions) Source: Spectrum High Fertility Low Fertility

23 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » So where‘s the link? World population growth and water scarcity Meeting the unmet need

24 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Water Consumption Less Consumption with Lower Fertility Under Current Fertility Rate Water Consumption (Billion Liters) Source: Spectrum; Water Services Strategy High Fertility Low Fertility

25 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Meeting the Unmet Need What is the unmet need? What does it mean? How will this help?

26 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Family Planning Kenya Almost 1 in 2 births are unintended or arrive too soon Primary factor to lower growth Many women want to delay or limit births but are not using family planning. Source: 2003 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey

27 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Family Planning 46% of married women of reproductive age use family planning. Source: 2008 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey

28 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Family Planning Unmet Need 1 in 4 women want to space or limit births but are not using family planning Percent Sources: Demographic and Health Surveys

29 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Unmet Need High Demand in Kenya 25% of married women want to space or limit births but are not using family planning. Source: 2003 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey

30 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Access to modern contraceptives

31 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Youth-to-Youth: Raising awareness Train young people to become peer educators DSW supports approx. 500 youth clubs in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda DSW has reached more than 7 million young people with messages on safe sex, family planning and HIV/AIDS and other life skills messages.

32 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Mobilizing Youth in Nairobi

33 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Support to Integrated Conservation Projects

34 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Construction of toilet blocks

35 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Population Health and Environment

36 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Youth-to-Youth Talking to young people about their sexual and reproductive health and rights

37 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Youth-to-Youth Training peer educators

38 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Youth-to-Youth Supporting youth clubs

39 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Youth-to-Youth Community involvement

40 © DSW – April 15 Access to water and population www. » Thank you for listening! DSW

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