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Welcome to your FUNDRAISER plan!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your FUNDRAISER plan!"— Presentation transcript:

0 Unit Project: Supply and Demand
Fundraiser Presentation In groups of 3-4 choose a product that would be a successful school fundraiser. You must research the Supply and Demand for your product. Presentation and Fundraiser Plan Notebook are due October 27-28 Each group will present ideas to class and the class will choose one person to represent. This power point will be used as the template for your presentation

1 Welcome to your FUNDRAISER plan!
Here’s how it will become fantastic Use notes from class and your textbook to build up your understanding of what you must present on. Most of the material in this slide deck will be covered in class, but you may have to research several concepts in order to fully comprehend the tasks. MR. Van will help you every step of the way, but you need to “own” your fundraiser. Your confidence while presenting demand and supply data will help sell the project to the judges. This project is build on the NFTE curriculum! If you enjoy creating this fundraiser, you should take the NFTE colloquium next year to learn how to start your own business.

2 Instructions Read the purpose of each slide
Be sure to include everything in bold on the slide. Delete all instructional slides (this is an instructional slide). You only need your completed slides Make this plan yours customize and include information that helps you tell your story! Instructions only; remove when done

3 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Name of Fundraiser Purpose of Slide This slide is simply a placeholder to be displayed while you introduce yourself to the judges and audience members. Reminder: When choosing a name/slogan, be sure to pick a name that fits your fundraiser, and do research to make sure it creatively presents your product and fundraiser goal. Included in Slide (not limited to) Fundraiser name Your name, age, school, and grade Logo* Slogan* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

4 [Insert Name of Fundraiser]

5 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Problem/Unmet Need Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to clearly explain how your fundraiser will solve an existing problem or fulfill a need that is not being met by other products or services in the school environment. This explanation is necessary because it will prove to the judges that there is a potential market for your business. Strive to prove that there is unmet demand. Included in Slide (not limited to) Bulleted description, images, or video of problem or unmet need that your fundraiser will address Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

6 Problem/Unmet Need What this slide’s all about.

7 Overview Product/Service
Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to thoroughly explain what your product or service is, what its special features are, and how these features benefit the target consumer. This slide should clearly indicate to the audience what your product or service is. This slide should be where you pitch your fundraiser. A successful pitch lasts less than a minute and hooks the audience into your idea and proves how you are solving the problem you previously identified. Included in Slide (not limited to) Bulleted description, images, or video that highlights your product or service’s features and benefits (Services) Bulleted explanation or graphic that describes how you deliver your service* Pictures of your product or you executing your service* Testimonials from people who have used your product or service* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

8 Overview of Product/Service

9 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Competition Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to show that you’ve thoroughly researched your competitors, both direct and indirect, and that your fundraiser has at least one feature that makes it unique from your competitors. By doing so you should demonstrate that there is space in market for your fundraiser to exist within the school. Included in Slide (not limited to) Bulleted list of direct competitors Bulleted list of indirect competitors Explanation of your competitive advantage Picture’s of your competitors’ products’ weaknesses* Testimonials from people who have used your product or service* Complaints from people who have used your competitors’ product or service* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

10 Your Competitive Advantages
Competition Your Business Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Your Competitive Advantages 1. 2. 3.

11 Included in Slide (not limited to)
demand measurement Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to show that your fundraiser meets the demand of your fellow students. This slide should be based on measured data and you should be able to share that data when requested. THE LOWEST PRICE YOU SHOULD SURVEY AT SHOULD BE THE BREAK-EVEN PRICE. SO, YOU MAY NEED TO DETERMINE YOUR COSTS BEFORE FINALIZING YOUR DEMAND SURVEY. Included in Slide (not limited to) Accurate market demand curve based on a survey of at least 15 Lindblom students. Description of how the data was collected.* Description of the type of students included in your demand curve.* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

12 Demand

13 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Business Model Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to show two things: First, that you can feasibly produce your product or execute your service in a cost efficient and time efficient manner. Second, that your fundraiser’s product or service adds value enough value to someone’s life that they’re willing to pay your for it. Included in Slide (not limited to) Definition of one unit COGS or COSS EOU Description of Fixed and Variable Expenses Breakeven Units Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

14 Business Model Description of Variable & Fixed Expenses
Itemized Variable Expenses Total: $ Monthly Fixed Expenses Definition of One Unit text Economics of One Unit Unit Selling Price $value Material Expenses/Unit Labor Expenses/Unit Other Var. Expenses/Unit Total COGS/ COSS Contribution Margin Monthly Break Even Units $month fixed exp = value units (round up) $con margin

15 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Sales Projections Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to show the projected sales and revenue for the one month your fundraiser is active. You must provide a rationale for these figures, so be sure to cite evidence such as estimated sales based on supply interviews with potential sales force members (i.e. students). YOU NEED TO JUSTIFY YOUR SALES WITH A SUPPLY CURVE. YOUR LOWEST PRICE SHOULD BE YOUR BREAK-EVEN PRICE Included in Slide (not limited to) Projected total units sold (numerically) Gross revenue Net profit Supply curve Explanation of supply curve and sales projections.* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

16 Fundraiser Sales Projections
Total Units Gross Revenue $0 Net Profit $0

17 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Start-up Funds Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to explain how much startup funds you will need in order to purchase your initial goods for sale. Additionally, it is the last chance for you to show the judges that your fundraiser is a good investment opportunity. Included in Slide (not limited to) Bulleted list of required startup materials and their costs The total amount of startup capital you need Pictures of required products* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

18 ROI: Return on Investment
Start-up Funds Item Why Needed Cost text $0 Total Startup Expenditures ROI: Return on Investment $projected net profit = 0% $0 $total startup investment ROS: Return on Sales $projected net profit = 0% $0 $total projected sales

19 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Marketing & Sales Purpose of Slide This slide is meant to show how you plan to promote and sell your product or service to potential customers within Lindblom. Included in Slide (not limited to) Bulleted description, images, or video of promotional methods. Bulleted description, images, or video of selling strategies and platforms Screenshots of your online strategy* Pictures or videos of you interacting with customers* Examples of advertisements* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

20 Marketing & Sales

21 Included in Slide (not limited to)
Name of fundraiser Purpose of Slide This slide is simply a placeholder to be displayed while answering the judges’ questions. Included in Slide (not limited to) Fundraiser name Logo Slogan* Note: Required Optional* Instructions only; remove when done

22 [Insert Name of Business]

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