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Co Chairs – Gary Holmes and Gregory Harrell. Governance Generative PolicyFiduciary Asset Managing Rules & Regulations Guidance to Staff & Conference Mission,

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Presentation on theme: "Co Chairs – Gary Holmes and Gregory Harrell. Governance Generative PolicyFiduciary Asset Managing Rules & Regulations Guidance to Staff & Conference Mission,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Co Chairs – Gary Holmes and Gregory Harrell

2 Governance Generative PolicyFiduciary Asset Managing Rules & Regulations Guidance to Staff & Conference Mission, Vision, & Support Board Primary Functions

3 Generative Policy Governance Fiduciary Board Primary Functions Prioritized Dan Dick Director of Connectional Ministry

4 Generative Policy Governance Fiduciary Board Primary Functions New Faith Starts Revision Existing Churches Support Existing Mission Churches New Mission Churches Work Emphases Prioritized

5 Forrest Wells Facilitator Extraordinaire

6 Forrest Wells Facilitator Extraordinaire BCCD Priorities Communicate Connect Boards Annual Conference

7 BCCD Coordinat or Executive Committee Healthy Leadership Mission Communicati on Fiduciary Cabinet Liaison Organizational Structure

8 Healthy Leadership Task Group Know the Known Regional Training Facebook / Website Pertinent Policy Sponsor/ Coaches Short vs Long Term Chain of Comman d Specialize d Experts Coaching Guidance Ministry Money Budgetin g/Plannin g Creative Financing

9 Mission Church Task Group Odanah UMC † Support of congregations with vital ministry who have insufficient funds † Ministry Evaluation and support of pastoral ministry † Support of ministries to transient and at- risk ministries † Encouragement of emerging/ethnic ministries

10 Communication Task Group

11 Finance/Fund Raising Task Group

12 Coordinat or Executive Committee Healthy Leadership Mission Communicati on Fiduciary Cabinet Liaison Organizational Structure 2012 CDCB Resource Assistant Resource Specialist

13 New Faith 15 $302,9 63 Missio n 11 $208,9 50 Revisio n 7 $98,87 5


15 Saturday, January 19, 2013 Board of Congregational Development Dan Zei

16  Foundational to all I share is that we remain spiritually grounded and anchored.

17  The Gospel Message – John 3:16  The Great Commission – Matthew 28:19-20  Our United Methodist Purpose  Our Wisconsin Annual Conference Purpose

18  Introducing people to relationship with Jesus  Helping each other to deeper and closer relationship with Jesus  More  Better and stronger  Followers of Jesus  One with Christ  One with each other  One in ministry to all the world


20  A means of developing vital faith communities in Wisconsin, both…  Existing and  New Faith Starts

21  YOU are closer to your communities,  And when you are not close to a community, you probably know someone who is.

22  We need to develop leaders of leaders of leaders…  Recruitment  Training, development and experience ◦ We need to identify needs and speak up and request assistance for areas of deficiency. ◦ Often the most important thing to know is what we don’t know.

23  “ Led by the District Superintendents, these teams will identify places to plant new faith communities, and justice and mercy ministries, as well as ways to reach new, young and diverse people for Jesus Christ throughout Wisconsin.” - Bishop Jung

24  Our responsibility is to provide… ◦ Leadership ◦ Think strategically ◦ Identify and utilize available resources ◦ Work collaboratively ◦ Plan the “how to” step by step ◦ Facilitation ◦ Implementation

25  I am not here to tell you, given available demographics,  Where  What kind  When to plant a new faith community.

26  No matter where we stand in the state of Wisconsin, there are unmet ministry needs.

27  Some of these are best met by ◦ Existing faith communities, and/or ◦ New faith communities  Determining who, where, how, why and when is our role.

28  Purpose: utilize accurate information to identify ministry needs  The more local the information, the more meaningful it is.

29 1. MissionInsite ( 2. Community surveys and interviews

30  Identify ‘hot spots’ ◦ Population growth ◦ Ethnic change ◦ Low religiosity and/or propensities ◦ Other changing factors and dynamics

31  You are a great source for identifying unmet ministry needs.  Always keep your “radar screens active”.  We can substantiate and quantify with demographics.

32  BCD will support each DST and your needs!  Attend an early meeting of your DST.  Provide MissionInsite and other resource support.








40  You and your community leaders are a great source for identifying unmet ministry needs.  Ask local sources meaningful and pertinent questions.

41  Township, City and County officials  Law enforcement  Judicial  State and Federal elected officials  Business leaders  Other faith communities’ leadership

42  Provides recommended survey questions  Compilation and interpretation, if appropriate

43  We tend to be tradition bound.  We try to find ways to be in ministry to “new people” just like we always have.  Ask and listen to how our identified and targeted audiences need to be ministered to.  Listening leads us to new and creative ways to be in ministry

44  When we are truly seeking to be who God calls us to be, in ministry and discipleship, God provides the resources.

45 God does not call us to be all things to all people.

46  As District Strategy Teams, to strategically discern, for our respective areas of responsibility…  The ministry needs we are called to provide, and  The best means


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