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GET READY FOR COLLEGE A guide for parents and students.

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Presentation on theme: "GET READY FOR COLLEGE A guide for parents and students."— Presentation transcript:

1 GET READY FOR COLLEGE A guide for parents and students

2 THE BIG PICTURE  Admissions requirements ACT/SAT score GPA and rank (pre-AP, AP, dual credit) Résumé Letters of recommendation Essays (show your personality; paint a picture of who you are) Application (show that you are more than just a number) Extra-curricular activities (Don’t quit!) Awards (grades 9-12) Volunteer work (Start in 9 th grade)  Financial Aid (Scholarships, grants, loans) FAFSA FOLLOW THE MONEY!

3 HOW COLLEGE WORKS  Credit hours (usually 3 per class); full-time student takes 4 classes (at least 12 hours)  You will pay for each credit hour plus each semester’s fees, books, room and board if living on campus, transportation, etc. **Note: Due to semester fees, it is cheaper to be a full-time student than a part-time student in the long run.  Junior College (San Jacinto) = Two year school (Associate’s Degree) approximately $6,000 per year  College or University = Four year school (Bachelor’s Degree) ranges from $15,000-$40,000+ per year depending on the school; in state and public schools are cheaper than out of state or private schools  Certification programs (Everest) = no degree or transferable credits; costs vary

4 FIRST STEPS TO TAKE  Buy a calendar planner to keep track of important dates and deadlines; include ACT/SAT tests, AP exams, application deadlines, and scholarship deadlines. SET PERSONAL DEADLINES.  See the College Connection website and the Counselors’ Corner website for helpful tips and links.  Research your college and career options. Start making plans for how to pay for it. Consider programs on each campus like Honors Colleges, partnerships, internships, etc.  Visit colleges as a family. Contact the college for details.  Sign up to take ACT/SAT as a junior. STUDY FOR THEM!

5 ACT/SAT SCORING GUIDE How to know what you need to score for college admission and for college readiness standards

6  National averages:  English 20.4  Math 21.0  Reading 21.2  Science 20.8  Composite 21.0  For the class of 2013, average scores are:  Critical reading: 496  Mathematics: 514  Writing: 488 AVERAGE SCORES ACT (Scale of 1-36) SAT (200-800/section)

7  ACT – Composite score of 23 or higher, with individual math, reading and English scores of no less than 19.  SAT – Composite score of 1070 or higher, with 500 critical reading (formally “verbal”) and 500 math. COLLEGE READY (TSI) ACT SAT

8  Rice: average for top 25% grads--SAT 700, 720, 700; ACT composite 32  Stanford: average for top 25% grads—SAT 680, 700, 690; ACT composite 31  Baylor: average SAT 1130-1300 (math and critical reading) ACT 24-29; 75% of freshmen were top 25% of graduating class  Texas Tech: no minimum for top 10% (but TSI still remains); for top 25% minimum 25 ACT or 1140 SAT  Texas A&M Corpus: no minimum for top 10% (but TSI still remains); 19 ACT or 900 SAT top quartile  NOTE: for lower ranks, add 2-5 points ACT or 100-300 points SAT COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Reach Schools (Private, selective schools) Realistic Schools (Texas State Schools)

9 COLLEGE CONNECTIONS TUTORIALS Mondays and Fridays, 2:30-4:00 in the GPHS library

10 FINANCIAL AID What it is and how to get it

11 HELPFUL WEBSITES —Free Application for Federal Student Aid to be filled out after tax return Senior year (no sooner than January 1) —links to facts sheets for tuition waivers and other important information ,, and—links for scholarships  Corporate scholarships—KFC, Dr. Pepper, Coca-Cola, Olive Garden, HEB, Target, Kohl’s, and many more  Check with your university’s financial aid department for more hidden money!

12 UNMET NEED  Unmet need—when your tuition and fees are more than your college fund, grants, and scholarships  Work Study programs  Loans—borrowed money that you will have to pay back Subsidized—no interest, no payments until graduation; variable-fixed rate loan Unsubsidized—no payments until graduation but interest starts with first payout PLUS loan—higher interest rate which begins after first payout; no payments until graduation

13 WANT MORE INFORMATION?  Contact your child’s counselor at 832-386-2806. A-Di—Ms. Brooks Dj-He—Ms. Coleman Hf-O—Ms. Jones P-S—Mr. Shiflet T-Z—Ms. Balderas  Contact Brandi Couch, Academic Advisor, at 832-386-2837.

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