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Over-50s Housing Trends is part of a continuous education course developed by a team of specialist editors, researchers and property experts around the.

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2 Over-50s Housing Trends is part of a continuous education course developed by a team of specialist editors, researchers and property experts around the world for developers, financiers, planners and industry managers. It paves a clear concise path through the thickets of information overload. All the trends canvassed have started to emerge somewhere in the world. The over-50s housing market is splintering into a hundred slivers. The certainties of the past 30 years have been shattered by generational change, and seismic shifts to the social, cultural, political and economic order. This continuous study is updated every month. It reflects change as it occurs.

3 32. Targeting women who left school at 12 The desire to complete the education denied women in a past era. An academic dean overseas the unique living and learning program at the village. Each village building includes either a classroom, fitness facility, library or studio devoted to the integration of intellectual growth, creative development, and physical wellness. Residents complete a minimum of 450 hours of learning and fitness activity each calendar year. Options include: Participation in courses and educational events at Lasell Village Enrolment in courses at Lasell College Enrolment in courses at other educational institutions Mentorng Lasell College students or advising student groups or organizations Engaging in community service or volunteer activities. Teaching or tutoring Travel study experiences through Elderhostel or other groups Activities in the arts and presentations of one's own artistic work Physical fitness activities Independent study or research Continued employment

4 32. Targeting women who left school at 12 Lasell Village at Lasell College, in Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Lasell Village has an emphasis on active, intellectually enriched living. The Village combines the security of a continuing care retirement community with the cultural, social, and recreational opportunities of lifelong learning. Designed on the scale of a small New England neighborhood, Lasell Village is located on a beautifully landscaped 13-acre site on the campus of Lasell College in Newton, Massachusetts, a suburban community 10 miles west of Boston. At the Village center is the clock-towered Town Hall Building, surrounded by fifteen residential buildings all connected by enclosed walkways. The Town Hall provides a full range of amenities from personal banking to sophisticated dining, while each residential building includes at least one common space dedicated to continued learning and physical fitness.

5 33. The need for intellectual stimulus The trend towards the creation of purpose built enclaves for ex-academic staff and perennial researchers (education heavy). The Academy Village community is a diverse and supportive group of neighbors who have discovered a new way of retiring. On any given day, you may find a presentation on local geology, a yoga class, a first-rate concert, an art group exploring watercolors, a guest lecturer speaking on music theory, or a resident leading a discussion on astronomy. If you are looking for a place devoted to life-long learning, the Academy Village is the answer.

6 33. The need for intellectual stimulus The Arizona Senior Academy is one of the centerpieces of Village life. The Academy, a non-profit, 501 C(3) organization, is the source of educational and cultural programs that complement the programs and social events provided by the Academy Village Homeowners Association (HOA). All residents of the community, 6o years of age or older, are also members of the Academy. Community residents, through the HOA, are actively involved in developing community traditions that complement the offerings of Wellness, Fitness, and the Arizona Senior Academy. There are a number of committees providing opportunities to participate in the structure and direction of community activities, organizations, and governance. Throughout the year, Academy members are provided with programs, seminars, and concerts. Members also enjoy 5 and 10-week courses, mini-courses, and panel discussions. During 2008 alone, the Academy sponsored well over 175 such events. Community service is a major interest among members of the Academy. Academy members have, among other things, made school presentations, mentored local students, served as Science Fair judges, and sponsored aspiring young musicians.

7 34. The rise of specialist interest communities A previous era aggregated by age, illness/infirmity or religious briefs. The trend is to now aggregate via interests. This is the generation that invented 12 flavours of Coca Cola.

8 34. The rise of specialist interest communities There are now common interest communities evolving across the USA and Australia. Communities of senior nudists in Florida and assisted living for retired RVers in Texas. Now a country music retirement community is scheduled to open in two years outside Nashville, Tenn. and Fountaingrove Lodge, an upsale seniors development is opening this fall in Santa Rosa which is catering to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender demographic. And in Australia there is a hot rod village in Castlemaine in Victoria.

9 35. Asian business opportunities (South East Asia) The opportunity exists now for any ambitious management or development company to become part of the biggest opportunity ever presented in this sector. Taipei India Sri Lanka Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore Hong Kong

10 36. Asian business opportunities (China and India) The opportunity exists now for any ambitious management or development company to become part of the biggest opportunity ever presented in this sector.

11 37. Nursing homes for young Trend to move under 40s into same generation nursing home / living environments. The world has been very slow to take up the example set by the exemplar in the world. They then searched for funding to develop barrier-free houses for individuals with mobility impairments. In 1978, Accessible Space, Inc. was incorporated as a Minnesota nonprofit organization and, two years later, five homes were opened to consumers. life of Accessible Space, Inc. is intertwined with the passion and vision of its leaders, volunteers, and residents. ASI was born out of the commitment of Stephen Wiggins and Charles Berg who outlined the concept for accessible, affordable homes with supportive living services in a college thesis paper The mission of Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) is to provide accessible, affordable, assisted/supportive and independent living opportunities for persons with physical disabilities and brain injuries. This mission is accomplished through the development and cost-effective management of accessible, affordable housing, as well as the provision of assisted/supportive living and rehabilitation services.

12 38. Recrafting specialist care Innovative residential communities for adults with special needs initiated by those requiring the service. Raising the bar on the delivery of specialist outcomes.

13 38. Recrafting specialist care Sweetwater Spectrum, is an innovative and pioneering new model for meeting the residential living needs of young adults with autism. Raising the bar on the delivery of specialist outcomes. Sweetwater Spectrum, a non-profit organization, was founded by Bay Area families with children with autism who joined hands with other community members and professionals to bring the project to life.

14 38. Recrafting specialist care The Sweetwater Spectrum model responds to the extraordinary unmet need for appropriate housing for young adults with autism. It is designed as a pilot community that is intended to be replicated nationally. The project will create a 2.8 acre residential setting designed for the unique everyday living needs of young adults with autism. At the same time, Sweetwater will encourage ways for them to participate in the larger community through jobs or day programs. The concept reinforces Sweetwater Spectrum's mission of helping adults with autism live a 'life with purpose', both at home and in their communities. - The residential community is constructed on a site four blocks west of the city's historic downtown plaza. It includes four 4-bedroom homes for sixteen residents, with the ability to expand in the future. A single-level, 2,350-square-foot community center includes a teaching kitchen, an exercise studio, a media room and an art/music room. A 1,440 square-foot- welcome center houses a reception area, administration offices and a studio apartment for a land steward. A gardening program includes a 1.25-acre organic garden, fruit orchards and energy-efficient production greenhouses to provide opportunities for physical skill development and healthy eating. Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects has designed the development specifically for the needs of adults across the entire autism spectrum, ensuring safety and accounting for considerations such as sensitivity to light, sound and movement.

15 To order any/all of the 100 plus trends in over-50s housing, contact one of our offices: UK Suite 212, 28 Old Brompton Rd, South Kensington, London, SW7 3SS Phone: +44 (0) 207 681 2020 Fax: +44 (0) 207 657 3555 USA Suite 1192, 1111 Desert Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89102. Phone: +1 310 684 2446 Fax: +1 323 319 9245 Or Go To The Website CONTINUOUS EDUCATION SERIES

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