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Multimedia Learning The Promise of Multimedia Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Learning The Promise of Multimedia Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Learning The Promise of Multimedia Learning

2 What is Multimedia? Multimedia as the presentation of material using both words and picture. Multimedia learning is dual-code or dual- channel learning in this definition. A noun or an adjective? –Noun : Multimedia technology –Adjective: Multimedia learning, Multimedia message, Multimedia instructional presentation…etc.

3 The Case for Multimedia Learning (1/3) Instructional messages should be designed in light of how the human mind works. –humans have 2 information processing system. –Major format for presenting instructional material is verbal. The rationale for multimedia presentations takes advantage of the full capacity of humans for processing information.

4 The Case for Multimedia Learning (2/3) Why might two channels be better than one? The quantitative rationale –More material can be presented on two channels than on one channel. –Presentation both is like presenting the material twice.

5 The Case for Multimedia Learning (3/3) The qualitative rationale –Can complement one another and that human understanding occurs when learners are able to mentally integrate visual and verbal representation. –Understanding occurs when learners are able to build meaningful connections between visual and verbal representation.

6 Three views of Multimedia Messages Multimedia can be viewed in three ways –The delivery media –The presentation modes –Sensory modalities

7 The delivery media The presentation of material using two or more delivery device. The focus is on the physical system used to deliver the information.

8 The presentation modes The presentation of material using two or more presentation modes. The focus is on way that material is represented. This view is learner-centered. Human have separate information processing channel for verbal and pictorial knowledge.

9 Sensory modalities Means that two or more sensory systems in the learner are involved. The focuses on the sensory receptor the learner uses to perceive the incoming material. Learner-centered. Humans have separate information processing channels for auditory and visual processing.

10 Two Views of Multimedia Design Multimedia instructional messages offer a potentially powerful learning technology. A practical goal of research on multimedia is to devise design principles for multimedia presentations. Technology-centered approach. Learner-centered approach.

11 Technology-Centered Approaches (1/2) How to incorporate multimedia into emerging communication technologies. Fail example –Motion picture, radio, educational television. Computer The same cycle –Began with grand promises about how technology would revolutionize education.

12 Technology-Centered Approaches (2/2) –There was an initial rush to implement the cutting edge technology in school. –From the perspective of a few decades later, it became clear that the hopes and expectations were largely unmet.

13 Learner-Centered Approaches (1/2) How can we adapt multimedia to enhance human learning? Focus on the relation between design features and the human information processing system. Norman (1993), “Technology can make us smart”. that is, technology can expand our cognitive capabilities.

14 Learner-Centered Approaches (2/2) The design of multimedia technology to promote human cognition represents one exemplary component in the larger task of creating. Landauer(1995), two major phases in the use of computer technology –Automation. –Augmentation.

15 Two Views of Multimedia Design

16 Two Metaphors of Multimedia Learning Design decisions about the use of multimedia depend on the designer’s underlying conception of learning. Information acquisition  information delivery system. Knowledge construction  cognitive aid.

17 Two Metaphors of Multimedia Learning

18 Three Kinds of Multimedia Learning Outcomes Two goals of Multimedia Learning

19 Three Kinds of Multimedia Learning Outcomes Three kinds of Multimedia Learning outcomes

20 Two Kinds of Active Learning

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