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PROGRAMS 1. Working alongside America’s Youth and Instilling a sense of patriotism has always been – and – will always be - a - VFW Priority 2.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAMS 1. Working alongside America’s Youth and Instilling a sense of patriotism has always been – and – will always be - a - VFW Priority 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Working alongside America’s Youth and Instilling a sense of patriotism has always been – and – will always be - a - VFW Priority 2



5 The Voice of Democracy Program was established in 1947 5

6 To Provide students in grades 9 – 12 the opportunity to express themselves in regard to democratic ideas and principles 6

7 The Voice of Democracy Program is open to students in grades 9-12 who are enrolled in a public, home, parochial or home school study program 7

8 A student is required to record a 3-5 minute (+ or – 5 seconds max.) essay on a standard Cassette tape or CD on a theme selected by VFW National each year 8

9 First Place Winner receives a $30,000 Scholarship 9

10 Other Scholarships range from $1,000 - $16,000 and 10

11 The First Place Winner from each state wins an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. 11

12 All entries Begin at the Post Level 12

13 The only exception is where a school/class have large numbers of students and wish to conduct their own competition then, 13

14 The school or class would submit one winner for each 15 students to the local VFW Post competition. 14

15 An Individual Student can submit his/her application directly to a Post 15

16 Applications must be received at the Post no later than 12:00 midnight on November 1st 16

17 A local Post will hold its own judging by November 15th forwarding 1 for every 15 to the District for judging 17

18 District judging will be completed by December 15th 18

19 Department Judging completed by January 10 th & Selected Department Winner to National by January 15 th 19

20 Applications can be downloaded at under the Community Tab Youth & Education 20


22 The Patriots Pen Program is a nationwide VFW sponsored youth essay competition giving students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy 22

23 The Patriot’s Pen Program is open to students in grades 6-8 who are enrolled in a public, home, parochial or home school study program 23

24 Students are required to write an essay of not less than 300 words nor more than 400 words on a theme selected by National 24

25 All entries Begin at the Post Level 25

26 An Individual Student will submit his/her application directly to a Post 26

27 Applications must be received at the Post no later than 12:00 midnight on November 1st 27

28 A local Post will hold its own judging by November 15th forwarding 1 for every 15 to the District for judging 28

29 District judging will be completed by December 15th 29

30 Department Judging completed by January 10 th & Selected Department Winner to National by January 15th 30

31 Applications can be downloaded at under the Community Tab Youth & Education 31


33 Each year the VFW recognizes three exceptional people: ⤖ Boy Scout or Girl Scout ⤖ a Sea Scout or ⤖ a Venturing Crew 33

34 The VFW Scout of the Year Program rewards with college scholarships up to $5,000.00 34

35 Scouts should submit a completed VFW Scouting Scholarship form Resume of high school activities Scouting record Community Service Record & Letters of Recommendation to: 35

36 A Local VFW Post No later than March 1st 36

37 Applications can be downloaded at under the Community Tab Youth & Education 37


39 The VFW Teacher of the Year recognizes three exceptional teachers for their outstanding commitment to teaching Americanism & patriotism to their students 39

40 Winners receive: 40

41  A $1,000 award for professional development expenses 41

42  $1,000.00 award for his or her school 42

43  Two award plaques: One for the teacher & One for his/her school 43

44  An all-expenses-paid trip to attend a VFW conference to receive their award 44

45 Teachers who promote civic responsibility, flag etiquette & patriotism are prime candidates for the award 45

46 Applications can be downloaded at under the Community Tab Youth & Education 46

47 Operation UPLINK A Calling Program for deployed service members that provides free phone time to active-duty military personnel and hospitalized veterans. 47

48 UNMET Needs Unmet Needs helps to meet the critical needs of service members and their families who experience a sudden financial hardship, oftentimes during a deployment. 48

49 Unmet Needs assists with basic life needs such as: mortgage and rent, home and auto repairs, insurance, utilities, food and clothing. 49

50 To date Unmet Needs has provided more than $4.3 million in emergency financial grants to military families across the nation. 50

51 Military Assistance Program (MAP) A huge part of MAP includes the Adopt-a- Unit Program. Through Adopt-a-Unit, VFW and its Ladies Auxiliary adopt hundreds of military units around the world and provide them personal necessity items, care packages, books and more. 51

52 National Veterans Service Nationwide network of VFW Service Officers assist more than 120,000 veterans nationwide. From assisting veterans in filing for disability compensation to requesting hearings before the VA Board of Appeals. 52

53 In New York State, the Department of NY VFW maintains two Veteran Service Officers. One in Albany, NY and one in Buffalo, NY. In 2012 alone, they were able to garner $82,561,145.00 in benefits for NY Veterans. 53

54 Emergency Relief When an emergency arises or a disaster occurs as happened with "Hurricane Sandy", the VFW stands ready to help and assist its Veterans. 54

55 During the Sandy disaster the Department of NY VFW Relief Funds combined with the $80,000 in relief funds provided by VFW National were distributed to VFW members who lost their homes or were displaced by the storm. 55

56 Not a week - a month - or six months - BUT WITHIN DAYS. Checks were written and given to our veterans when they needed it - long before FEMA or any other agency. 56


58 The VFW National Home for Children was founded in 1925 as a place where the families left behind by war -- mothers and children, brothers and sisters -- could remain together, keeping the family circle intact even when their serviceman didn't come home 58

59 Today's families face different challenges -- reintegration, post- traumatic stress, high unemployment and rehabilitation from battlefield injuries, among others -- and the National Home has evolved over our decades-long history to meet those changing needs. 59

60 Whether we help a family find strength and support close to home through our Helpline, or they become part of our campus community, military and veteran families can count on the VFW National Home for Children to help them build better lives together. 60

61  Get Involved - LEAVE A LEGACY - PURCHASE A Tribute Brick or Donate Directly 61

62 - VFW members can significantly impact their local communities through youth activities, assisting veteran families in need and supporting their local military units before, during and after their deployments. 62

63 Donations to programs such as Operation Uplink – MAP – UMET Needs – Emergency Relief Fund NVS & National Home can be made by mailing your donation to Department of NY VFW 69 Sand Creek Road Albany, NY 12205 63

64 To preserve & strengthen comradeship among its members ⟡ Assist worthy Comrades ⟡ Perpetuate the memory and history of our dead 64

65 This is what we do! 65

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