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On Pending Interest Table in Named Data Networking

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1 On Pending Interest Table in Named Data Networking
Huichen Dai, Bin Liu, Yan Chen*, Yi Wang Tsinghua University, China *Northwestern University, USA

2 Outline Background of Named Data Networking (NDN)
Pending Interest Table (PIT) Problem Statement Challenges Measure PIT Size and Access Frequency NCE to Accelerate PIT Access and Size Shrinking Evaluation Conclusion

3 Background of NDN (1/3) Newly proposed clean-slate network architecture; Embraces Internet’s function transition from host-to-host communication to content dissemination; Routes and forwards packets by content names; Two kinds of packets: Interest packet and Data packet. Request-driven communication model (pull);

4 Background of NDN (2/3) Content Store (CS): the router’s buffer memory that caches Data packets; Pending Interest Table (PIT): each entry records the name of a pended Interest and the interfaces from which the Interest comes in. Forwarding Information Base (FIB): NDN forwarding table.

5 Background of NDN (3/3) Content Store Forwarding Information Base
Pending Interest Table Figure: Interest Packet lookup and forwarding process Figure: Data packet lookup and forwarding process

6 Pending Interest Table (1/3)
A special table in NDN and no equivalent in IP. Keeps track of the Interest packets that are received but yet un-responded. Brings NDN significant features: communication without the knowledge of host locations; loop and packet loss detection; multipath routing support; etc.

7 Pending Interest Table (2/3)
Read and write on PIT. Interest Packet Data Packet com/google/maps lookup com/google/maps/data/1/ com/google/scholar com/google/scholar/data/1/ PIT Content name Interface list inserted 1 deleted inserted 3 deleted ...... …… A Dynamic Process!

8 Problem Statement (1/2) A router inserts every incoming Interest into PIT, and removes each received Data packet from PIT. High-speed packet arrival rate leads to a large PIT size and extremely high access (lookup, insert and delete) frequency. Two major problems about PIT arise: The size of PIT? The access (lookup, insert and delete) frequency of PIT? Size? Frequency?

9 Problem Statement (2/2) Senior researchers (Lixia Zhang, Van Jacobson, etc.) witness Internet’s function transition; NDN is empirically proposed based on their experience; A gap from experience to practice: can PIT be satisfied by off-the-shelf technologies? No previous study touched the feasibility issue. No statistics support.

10 Challenges No NDN deployment; No data; No PIT;

11 A fresh look at NDN (1/2) -- from application perspective
NDN better satisfies the requirements of users: browsing web pages, watching videos, sharing files, etc. Users demand the same network applications, but require different implementations in NDN. The PIT entries are consumed by application-triggered requests.

A fresh look on NDN (1/2) PIT entry filled by app-triggered Interests A sample PIT: PIT Content name Interface list com/google/maps 1 HTTP Interest com/google/scholar 3 Avatar 2 P2P Interest 5 Interest …… …… The applications do not change, solve the problems from the application perspective!

13 Apps from IP to NDN (1/5) Major Internet applications:
HTTP, FTP, P2P, , Online games, Streaming media, Instant messaging, etc. Implement these applications using NDN’s request-driven communication model. Afterwards, examine how these applications construct and destruct PIT entries. HTTP/1.1 as an example.

14 Apps from IP to NDN -- HTTP (2/5)
A request/response protocol; A client sends a request over a connection to a server, The server responds with a message. HTTP/1.1 adopts Persistent Connections: HTTP requests and responses can be pipelined on a connection. Simplest Case:

15 Apps from IP to NDN -- HTTP(3/5)
However, the actual case is complicated. For HTTP Response: HTTP response divided into multiple Data packets due to the MTU, At 𝑡 0 the corresponding PIT entry is created, and at 𝑡 𝑛 the entry is removed, Entry Lifetime: 𝑡 𝑛 − 𝑡 0 .

16 Apps from IP to NDN -- HTTP(4/5)
For HTTP Request: HTTP requests can be divide into different categories, including GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE; GET, HEAD – pull data from server; POST, PUT – push data to server; DELETE, TRACE – function calls on the server. NDN can only pull data from server.

17 Apps from IP to NDN -- HTTP(5/5)
GET, HEAD – implemented by Interest packet directly; Extend the function of Interest packet to accommodate the rest methods; POST, PUT – add additional data block to the Interest packet that contains the content to be pushed to the server; DELETE, TRACE – extend Interest packet to enable function calls.

18 Measure PIT Size and Access Freq. (1/3)
So far, we have So we can: We get data – we quantify PIT size and access frequency by analyzing the NDN trace. Applications on IP Applications on NDN IP trace NDN trace translate

19 Measure PIT Size and Access Freq. – Metrics (2/3)
Size: the number of PIT entries at each snapshot by examining the lifetime of each PIT entry. Lookup frequency: the # of Data packets (excluding the last Data of a request/response pair) arrive per second; Insert frequency: the # of emerging biflows (new Interests arrive) Delete frequency: the # of disappearing biflows (last Data packet of a request/response pair arrive).

20 Measure PIT Size and Access Freq. – Results (3/3)
A one-hour IP trace from a 20 Gbps link in China Education and Research Network (CERNET). PIT size: 1.5 million Frequencies of the first 10 seconds: (1.4 M/s, 0.9 M/s, 0.9 M/s) Methodology is what matters.

21 Data Structure for PIT (1/3)
PIT size and access frequency demand a well-organized data structure to implement PIT. Inspired by the Trie structure in IP lookup, we organize PIT by a Trie as well. A sample IP trie, bit-wise.

22 Data Structure for PIT (2/3)
NDN name is different from IP address; IP addresses: Fixed length, short… NDN names: hierarchical, composed of component, enables aggregation; Unbounded # of components, much longer than IP; E.g., /com/parc/bulletin/breakthroughs.html Therefore, we adopt Name Prefix Trie, which is of component granularity.

23 Data Structure for PIT (3/3)
1 2 9 3 7 A D com cn 4 5 8 B E yahoo google baidu maps map news 6 uk level-1 level-5 level-2 level-4 level-3 C sina Name Ports /com/yahoo 1 /com/yahoo/news /com/yahoo/maps/uk 2 /com/google /com/google/maps 1, 2 /cn/google/maps 3 /cn/sina 2, 3 /cn/baidu 4 /cn/baidu/map An example of PIT Name Prefix Tree Name Prefix Trie (NPT), each edge stands for a name component.

24 Name Component Encoding (1/4)
The Name Prefix Trie (NPT) makes PIT well organized, but matching each component is slow: The length of each component varies; should be an exact match of string patterns. We further propose to use positive integers to encode components – Name Component Encoding (NCE). An integer occupies smaller memory space compared to a component; Matching integers is much faster.

25 Name Component Encoding (2/4)
1 2 9 3 7 A D com cn 4 5 8 B E yahoo google baidu maps map news 6 uk level-1 level-5 level-2 level-4 level-3 C sina Name Prefix Tree Encode Name Prefix Tree CAS Name Prefix Trie (NPT) is transferred to Encoded Name Prefix Trie (ENPT).

26 Name Component Encoding (3/4)
Preparation: define the edges in the NPT leaving from the same node as a Code Allocation Set (CAS) (dotted ellipse on the NPT); The rules to assign codes to components: Assign each name component in a CAS a unique code; The code should be as small as possible (ensures the codes are continuous). The ENPT is a logical structure and is eventually implemented by Simplified State Transition Arrays (S2TA). Benefit: a component match on S2TA can be implemented by a single memory access with the codes as indexes!

27 Name Component Encoding (4/4)
1 2 9 3 7 A D 4 5 8 B E 6 level-1 level-5 level-2 level-4 level-3 C Simplified State Transition Array (S2TA) Encode Name Prefix Trie (ENPT) The data structure that really implements the ENPT, each transition stands for a node and its outgoing edges. The codes are indexes of each outgoing edge.

28 Evaluation Two name sets to compose two PITs: Evaluation goals:
Domain names collected from ALEXA, DMOZ and our web crawler, around 10 Million; URLs extracted from the HTTP requests in the trace, around 8 Million. Evaluation goals: memory consumption of S2TA, access frequency S2TA, Comparison with other methods.

29 Evaluation Results (1/3)
Memory Consumption Figure: 10M Name Set memory consumption–original size, NPT size, ENPT. compression ratio (10M Name Set): 63.66% Figure: 8M Name Set memory consumption–original size, NPT size, ENPT. compression ratio (8M Name Set): 12.56%

30 Evaluation Results (2/3)
Access frequency Figure: Lookup, insert and delete performance for the 10M Name Set Average: 3.27 M/s, 2.93 M/s and 2.69 M/s Figure: Lookup, insert and delete performance for the 8M Name Set Average: 2.51 M/s, 1.81 M/s and 2.18 M/s

31 Evaluation Results (3/3)
Figure: PIT access frequency speedup based on S2TA. All these results reveal that PIT can be implemented by off-the-shelf technologies.

32 Conclusion Measure the size and access frequency of a specific PIT;
Prove the feasibility of PIT with off-the-shelf technologies; Propose NCE to accelerate PIT access operations while reducing PIT size.

33 Thanks! Questions please ^_^

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