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INTEREST GROUPS. Interest Groups Economic Groups  Material incentives 1. Labor Groups 2. Business Groups 3. Agricultural Groups 4. Professional Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEREST GROUPS. Interest Groups Economic Groups  Material incentives 1. Labor Groups 2. Business Groups 3. Agricultural Groups 4. Professional Groups."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interest Groups Economic Groups  Material incentives 1. Labor Groups 2. Business Groups 3. Agricultural Groups 4. Professional Groups

3 Interest Groups Citizens Groups  Purposive Incentives  Public/Interest Groups  Broadly shared beliefs (League of Women Voters)  Single Issue Groups  (NRA, Pro-life)  Ideological Groups  Broader focus rather than single issue (NAACP, NOW, AARP)  Target a specific demographic

4 Reasons for the Rise of Interest Groups 1. Divisions in American Society  Religion, economic, ethnic, regional, social, etc. 2. U.S. Constitutional System  Many points of access to politicians 3. Social Movements 4. Growth of Government 5. Economic Development

5 5 Activities of Interest Groups 1. Old Breed Lobbying  One to one (Lobbyist to Politician)  Schmoozing  Connections

6 Activities of Interest Groups 2. Grassroots Lobbying  Centered on the people/masses  A) Petitions – American CensorshipAmerican Censorship  B)Protest/Demonstrations/Marches  C)Special Interest Groups  inform voters  Political cues  Ratings – League of Conservation VotersLeague of Conservation Voters  D) G.O.T.V.

7 Activities of Interest Groups 3. Provide information to the govt.  Congressmen/staff/Executive Office of the President/Bureaucracy/Supreme Court/Federal Courts  *Amicus Curiae Briefs  *Congressional Committees Testify/share info. Inform them of their rating system  *Help craft legislation  *Provide info. on specific topics to Congressmen who may not know a lot about it

8 Activities of Interest Groups 4. Become a PAC  *Donate to Campaigns  DEF: PAC is a special interest group that donates money to political campaigns. Registered with FEC.


10 Activities of Interest Groups 5. Litigation  ACLU  NAACP

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