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08:45-09:15Registration and opportunity for Data collection* 09:15-09:30Welcome and Introduction 09:30-10:30Group Discussion: Forming a special interest.

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Presentation on theme: "08:45-09:15Registration and opportunity for Data collection* 09:15-09:30Welcome and Introduction 09:30-10:30Group Discussion: Forming a special interest."— Presentation transcript:

1 08:45-09:15Registration and opportunity for Data collection* 09:15-09:30Welcome and Introduction 09:30-10:30Group Discussion: Forming a special interest group (SIG) (Inc: Objectives/Job allocations/committee members/future study days/ becoming affiliated to the APCP a professional network of the CSP) ) 10:30-11:00Coffee and opportunity for Data collection 11:00-12:00Lecture: Weaning from mechanical ventilation Dr Cho Ng CICU lead consultant 12:00-13:00Lecture: Understanding manual Techniques Dr Eleanor Main Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy 13:00-14:00 Lunch and opportunity for Data collection 14:00-15:30Group Discussion : PICU Competencies is there variation across units? / what standard is expected /what is the aim? Airway Suction protocols standardization across units can we achieve this and how? SIG discussion if needed 15:30-16:30 Presentation on data collection Group discussion on data collection results. Dr Harriet Shannon Research Physiotherapist. *Data collection explained: At the last study day at BCH Dr Harriet Shannon presented her research that involved physiotherapists being monitored while delivering manual hyperinflations and chest wall vibrations on patients on the PICUs. This monitoring consisted of the placement of a thin rubber mat around the chest wall that measured the force applied to the chest wall during manual techniques, and the use of a respiratory monitor placed between the ETT and the bag which measured multiple parameters including inspiratory and expiratory flows and pressures. These data were analysed and demonstrated the variety of forces which were applied to the chest wall, as well as the effect that the timing of the chest wall vibration, in relation to the manual hyperinflation breath, had on the peak expiratory flows. Following this presentation, some people expressed interest in having the chance to apply the same techniques on a mannequin to get an objective measure of their own techniques. As a result Harriet has kindly agreed to monitor and collect data on anyone who is interested, although it is not obligatory. However, due to the time needed to process the data for feedback there may only be time to monitor 10 people. Following data collection a selection of the force profiles and flow patterns will be shown at the end of the day but will not be attributed to the individual concerned. However, if those who took part would like to know what their profiles were like, Harriet would be happy to speak to them individually. Location: lecture theatre Weston House, Great Ormond Street (opposite the main entrance of the hospital).

2 For more information contact: Catherine Dunne 020 7405 9200 bleep 0656 or *See programme for more information. Simulation baby –opportunity to measure manual techniques with feedback on the results and discussion*. On-call competencies on PICU – what format should they take? can they promote safety and effectiveness? Lectures on ventilation and manual techniques. Developing a special interest group in paediatric respiratory physiotherapy- setting terms of reference and developing a committee. FREE TO ATTEND

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