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Carin Bisland, Associate Director Chesapeake Bay Program Office Environmental Protection Agency December 4, 2014 The Bay’s Health & Future: How it’s doing.

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Presentation on theme: "Carin Bisland, Associate Director Chesapeake Bay Program Office Environmental Protection Agency December 4, 2014 The Bay’s Health & Future: How it’s doing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carin Bisland, Associate Director Chesapeake Bay Program Office Environmental Protection Agency December 4, 2014 The Bay’s Health & Future: How it’s doing and What’s Next Management Strategy for the Local Leadership Outcome

2 Increase the number and diversity of local citizen stewards and local governments that actively support and carry out the conservation and restoration activities that achieve healthy streams, rivers and a vibrant Chesapeake Bay. Image Chiot’s Run/Flickr Stewardship

3 Local Leadership Outcome Continually increase the knowledge and capacity of local officials on issues related to water resources and in the implementation of economic and policy incentives that will support local conservation actions

4 In Addition... “Where appropriate, Management Strategies should describe how local governments, nonprofit and private partners will be engaged; where actions, tools or technical support are needed to empower local governments and others to do their part; and what steps will be taken to facilitate greater local participation in achieving the Outcome.” 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement

5 Two Near Term Approaches 1.Funding for Assessment of Local Leadership Development Programs 2.Workshop to get input from local leaders

6 Workshop for Local Leaders December 3, 2014 at Patuxent Wildlife Center Invitees included Local elected officials Local appointed officials Key local staff Educators for building local knowledge and capacity Signatory representatives interested in the development of this management strategy

7 Intended Outcome of the Workshop Gain insight into how participants became leaders Identify unique leadership characteristics of current leaders in local conservation actions Identify elements of and barriers to effective leadership training and education programs Gather input for the development of a management strategy for local leadership Solicit volunteers to serve as advisors.

8 + Themes: What’s in Place? -Environmental Finance Center, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, stormwater network -Internet is a good source, ie, Chesapeake Bay Program website – -Local workshops & trainings – great for learning and for transferring knowledge to other localities -Meetings held by funders – ie, NFWF, Baywide Retreat, Chesapeake Watershed Forum -Local government staff, as well as, NGO staff reaching out to local leaders and community members & groups -Peer-to-peer outreach works – need more of it -Creating Apps that engage citizens - like irivers - Still need to improve: garnering interest from people, new people understanding the “Alphabet soup” of acronyms and the inter-relatedness of programs and initiatives

9 + Addressing the Gaps Achieving the Vision 1Establish and expand natural resource leadership institute 2Enhance/create more environmental educational programs for K-12 (hands on!) 3Strengthen peer-to-peer networking 4Create more online resources 5Engage municipal and farm associations in providing more training. Include role of Nonprofit 6Capture “what’s working” across the watershed to improve knowledge transfer amongst the different regions and locations 7More programming on environmental finance 8Strengthen champions and connections within conservative political communities 9Create a certification program for design professionals and other local officials All topics should include a focus on collaboration and dialogue Think of regional approaches

10 Timeline and Process Use Workgroup to begin to frame the management strategy I Improve draft management strategy with input from workshop – (12/3 – 12/15) Get Assessment of local leadership development programs started (December-June) Fill gaps in information through research, advisors, and informal focus groups (December-March) Public input (March-April) Finalize Management Strategy (June)

11 Assessment of Local Leadership Development Programs $20,000 through the MD Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant to the Chesapeake Bay Trust. Early December, CBT will request proposals for the work. The project is intended to: identify and research existing local leadership development programs that have a focus on leadership, particularly on water resource issues provide insight into the current efforts for building local leadership in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, identify gaps in the current efforts, discover successful strategies that are being used in other places outside of the watershed

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