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Published byKiley Seales Modified over 10 years ago
Report Outline 1)Background and Method 2)Who is the VMS Shopper –Demos by segment & brand (I) –Usage/Purchase dynamics by segment & brand (A, B, C, D, ) (K, J, L1&2, M –Gateway Duraction & Types Brand gateways 3)How VMS Shoppers Shop (Trip Profile) –AMV Segment and Brands (E, F, G) (N, O, –Calcium Segment and Brands? –Supplement Segment and Brands 4)How do VMS shoppers choose a retailer? 1)VMS Derived/Stated Importance AMV Derived/Stated Importance Calcium Derived/Stated Importance Supps Derived/Stated Importance 2)Stated by brand (H) (P) 5)How Retailers Stack up? Conversion Opportunities Loyalty Opportunities Rertailer Snapshots –Walmart –Target –Walgreens –CVS –Total Food? –Online? 6)Where are potential synergies between brand and retailer opportunities? 1)AMV Shopping Styles 2)Recap of Development Opportunities across Retailers 7)Key Take-aways 2
Category Excellence Objectives: Gain an understanding of the overt and underlying drivers and barriers to VMS retailer choice. Understand the relationship between product, store and promotional activity in driving a purchase of Adult Multivitamins, Calcium and Other Nutritional Supplements. Deepen understanding of opportunities for VMS retailers: –How well are they performing on key success metrics? –What most differentiates them from competitive set? –What opportunities do they have to improve VMS shopper Conversion? –What are the opportunities for building VMS shopper loyalty 3
Study Design and Method Interviews were conducted among past 6 month vitamin, mineral and supplement shoppers, on line, using Survey Sample’s Survey Spot in May, 2011. In total 5012 VMS purchasers were interview, representing shoppers across a breadth of VMS segments: In addition to getting shopper metrics on the entire VMS category,the study comprised modules dedicated to: –Adult multivitamin shoppers –Calcium supplements shoppers –Other nutritional supplements shoppers (with focus on heart products) 4 Total VMS Buyers5012 P6M Purchased Adult Multivitamins90% Heart Health/Vit D52% Calcium Supplements40% Vitamin C37% Joint Health20% Children’s MultiVitamins20% Probiotic Supplements13%
Who is the VMS Shopper?
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 6 There are some demographic differences between segment buyer groups…
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF AMV BRAND BUYER GROUPS 7 ..and that carries down through brand buyer groups.
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE -By AMV Brand SKU- 8 tbd This has “B”’s indicated on the total AMV column – they need to be removed…this can go in an appendix
LAST TRIP PROFILE 9 The shopping trips for the three different types of products tend to be quite similar to each other. Calcium buyers tend to stay in the store longer, have a slightly larger market basket, and to buy without the use of a coupon than are users of the other two segments.
LAST MULTIVITAMIN PURCHASE TRIP PROFILE -By Specific Brands- 10 There are some differences in the shopping trips during which different brands of MV are bought. Store brand buyers travel further and shop longer than do most other buyers. For some reason both Store Brand buyers AND OAD buyers shop when they no longer have ANY product left – those buying Broad Line Nutritional Supplement branded MV’s, and Centrum are more likely to buy when they still have more than a few day supply.
LAST MULTIVITAMIN PURCHASE TRIP PROFILE -By AMV Brand SKU- 11 The OAD Woman’s shopper spends some more time in the store than do other shopper groups – and they have a larger market baskedt Make sure all of the mean numbers are consistent decimal places… High
LAST CALCIUM PURCHASE TRIP PROFILE -By Specific Brands Bought- 12 As was the case for MV’s, Store Brand Calcium buyers spend more time getting to the store than do other buyers – and store brand buyers are ALSO more likely to buy when they have a few day plus supply at home.
FOR WHO BOUGHT ADULT MV/CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS/NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS 14 Regardless of segment, the overwhelming majority of buyers are buying for themselves – but there is a high level among all shoppers of buying for others.
HEALTH CONCERNS SUMMARY OF EXTREMELY/VERY CONCERNED AMONG MV BRAND USER GROUPS 15 The primary concerns among ALL brand user groups are heart related and skeletal in nature. Value brand buyers, particularly store brand buyers, seem less concerned than do national brand buyers… High cholesterol High blood pressure/hypertension Prostate Cancer Bone Health/Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Low energy Sleep problems Prostate problems Colon Cancer PMS Vitamin D deficiency Constipation/irregularity Kidney issues Pregnancy/Childbirth Complications Lactose intolerance National Brand (D) Broad Line (E) Store Brand (F) OAD (G) Centrum (H) F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F H H G G G Q22
HEALTH CONCERNS SUMMARY OF EXTREMELY/VERY CONCERNED 16 Generally, Store Brand calcium buyers are less concerned about a large number of concerns than are buyers of OTHER brands. Of note, the high level of arthritis concern among Broad Line Nutritional Supp brand (and Citracal) buyers. Q22 How come MV is graphs, and ca is not?
TYPES OF VITAMINS, MINERALS OR SUPPLEMENTS BOUGHT IN P6M 17 AMV users are less likely to use most other supps than are users Calcium or Supp buyers and only half of the “other supp” buyers use MV’s, opting for single letter vitamins instead. Q5a MV’s are the “gateway” Supp users have “graduated”
TYPES OF VMS BOUGHT BY P6M MULTIVITAMIN BRAND USERS 18 OAD users seem to be more reliant on their MV’s than are other brand users….and users of the broad scale NS brand MV’s tend to be using the broadest array of products. National Brand (D) Broad Line (E) Store Brand (F) OAD (G) Centrum (H) DF F D D F F F F H G G Any Supplement (including calcium) Vitamin C Vitamin D Calcium supplements Heart Health Supplements Joint Health Supplements Other Single vitamins Weight Supplements Memory Supplements Immunity Health Supplements Probiotic supplements Children's chewable/gummy mv’s Other VMS DF D D D D G G G G G Q5a Average # Bought3.33.13.3 G 4.1 DFGH 3.4 DG
TYPES OF VMS BOUGHT IN P6M -By AMV Brand SKU 19 OAD buyers tend to use more types of supps than do base Centrum buyers,
TYPES OF VMS BOUGHT BY P6M CALCIUM BRAND USERS 20 There is a strong relationship between purchase of Citracal and use of heart health supplements. And, as in MV, the Broad Line brand buyer is most category involved. Q5a
FREQUENCY BUY VITAMINS, MINERALS OR SUPPLEMENTS/HOW MANY DAYS IN AN AVERAGE WEEK USE 21 Regardless of category, VMS users claim to buy the category about 10 times a year. Compliance seems fairly universal, with a CLAIMED frequency of once a day for all three categories. Q5a2 & 5c
FREQUENCY BUY VMS BY MULTIVITAMIN BRAND USERS 22 Value brand users are, on average, less frequent buyers than are national brand buyers. National Brand (D) Broad Line (E) Store Brand (F) OAD (G) Centrum (H) Heavy (Once a month+) Once every 2 - 3 months Light (Once every 4-6 months or less) EF F D DE Q5a2
FREQUENCY BUY VMS -By AMV Brand SKU- 23 Those buying OAD baseline products claim to be buying 15% - 20% more frequently than those buying base Centrum – and about 40% more often than the “typical” AMV buyer,
FREQUENCY BUY VITAMINS, MINERALS OR SUPPLEMENTS BY CALCIUM BRAND BUYER GROUPS 24 Store brand calcium buyers are less frequent VMS buyers than are buyers of nationally branded products OR buyers of the Broad Line Nutritional Supplement brands of calcium. National Brand (P) Broad Line (Q) Store Brand (R) Citracal (S) Caltrate (T) Once every 2 - 3 months R R PQ Heavy (Once a month+) Light (Once every 4-6 months or less) Q5a2
AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS USE PRODUCTS AMONG AMV BRAND BUYERS 25 Overall, multivitamin users claim to take the product 7 days a week – with a meaningful proportion claiming more than once a day usage. There is no meaningful difference by brand user group. Q5c
AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS USE PRODUCTS AMONG CALCIUM BRAND BUYER GROUPS 26 Calcium buyers say they use the category 7 times a day – the same frequency that MV buyers say they use MV’s. Those buying products made by the broad line nutritional supp brands are slightly heavier users than are other brand buyers. Q5c
AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS USE SUPPLEMENT PRODUCTS 27 Nature’s Bounty users seem to be consistently more frequent users of ALL supps than are users of Nature Made. Q5c
STORES SHOPPED VMS IN P6M 28 Calcium buyers shop in fewer stores than do buyers of other supplements – a probable reflection of their life stage rather than anything category specific.
STORES SHOPPED VMS IN P6M 29 Store brand buyers tend to have a smaller pool of stores that they shop in than do users of other brands.
STORES SHOPPED VMS IN P6M 30 Within the world of calcium buyers, store brand buyers reflect the same pattern of shopping in fewer stores than do buyers of other brands. Q6A
How do VMS Shoppers Shop?
32 Those buying Broad Line NS brand calcium supplements or Centrum are significantly more likely to check for coupons and/or refer to a store circular before making their purchase. Of note, OAD buyers are more likely to seek guidance on-line than are Centrum buyers. National Brand (D) Broad Line (E) Store Brand (F) OAD (G) Centrum (H) F F F F H G Checked for coupons Checked a store circular Made a shopping list On-Line Used a computer to get online information Talked to doctor/nurse Talked to friend Used smart phone to get online information None of these DE E G EF DF F F F F H H ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO MOST RECENT MULTIVITAMIN PURCHASE -By Specific Brands- Q8a3
DEPARTMENTS PLANNING TO SHOP IN WHEN LAST BOUGT MULTIVITAMINS -By Specific Brands- 34 When consumers shop for multivitamins they are most likely to link that shopping trip to the purchase of food products and personal care items. OAD tends to be bought on “typical” multivitamin shopping trips. National Brand (D) Broad Line (E) Store Brand (F) OAD (G) Centrum (H) G E EF D E F H Packaged foods Personal care items Perishable foods Household cleaning products Over the counter medicine Paper goods Pharmacist/pharmacy department Clothing Baby products/diapers Housewares or appliances Q8a3
DEPARTMENTS PLANNING TO SHOP IN 35 There are some subtle differences in the shopping trips where the different types of supps are bought. Supp buyers are least likely to shop personal care and packaged food sections than are AMV and calcium buyers, Q8a3
OVERALL RATING OF EXPERIENCE OF BUYING IN VARYING STORES SUMMARY OF EXCELLENT/VERY GOOD 37 Consumers generally find that all of the major retailers provide a positive category shopping experience. Buyers of AMV and Calcium are somewhat more favorable to a number of stores than are the supp buyers. Q7b ++ = Base too small too show
CONSUMER SHOPPING STYLES BY BRAND OF AMV PURCHASED 38 There are some subtle but meaningful differences in the shopping styles of AMV shoppers based on brands bought. National brand buyers are generally more product focused than are other brand buyers, OAD buyers have a combined store and product focus exceeded only by store band buyers…Those who are exclusively driven by price tend to be buyers of the broad line supplement brands.
CONSUMER SHOPPING STYLES BY AMV PRODUCT BOUGHT 39 While OAD Woman’s buyers are price focused, they are far more likely to be price AND product focused than are Centrum base buyers – and the same holds true for OAD 50+ buyers vs. Centrum Silver.
SEVEN CALCIUM SHOPPING STYLES 40 Shopper profiles of Calcium buyers do not differ dramatically. National brand buyers are likely to be store/price focused than are other shoppers. Store Brand shoppers, interestingly are driven by the specific product as well as price. Citracal buyers are strongly underrepresented among the product/price shoppers.
PREFERRED PLACE TO PURCHASE -By AMV Brand SKU- 41 This should be shown with the same stores in the same way that we are showing the last purchase where bought part…
AGREEMENT WITH “I BELIEVE MY BODY HAS DIFFERENT NEEDS AT DIFFERENT AGES, SO I WANT A MULTIVITAMIN MADE FOR SOMEONE MY AGE” -By AMV Product Purchased- 42 While it would be expected that buyers of 50+ products agree with the need for age customization, a large minority of OAD Women’s buyers feel the same way. This should go in the “who is the buyer” part…..and the total VMS should be removed – not relevant – should be removed from ALL tables with MV specific questions the b and c stat testing letters in col a need to be removed
AMV SEGMENTS -By AMV Brand SKU- 43 There are strong relationships between MV segment membership and the products ACTUALLY purchased. Add the slide for total brand stuff right before this – put right after the demos in the “who is the buyer: section. Try to group like segments together – Remiss reactor women right near men, for example
How do VMS Shoppers Choose a Retailer?
47 VMS DERIVED IMPORTANCE Driving VMS conversion requires delivering on store-wide and modular-specific benefits. The top drivers of VMS retailer choice represent the most motivating levers a retailer can activate among Duals. But the levers vary depending upon the segment...
48 AMV/CALCIUM/OTHER SUPPLEMENTS DERIVED IMPORTANCE Although each segment has a different mix of key motivators, key drivers across segments concern overall store experience, assortment and health and wellness expertise. Use version WITH Store brand attributes in it
49 STATED VS. DERIVED IMPORTANCE FOR AMV STORE SELECTION STATED IMPORTANCE DERIVED IMPORTANCE Adult Multi-Vitamins Having a wide assortment of high-quality AMV products is essential to driving AMV shoppers to a store. Hidden motivators for AMV include being a trusted health & wellness source and having a pleasant, easy-to-navigate environment and offer good customer service. In AMV, low pricing & good deals are assumed benefits across VMS retailers. HIDDEN MOTIVATOR The store has good customer service (STORE)The store usually has available AMV I am looking for The store offers a pleasant shopping experience (STORE)The store carries high quality VMS The store I can trust for health and wellness information (STORE) The store makes it easy to find the AMV I am looking for (AMV) The store carries a variety of new and unique VMS (AMV) The store makes it easy to find the sections I want to shop (STORE) Is a store I can trust for health and wellness products (AMV) LESS IMPORTANT The store has good sales on VMS (AMV)The VMS are always in good condition (AMV) The store has low prices on all products (STORE) The store is located close to my home or workplace (STORE) The store has low prices for VMS (AMV) I shop there for other items (AMV) The store often has items on sale or special deal (STORE) The store lets me do all my shopping in one place (STORE) The store has a broad selection of brands, types and forms of AMV The store has wide mix of different departments to shop in (STORE) The store carries a variety of new and unique products (STORE) The store has a good 'frequent-shopper card' program (STORE) CONSCIOUS MOTIVATORS PRICE OF ENTRY DERIVED IMPORTANCE Relative to Supplements, the overall store is more critical in AMV. Use version WITH Store brand attributes in it
50 STATED VS. DERIVED IMPORTANCE FOR CALCIUM STORE SELECTION DERIVED IMPORTANCE STATED IMPORTANCE Calcium Calcium shoppers appear motivated by desire for product choice: they desire breadth of selection of high-quality, new and unique VMS, available in many brands, types and forms. In Calcium, while “good sales” is a cost-of-entry benefit, the promise of “low pricing” for VMS items attracts Calcium shopper to the store. Relative to other segments, Calcium is more about quality and diversity of product offerings. Use version WITH Store brand attributes in it
51 STATED VS. DERIVED IMPORTANCE FOR OTHER SUPPLEMENTS STORE SELECTION STATED IMPORTANCE DERIVED IMPORTANCE Other Supplements Other Supplement shoppers demand more VMS expertise: they want a VMS retailer they can trust for health and wellness information, and to provide good customer service, They seek high-quality products and a selection of new and unique items. Unlike with other segments, “good sales” are particularly motivating to Other Supplement shoppers. Relative to other segments, retailer choice in Supplements is more about health and wellness expertise. Use version WITH Store brand attributes in it
STATED IMPORTANCE* SUMMARY OF EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BY SEGMENT BUYER GROUP 52 There are a number of characteristics that are more important to calcium buyers than they are to other buyers….notably price related and store image. Supp buyers share Calcium buyers low price interest – but more everyday low price than promotion. Q12a/13a * Attributes arranged in descending order of derived importance
STATED IMPORTANCE * SUMMARY OF EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BY MULTIVITAMIN BUYER GROUPS 53 Store brand MV buyers are generally less likely to find any of the characteristics extremely important. On a relative basis they are move motivated by low prices (NOT deals) and retail availability of what they are looking for. OAD buyers are more interested than others in a pleasant shopping experience and a store that is easy to navigate. Q12a/13a * Attributes arranged in descending order of derived importance
54 Appendix? Q12a/13a STATED IMPORTANCE * SUMMARY OF EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BY CALCIUM BUYER GROUPS * Attributes arranged in descending order of derived importance
Key Findings Implications Opportunity Price/promotion To be chosen for VMS, a retailer must do at least these four things well... “Sales” will be most effective in Other Supps; “Low prices” in calcium. And AMV is not the segment In which to heavily promote. Role of price differs from segment to segment Assortment A maximized assortment will include premium products as well as value brands that are perceived as “high quality.” Leverage form innovations, across VMS but particularly in Calcium. Across VMS segments, shoppers seek high quality, new, and unique VMS. Heath & Wellness VMS expertise is not enough – Retailers must build credentials as partners in shoppers health and wellness pursuits Health and Wellness is a critical driver, especially in AMV. VMS shoppers seek a retailer that is a credible source of Health and Wellness information and of trustworthy products Overall Store Experience Customer service is # 1 (in both AMV and Other Supps) and among the top 10 drivers in Calcium.. Relationships with VMS shoppers extend beyond the modular. Corporate support is necessary for effective conversion strategies. 55
How Retailers Stack Up
Costco sets a gold standard in satisfying its VMS shoppers. Key customers have stiff competition from specialty retailers who dominate? In VMS. Overall Ranking Based on % Excellent/Very Good Costco1 Target2 Kroger3 Sam's4 Publix5 Whole Foods6 Walmart7 BJ's8 Walgreen's9 CVS10 GNC11 Vitamin Shoppe12 Rite-Aid13 Kmart14 VMS Ranking Based on % Excellent/Very Good Costco1 Whole Foods2 BJ's3 Sam's4 GNC5 Vitamin Shoppe6 Target7 Walgreen's8 CVS9 Publix10 Walmart11 Rite-Aid12 Kroger13 Kmart14 57
HOW RETAILERS STACK UP (ON MOST MOTIVATING ATTRIBUTES) (Among the Store’s Unconverted Shoppers) 12b.Now we would like you to rate the stores listed below on each of the following items. 13b. Now we would like you to rate the (AMV/Calc/Other Supps) section of the stores listed below on each of the following items. 58 Walmart is also relatively weak among... To strengthen conversion, Walmart needs most to improve its image for providing good customer service and having health and wellness expertise. Impor- tance Rank Ensure VMS Level
59 Walmart is relatively weak on the most motivating driver of VMS retailer choice. Impor- tance Rank Walmart is also relatively weak among... To strengthen conversion, Walmart needs most to improve its image for providing good customer service and having health and wellness expertise. HOW RETAILERS STACK UP (ON MOST MOTIVATING ATTRIBUTES (Among Current VMS (AM? Data ?) Shoppers) Ensure VMS Level
Top LeversRankTargetCostcoGroceryDrug Vitamin SpecialtyOnline Has good customer service 1 -- Carries a variety of new and unique VMS 2 +++=-- Is a trusted source of health and wellness products 3 ==+-- Carries high quality VMS 4 ==+=-- Is a trusted source for health and wellness information 5 +=+--++ Has available the VMS that I am looking for 6 ====-- Makes it easy to find the product 7 =====-- Good VMS sales 8 +++--= Makes it easy to find category 9 ++++++ 60 Walmart’s Strengths and Opportunities (among total VMS shoppers) Add Walmart column in. Put in percents? Store brand atts should be missing from this perspective Need to do for Target, Walgreens & CVS
CVS Overview: Shopper Dynamics Brand Development (relative to key FDM competitors) One A DayM CentrumH Nature’s Bounty? Store BrandM Segment Development (relative to key FDM competitors) Adult MultisMH Kids MultisM CalciumM HeartM Probiotics M What differentiates a Drugstore VMS Trip? Quick trips (17-18 min) to nearby stores (less than 10 min away) Shoppers more likely to check for coupons look at circulars, and know the store for its sales. Shoppers more likely to be on a pharmacy trip (though still only a minority of time (20% vs. 15% across all stores)) What differentiates CVS shopper from Walgreens shopper More likely to use frequent shopper cards. More likely to be on pharmacy trip More likely to be engaged in digital activities as part of VMS trip.
CVS Overview: Shopper Dynamics Brand Development (relative to key FDM competitors) One A DayM CentrumH Nature’s Bounty? Store BrandM Segment Development (relative to key FDM competitors) Adult MultisMH Kids MultisM CalciumM HeartM Probiotics M What differentiates a Drugstore VMS Trip? Quick trips (17-18 min) to nearby stores (less than 10 min away) Shoppers more likely to check for coupons look at circulars, and know the store for its sales. Shoppers more likely to be on a pharmacy trip (though still only a minority of time (20% vs. 15% across all stores)) What differentiates CVS from Walgreens More likely to use frequent shopper cards. More likely to be on pharmacy trip.
Top LeversRankTargetCostcoGroceryDrug Vitamin SpecialtyOnline Has good customer service 1 -- Carries a variety of new and unique VMS 2 +++=-- Is a trusted source of health and wellness products 3 ==+-- Carries high quality VMS 4 ==+=-- Is a trusted source for health and wellness information 5 +=+--++ Has available the VMS that I am looking for 6 ====-- Makes it easy to find the product 7 =====-- Good VMS sales 8 +++--= Makes it easy to find category 9 ++++++ 63 CVS Strengths and Opportunities (among total VMS shoppers) Add Walmart column in. Put in percents? Store brand atts should be missing from this perspective Need to do for Target, Walgreens & CVS
HOW RETAILERS ARE PERCEIVED (Among The Unconverted- Shop for Anything But Do NOT Buy VMS At Stores) 12b.Now we would like you to rate the stores listed below on each of the following items. 13b. Now we would like you to rate the (AMV/Calc/Other Supps) section of the stores listed below on each of the following items. 65 CVS shoppers who do NOT shop for VMS in the store apparently have fairly strong perceptions of the store as a place to shop VMS.
Overarching Retailer Insights Target shopper IS involved in the category, just not at Target. Need better link to H&W to convert more VMS shoppers. Walgreens is relatively strong where it counts. While no one owns the H&W white space, this retailer is best poised for the opportunity. Walmart needs to bring the VMS shopping experience up to par with rest of store. Strengths to leverage are in new/unique and findability.
Potential Synergies between Brand and Retailer Opportunities
68 VMS buyers went through a selection process to let us figure out what five specific factors drives their purchase decisions. The factors were: Store Brand Size Price/Promotion Loyalty overlay Consumers were shown a number of alternative types of purchases occasions. The stores that were shown to any respondent were limited to the stores in that respondent’s consideration set. They saw up to 12 scenarios at a time, and were asked to allocate 5 purchases across the featured alternatives (or if they would not, in fact buy ANY ) – EXAMPLE ON NEXT PAGE
69 What consumers saw….
72 SEVEN SHOPPING STYLES Different value-drivers for different shoppers. StyleExplanationSize (% of AMV Shoppers) More likely to shop More likely to buy More likely to be Product & Store Will pass up a deal/low price to get preferred Product at preferred Store. 22%WalmartOne-A-Day & SB 50+ adults (average education & income) Price & Store Switches between Products to get a good price at preferred Stores. 20%Walmart & Food Broad Line 35+ adults, less educated, lower income Price & Product Switches between Stores to get a good Price on preferred Products. 20%(No skews)Centrum 35-49 married females, higher income Deal- focused Switches between Stores and Products to get a good Deal (sometimes passing up the lowest price). 12%Walgreens & Vit. Spec. (No skews) 35+ males (average education & income) Product- focused Stick with their preferred Product at whichever Store and Price. 9%TargetOne-A-Day & Centrum Under 35, higher income adults, with larger households Price- focused Switches between Stores and Products to get the lowest Price (sometimes passing up deals.) 9%CVS & Vit. Spec. Broad Line Under 50, kids in the house Store- focused Stick with their preferred Store and accept the product and price they get there. 7%Walmart & Walgreens Centrum Under 35, lower income and ethnically diverse
74 MOST DIFFERENTIATING CHARACTERISTICS OF P6M VMS STORE SHOPPERS Walmart shoppers are more likely to spend more time, appreciate low prices and plan Food & Personal Care purchases...
75 MOST DIFFERENTIATING CHARACTERISTICS OF P6M VMS STORE SHOPPERS (Continued) Walmart shoppers are also less likely to use coupons, to stock up or to buy Calcium.
76 Under 5 minutes 5-9 minutes 10-14 minutes 15-24 minutes 25+ minutes Under 9 minutes 10-19 minutes 20-29 minutes 30-39 minutes 40+ minutes Low everyday prices on all products Items on sale or special deal Don't know store's approach to pricing 1-34-1011-1516-25Over 25 None Enough for a few days Enough for more than a few days YesNo Base: 3507 Q.8b2 Thinking about the last time you purchased adult multivitamins at (INSERT MOST RECENT STORE FROM 6b/c), Please describe that shopping trip by checking ONE box for each characteristic below. PROFILE OF LAST ADULT MV SHOPPING TRIP Mean # of Minutes 13 33 Create for Calcium & Supps
PROFILE OF LAST ADULT MV SHOPPING TRIP Among Total AMV Shoppers 77 I only had one brand in mind I had more than one brand in mind I didn't have any specific brand in mind Number of Brands ConsideredInformation Sources Utilized Checked for coupons Checked a store circular Made a shopping list Used a computer to get online information Used smart phone to get online information Health websites Product websites Retailer websites Shopping websites Talked to friend Talked to doctor/nurse Other Departments Planning To Shop In Base: 3507 Q.8a2 Please indicate which one of the following phrases best describes how mbrands you considered before making your most recent purchase of adult multivitamins. Q.8a3/a4 Which if of the following things did you do to help you make your most recent purchase of adult multivitamins? Which if of the following kinds of websites did you check to help make your most recent purchase of adult multivitamins? Q.8b1 Please think back to the circumstances of your most recent shopping trip when you bought adult multivitamins. Before getting to the store that day, in which of the following departments were you PLANNING to shop? Online 12%
PROXIMITY TO STORE 78 Under 5 minutes 5-9 minutes 10-14 minutes 15-19 minutes 20-24 minutes Mean # of Minutes 10.9 Time spent To Get There: 25+ minutes 14.1 13.4 8.4 9.8 Continued…
PROXIMITY TO STORE (CONTINUED) 79 Under 5 minutes 5-9 minutes 10-14 minutes 15-19 minutes 20-24 minutes Mean # of Minutes 10.9 Time spent To Get There: 25+ minutes 9.6 17.8 17.2 13.2
81 RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF FACTORS Q.8 These numbers above explain % of variance. Red/green indicates statistically sig. differences vs. the complement group (which is not shown).
84 OVERALL EXPERIENCE OF STORE(S) SHOPPED IN P6M - Summary of Excellent - Q.4b/7b
88 SIZE OF THE SEGMENTS Deal Price Product & Price Product Store & Product Store & Price Store Those who bought AMV in Walmart past 6 Mos are more driven by the Store (alone and in combination with Price & Product) than Total AMV purchasers. Few shoppers are driven solely by Price and/or Deal, even among Walmart shoppers.
89 SEVEN SHOPPING STYLES Total With each style, shoppers have different value-drivers.
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