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Sexual Health & Well-Being TM A New Approach to Men’s Sexual Health Medical Marketing Division of FastSize LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Health & Well-Being TM A New Approach to Men’s Sexual Health Medical Marketing Division of FastSize LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Health & Well-Being TM A New Approach to Men’s Sexual Health Medical Marketing Division of FastSize LLC

2 Peyronie’s Disease A new non-invasive approach offering clinically proven results.

3 About Peyronie’s Disease  Identified in 16th Century  Thought to be 3% of population  Now known to be 10%+  Average practice sees 5-10 patients a month

4 About Peyronie’s Disease  Disease presents as a fibrotic plaque or mass within the tunica albuginea and is usually of unknown etiology. It is believed to be the result of trauma to the flaccid or erect penis such as blunt force or extreme bending.  Plaque can be painful during initial development (not in every case) and will prevent expansion of surrounding tissue during the erection process

5 About Peyronie’s Disease Dorsal plaque creates upward curvature

6 About Peyronie’s Disease  Lack of expansion causes curvature in the erect penis  Dorsal plaques will cause upward curve, ventral will cause downward. Lateral curvature is also common.  Curvatures may increase during initial development of active plaque and can reach 90º or more.  Severe curvatures will make intercourse impossible.

7 Peyronie’s Disease Treatment  No treatment available in the past  Recent treatments started with topical creams and oral supplements such as Verapamil cream and Vitamin E  No evidence that these treatments work  Surgery has proven successful

8 Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Penile traction  Weights and stretching devices have been used to achieve penile enlargement. European physicians noted that correction of Peyronie’s curvatures was occurring as well.

9 Peyronie’s Disease Treatment The fsPhysioMed Extender  fsPhysioMed designed the Extender device for curvature correction and non-surgical phalloplasty to medically acceptable standards.

10 Peyronie’s Disease Treatment The fsPhysioMed Extender

11 FS PhysioMed Extender™  The FS Extender package includes.  Carry case, manual, Extender, tension bands, extender segments, extra band cushions

12 FS PhysioMed Extender How Applied

13 Peyronie’s Disease Treatment The fsPhysioMed Extender  fsPhysioMed used The Medway Research Institute to design a proof of concept clinical trial for the device. Dr. Laurence Levine of Rush Medical University agreed to be Principal Investigator.


15 The fsPhysioMed Extender Clinical Trial Results:  100% of subjects received some measure of curvature improvement  Improvement ranged from 10% to 45% of original curvature  All patients also experienced increases in girth and length - some up to 2.5cm  Results stable after six months

16 The Medway Peyronie’s Treatment Protocol  Developed by MRI and Dr. Levine following trial results  Provides three step treatment  1 Active with significant pain to palpitation  2 Duration of less than one year, not a candidate for surgery  3 Stable with greater than 30 degre curve  Includes educational materials for physician & patient  Forms and procedures for standardized treatment

17 The Medway Peyronie’s Treatment Protocol The Protocol is a graduated procedural approach to treatment beginning with the least invasive recommendations when patients present with mild cases of the disease, to surgical solutions for cases that do not respond to less invasive treatment.  An Information Sheet on the protocol is available

18  Physician Materials  Professional books  Standard forms  Injection video instruction  Billing codes  file copies of all patient materials  Secure Internet consultations and FAQs  Patient Contact Service The Medway Peyronie’s Treatment Protocol

19  Patient Materials  fsPhysioMed Extender package & materials  Educational books  Secure Internet FAQs and email  Contact Service

20 The Medway Peyronie’s Treatment Protocol  Business Information  Sixteen week protocol:  Weekly visits (local patient) generates up to $6000.00 in billable fees (codes provided)  Monthly visits (distant patient) generates up to $3000.00 in billable fees (codes provided)  Contact Service recommended for distant patients to ensure compliance which is key to results.

21 What Physicians are saying about fsPhysioMed



24 Strategic Alliances  The Association for Peyronie’s Disease Advocates –As the leading advocacy group for Peyronie’s, the APDA is networked with major medical organizations. FastSize is an APDA sponsor and our educational materials are endorsed and used by the organization.

25 Strategic Alliances  Special promotional work ranges from The Tim Conway radio show: “Sexual Healing”  Co-marketing with best selling medical author, Dr. Steven Lamm, author of “The Hardness Factor”

26 Future Products  The FS Extender™ PTD medical grade  The FS Enhancer™ for Men  The FS Enhancer™ for Women  The FS EQM™  FS PhysioMed Topicals, Herbals & Nutraceuticals  Educational & Multi-media Products

27 FsPhysioMed EQM™  FS EQM- Erectile Quality Monitor - provides patients for the first time with a direct and easy way of determining, and then subsequently monitoring, their erectile quality.  One of the first indicators of the onset of serious medical conditions and declining penile health.  The device will be marketed in co-operation with Dr. Steven Lamm and Spain’s leading sexual health company UROAN21

28 FsPhysioMed Enhancer™  The FS Enhancer is the latest product to be developed by FSPhysioMed.  Now in prototype production & patented.  Designed to offer a revolutionary new treatment modality for promotion of penile tissue health and erectile dysfunction by using clinically proven LED technology to increase NO levels in penile tissue.

29 PhysioMed Nutraceuticals  Daily additions are being made to a complete line of supportive after-market products to enhance the patient experience with FS PhysioMed products.  These range from moisturizers and cleaning kits, to clinically tested herbals and compounds.

30 About fsPhsyioMed Manufacturing  FS PhysioMed is a fully enabled manufacturing company in the medical device field using offshore production facilities.  This includes product registration for “CE” mark in Europe and Canada  And FDA requirements for the US

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