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Fleabane (Conyza (formerly Erigeron) canadensis L.) Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY- see-ee) – In the aster or daisy family but was in the Compositae family.

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1 Fleabane (Conyza (formerly Erigeron) canadensis L.) Family: Asteraceae (ass-ter-AY- see-ee) – In the aster or daisy family but was in the Compositae family. Alternative Pronunciation: ass-ter-AY-see- ay Genus: Conyza (kon-NY-zuh) – Is from the Greek “konops” (flea), used by Pliny as a name for a fleabane. Species: canadensis (ka-na-DEN- sis) – Means from or of Canada. Also known as dwarf horseweed and hogweed.

2 Fleabane The leaves are alternate, oblong to lance- shaped, 2 to 10 cm long. The lower leaves have a short stalk while the upper leaves have no stalk. The leaves may cause skin irritations for some people and animals. The flowers appear as numerous flower heads, 3 to 5 mm across with white to yellow short ray florets with a yellow centre. A single seed is produced by each flower floret.

3 Common Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus) Family: Asteraceae Genus: Erigeron (er-IJ-er-on) – Is from the Greek eri- (early) or ēr (spring) and geron (old man) or genia (born), referring to the flowers occuring in spring turning gray like hair. Species: philadepphicus (phil a del fic–ia) named after city of Philadelphicia but may derive from Greek philad ĕlphŏs, which is a Greek and Roman family name meaning loving one’s sister or brother. Also called Philadelphia Fleabane

4 Common Fleabane Fleabane is a native biennial or short-lived perennial in the aster family. The flowers close at night. Fleabane looks like a daisy. Other common names are Philadelphia daisy and Philadelphia fleabane. In Altona Forest it is found in open fields around the parking lot and regeneration area in the north as well as along Altona Road in the ditch.

5 Common Fleabane The base of the leaves clasp the stem which is a distinguishing characteristic from other fleabanes. They have hairy, alternate leaves that can be oval or lance- shaped with a pointed tip. The lowest leaves grow in a basal rosette and are coarse serrate, spatulate, about 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. They are rounded to acute at the apex. Leaves further up are alternate, hairy, oblong-lanceolate, clasp the stem, are scattered, mostly untoothed to serrate. They are 3 to 9 cm long, no stalk, tapering into a winged stalk.

6 Common Fleabane The stems grow to 75 cm, fistulose, covered with long, fine, soft hairs, ribbed, erect, herbaceous, single or multiple from the base, branching near the top.

7 Common Fleabane The flowers grow in clusters, with several clusters per plant. The flowerheads are 1.5 to 3 cm across, pink, pale pink to pale magenta or white rays around a yellow disk. Flowers appear from April to July. The ray flowers are over 100 per flower, fertile and pistillate. The disk flowers are about 1 cm broad. The disk corollas are 5-lobed and yellow at the apex with some white at the base.

8 Common Fleabane Many years ago a medicinal tea was made from common fleabane. It was used as a diuretic and astringent and to treat kidney stones, diarrhea, and diabetes. When fleabane is burned an oily smoke is created. This smoke repels insects like fleas. The leaves contain tannins which can be used to protect cuts from infection and promote skin healing. A tincture made form it can be used to soothe sore throats. Caution should be taken as some people have a reaction to handling the plant.

9 Common Fleabane White-tailed deer like to eat fleabane.

10 Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers) Genus: Erigeron (er-IJ-er-on) Species: annuus (AN-yoo-us) The daisy fleabane is in the aster family. It is a native annual or sometimes biennial reaching 30 to 60 cm high with prominent white and yellow flowers. In Altona Forest, it is found in the open fields or regeneration area to the north. Another common name is annual fleabane. Family: Asteraceae Genus: Erigeron (er-IJ-er-on) – Is from the Greek eri- (early) or ēr (spring) and geron (old man) or genia (born), referring to the flowers occuring in spring turning gray like hair. Species: annuus (an u us) meaning annual.

11 Daisy Fleabane This plant is hairy and very leafy. The leaves are alternate, simple and some have winged petioles. Basal leaves are egg-shaped (ovate) or widest near the middle and tapering to both ends. Lowest leaves have petioles and are up to 10cm long. Upper leaves are sessile, non-clasping, linear to lanceolate, with ciliate margins, and up to 9cm long. All leaves are prominently toothed and pubescent above and below. The leaves have a lot of variation in the number of teeth on the margins and the overall shape. The stems are solid, erect, branched with many soft hairs and up to 1.5m tall.

12 Daisy Fleabane The aster-like flower have 40 to 70 rays. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by moths, butterflies and bees. The flower head is made up of outer ray flowers and an inner core of disc flowers. The ray flowers are pistillate, white to pinkish or light purple, linear, threadlike, about 1 cm long and glabrous. The disk flowers are about 1 cm broad. The corollas are yellow and about 2- 3 mm long. It has no sepals.

13 Daisy Fleabane The fruit are pale brown achenes which are shiny, very small and with a tuft of white bristles. The white-tailed deer of Altona Forest eat this plant. The flowers, which bloom from June to October, are arranged in clusters forming a flat-topped inflorescence, with the outer flowers opening first (corymb). This fleabane is distinguished by its non-clasping ovate-lanceolate basal leaves and linear-lanceolate upper leaves, some of which are coarsely toothed; the spreading hairs on the solid stem; and its flowerhead less than 3 cm wide with numerous white rays around a yellow center.

14 To Return to the Plant List Click on the Trout Lily Below To end this program click on this box.

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