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Swine (Pig) Production. Main Purpose – to produce pork for Human consumption.

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Presentation on theme: "Swine (Pig) Production. Main Purpose – to produce pork for Human consumption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swine (Pig) Production

2 Main Purpose – to produce pork for Human consumption

3 Introduction Top 3 Countries in hog production –1.China –2. Russia –3. Unites States

4 Introduction United States- Leading Hog Producing States: –1. Iowa –2. North Carolina –3. Oklahoma –4. South Dakota –*Leading States are due to the direct relation with the Corn Belt.

5 Swine (Pig) Production Terms for Understanding Castration – the removal of testicles from the male swine for the purpose of improving feed conversion, disposition and meat quality

6 Swine (Pig) Production Terms for Understanding Boar – A male pig not castrated that is used for breeding purposes Barrow - A male pig that IS castrated that is entirely meant for pork production

7 Swine (Pig) Production Terms for Understanding Sow – A female pig that has already produced a litter of baby pigs Gilt - A female pig that has NOT produced a litter of baby pigs

8 Breeds Of Swine

9 Duroc Origin-New York/New Jersey Ears- Droopy Color- Cherry Red Misc.-Large Frame, Fast gainers, good mothers, Popular breed

10 Hampshire Origin-Kentucky Ears-Erect Color-Black with a White Belt Misc.-The “Meat Breed” Excellent Carcass

11 Berkshire Origin- England Ears-Erect Color-Black with 6 White Points Misc.-Short Snout, Meat type hog

12 Poland China Origin-Ohio Ears-Droopy Color- Black w/6White points Misc.-Long body thick hams

13 Spots (Spotted Poland China) Origin-Ohio Ears-Droopy Color-no less than 20% or more than 80% White Misc.-Good mothers, fast gainers

14 Chester White Origin- Pennsylvania Ears-Droopy Color-White with blue freckles Misc.-good mothers, large frame

15 Yorkshire Origin-England Ears-Erect Color- White Misc.-The Mother Breed, Largest Litters

16 Landrace Origin- Denmark Ears-Droopy Color-White Misc.-Extremely Long Body

17 Swine Reproduction Estrus  The period of time a sow is receptive to the male for breeding purposes  Comes every 21 days  Last for 3 days  Ovulation (egg production) occurs

18 Swine Reproduction Gestation  The time between fertilization and giving birth (parturition)  114 Day or  3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days

19 Swine Reproduction Farrowing Baby Pig Care - first 2 weeks  Give iron shot ¼ cc  Clip Teeth  Castrate  Ear notch

20 Swine Reproduction Ear Notching  Universal Swine Identification system  Tags will come off in the feed pen

21 Swine Reproduction Ear Notching

22 Swine Reproduction Ear Notching

23 Swine Reproduction Ear Notching The right (litter) ear is equal to 9+3+3+1=16 The left (pig) ear is equal to 3 This is the 16-3 pig.


25 The End

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