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Making Proud Choices Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Making Proud Choices Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Proud Choices Jeopardy

2 Making Proud Choices Jeopardy
THIS IS Making Proud Choices Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... YOUR NAME

4 Jeopardy Condoms HIV Facts STD Facts Condom Use Prevention Transmission 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 What does AIDS stand for?
$100 What does AIDS stand for? A 100

6 Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome A 100

7 $200 What is HIV? A 200

8 The virus that causes AIDS

9 $300 Who can get HIV? A 300

10 Anyone...people are not high-risk, their behaviors are

11 What system does HIV affect?
$400 What system does HIV affect? A 400

12 The immune system A 400

13 a healthy immune system?
$500 What happens to a person with HIV that usually does not occur in people with a healthy immune system? A 500

14 They acquire certain rare diseases

15 $100 What does STD stand for? B 100

16 Sexually transmitted disease
B 100

17 $200 Name 3 STDs. B 200

18 Syphilis Genital warts Herpes Gonorrhea Trichomoniasis Chlamydia HIV
Hepatitis B B 200

19 $300 Name 2 symptoms of STDs. B 300

20 burning upon urination discharge from penis/ vagina sores bumps
itching rash B 300

21 that is caused by a virus?
$400 What is the difference between an STD that is caused by a bacteria and an STD that is caused by a virus? B 400

22 Bacterial STDs can be treated and cured.
Viral STDs cannot be cured, just treated. B 400

23 What happens to a person if they do not get treated for their STD?
$500 What happens to a person if they do not get treated for their STD? B 500

24 It leads to other health problems like pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility,
blindness, death. B 500

25 What are two ways to prevent HIV transmission?
$100 What are two ways to prevent HIV transmission? C 100

26 Abstinence Condoms Not sharing needles C 100

27 $200 What is the only birth control method that also offers protection against HIV? C 200

28 A latex or polyurethane condom

29 Name two high-risk behaviors.
$300 Name two high-risk behaviors. C 300

30 Unprotected anal, oral, or vaginal sex and
sharing needles C 300


32 What is the most certain way to avoid contracting an STD or HIV?
$400 What is the most certain way to avoid contracting an STD or HIV? C 400

33 Practice abstinence C 400

34 What are some safer sexual behaviors (that won’t transmit HIV)?
$500 What are some safer sexual behaviors (that won’t transmit HIV)? C 500

35 cuddling massage masturbation fantasy C 500

36 Name two ways that HIV is transmitted.
$100 Name two ways that HIV is transmitted. D 100

37 unprotected sex sharing needles
from mother to fetus during pregnancy or childbirth mother to child through breast-feeding D 100

38 What are two ways that you cannot contract HIV?
$200 What are two ways that you cannot contract HIV? D 200

39 sharing drinking glasses touching sitting in a classroom together
toilet seats D 200

40 Name two body fluids from which HIV is transmitted.
$300 Name two body fluids from which HIV is transmitted. D 300

41 blood semen vaginal secretions breast milk D 300

42 How were most children living with AIDS infected?
$400 How were most children living with AIDS infected? D 400

43 From mother to fetus during pregnancy, at birth, or through breast milk

44 What is the fastest growing mode of transmission of HIV?
$500 What is the fastest growing mode of transmission of HIV? D 500

45 Heterosexual sex D 500

46 $100 What is the material that condoms should be made of to protect against HIV and STD infection? E 100

47 Latex or polyurethane E 100

48 What should you put on a condom during vaginal or anal intercourse?
$200 What should you put on a condom during vaginal or anal intercourse? E 200

49 K-Y Jelly or Astroglide
Lubricant, like K-Y Jelly or Astroglide E 200

50 What is the type of lubricant you should never use with condoms?
$300 What is the type of lubricant you should never use with condoms? E 300

51 Oil-based, such as Vaseline or baby oil

52 Who buys almost half of all condoms sold in the US?
$400 Who buys almost half of all condoms sold in the US? E 400

53 Women E 400

54 When do you remove a used condom?
$500 When do you remove a used condom? E 500

55 After ejaculation but before the penis gets soft

56 True or False: Condoms can be reused.
$100 True or False: Condoms can be reused. F 100

57 FALSE F 100

58 The penis should be erect (hard) when the condom is put on it.
$200 True or False: The penis should be erect (hard) when the condom is put on it. F 200

59 TRUE F 200

60 $300 True or False: The condom should be completely unrolled before it is placed on the penis. F 300

61 FALSE F 300

62 $400 True or False: When a condom is placed on the penis some space should be left at the tip of the condom. F 400

63 TRUE F 400

64 $500 True or False: To remove a condom after sex, grasp the tip and remove it gently but swiftly. F 500

65 FALSE F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager.
Prevention Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

67 Name a vaccine available to prevent HPV.
Click on screen to continue

68 Click on screen to continue
Gardasil or Cerverix Click on screen to continue

69 Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT
Thank You for Playing Making Proud Choices Jeopardy Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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