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CREATING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES. webcredible > customer experience design 2 The fishing pool ParentsStudentsDrug & alcohol users CarersEx-offendersPeople.

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Presentation on theme: "CREATING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES. webcredible > customer experience design 2 The fishing pool ParentsStudentsDrug & alcohol users CarersEx-offendersPeople."— Presentation transcript:


2 webcredible > customer experience design 2 The fishing pool ParentsStudentsDrug & alcohol users CarersEx-offendersPeople with disabilities Mental health problems UnemployedDomestic abuse How do we communicate, engage and empower these people so that they can sustain their tenancies? 16-24 years old Target audience

3 webcredible > customer experience design 3 The fishing pool ParentsStudentsDrug & alcohol users CarersEx-offendersPeople with disabilities Mental health problems UnemployedDomestic abuse How do we communicate, engage and empower these people so that they can sustain their tenancies? 16-24 years old Target audience 16 – 24 year olds 354 hold a tenancy agreement County Durham England and Wales Job Seekers Allowance 8.5%5.8% Out of Work Benefits 14.6%10.4% Claimant rates for 16-24 year olds (Year: 2013)

4 webcredible > customer experience design 4 What hasn’t worked Focus groups

5 webcredible > customer experience design 5 What hasn’t worked Focus groups Poor turn-out The same people attend We don’t learn about the entire community’s problems and needs Young people are particularly excluded

6 webcredible > customer experience design 6 What hasn’t worked Tick-box surveys

7 webcredible > customer experience design 7 What hasn’t worked Tick-box surveys Questionnaires Seen as a tick-box exercise and nothing comes of it Low response rates Young people don’t respond (email may be better) Incomplete answers Lack of rich data to make informed decisions

8 webcredible > customer experience design 8 What we need to do Barefoot research Address the power imbalance Develop trusting relationships Go into the local environment Dress-down

9 webcredible > customer experience design 9 Barefoot research Co-operation in all activities Co-production of assets Community participation Quick impact on community Principles to for with ✗ ✗

10 webcredible > customer experience design 10 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act

11 webcredible > customer experience design 11 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act Co-defined with the community Understanding the problem Brainstorming ideas

12 webcredible > customer experience design 12 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act Co-designed interventions in the community to transform lives Physical SocialDigital

13 webcredible > customer experience design 13 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act Co-interpret the impact of the interventions QualitativeQuantitative Success Problems Themes Ideas Tenancies Rent arrears Quality indicators

14 webcredible > customer experience design 14 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act Evaluate process & outcomes What worked? Why? Who is engaged? Who isn’t? What do people want more of? What can we build on or extend? What new issues have emerged?

15 webcredible > customer experience design 15 Barefoot community action research Evaluate Observe Plan Act

16 webcredible > customer experience design 16 What we need to do Barefoot research Address the power imbalance Develop trusting relationships Go into the local environment Dress-down

17 webcredible > customer experience design 17 How should we do the first cycle? Evaluate Observe Plan Act 1

18 webcredible > customer experience design 18 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 AudienceOutcomeMethodIncentive asert researchersIncreased local housing association knowledge Sunderland Foundation Paid employment Third partiesEnhanced community links Meeting objectives Workshop n/a CustomersSustained tenancies Empowerment Connexions Hubs Colleges Community centres Local shops Vouchers Livin YoungSkills Empowerment Free training Legacy Youth groups Community centres DISC Police Hubs Connexions Job Centres Colleges Duke of Edinburgh Youth Parliament Citizens’ Advice Mind

19 webcredible > customer experience design 19 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Outcomes Passions & interests People’s goals Their concerns Barriers to action Emerging themes Ideas for the next phase… Research is grounded in people’s lives, where they live, where they meet

20 webcredible > customer experience design 20 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Livin Young asert staff mentor 16-24 year olds, developing their organisational, communication, and social skills Finance talks & budgeting helpFacebook page & forum Visits to tenants’ homesCommunity centres

21 webcredible > customer experience design 21 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Livin Young asert staff mentor 16-24 year olds, developing their in organsing, communication, and social skills Finance talks & budgeting helpFacebook page & forum Visits to tenants’ homesCommunity centres Barefoot questions Have you engaged in Livin or your local area? How? What problems are you facing right now? What information or support would help you with that? Who else do you know facing the same issues as you are?

22 webcredible > customer experience design 22 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Livin Young asert staff mentor 16-24 year olds, developing their in organsing, communication, and social skills Finance talks & budgeting helpFacebook page & forum Visits to tenants’ homesCommunity centres Digital literacy and access in the UK 5% of the adult population do not have basic literacy skills and so may never go online in ways that benefit them (Source: BIS, 2011) A fifth of the population (approx. 12m) don’t have, don’t want to, or can’t access the internet A substantial proportion (37%) of these digitally excluded people live in social housing (Source, Capita 2012) Younger people tend to be more internet-literate: Where as, almost all (99%) 16 to 24 year olds had used the Internet, compared with just over a third (36%) of adults aged over 75. (Source: ONS, 2013) However, some will of these younger people are not getting much benefit from the internet because of their low-digital literacy: 6% of 15-24 year olds do not have basic digital skills. (Source: BBC, 2013)

23 webcredible > customer experience design 23 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Livin Young asert staff mentor 16-24 year olds, developing their in organsing, communication, and social skills Finance talks & budgeting helpFacebook page & forum Visits to tenants’ homesCommunity centres Facebook versus Twitter 24m UK people use Facebook every day (Source: Guardian, 2014) 88% of 18-24 year olds use Facebook Twitter, by comparison to Facebook, has far fewer users in the UK — 10 million vs. 30 million And many of these UKTwitter users (40%) only read, and do not tweet themselves (Source: eMarketeer, 2013)

24 webcredible > customer experience design 24 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 What’s the impact of the actions? Livin Young Voxpops Quantitative Likes on Facebook Number of comments Follow-up calls made Tenancy arrears Qualitative Problems discussed Concerns raised Success stories Relationships made Suggestions Analyse social media and web usage

25 webcredible > customer experience design 25 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Evaluation questions Analyse social media and web usage What worked? Why? Who is engaged? Who isn’t? What do people want more of? What can we build on or extend? What new issues have emerged? What problems are people talking about? Plan next cycle Livin Young Voxpops

26 webcredible > customer experience design 26 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 1 Evaluation questions Discuss findings and ideas Disseminate over digital media What worked? Why? Who is engaged? Who isn’t? What do people want more of? What can we build on or extend? What new issues have emerged? What problems are people talking about?

27 webcredible > customer experience design 27 SUBSEQUENT CYCLES

28 webcredible > customer experience design 28 Barefoot community action research EvaluateAct Observe Plan 2 Subsequent ACT cycles Livin Young Tour Celebrity speakers Livin Young benefits help desk Food bank Street bank Livin Young hub talks British Gas Celebrity talks

29 webcredible > customer experience design 29

30 webcredible > customer experience design 30 The fishing pool Parents Students Drug & alcohol users Carers Ex-offenders People with disabilities Mental health problems Unemployed Domestic abuse An interconnected community, with social, physical and digital assets to enable sustainable tenancies Colleges Police Youth clubs Job Centres DISC Community centres Hubs Livin

31 creating people-centred, efficient & delightful digital experiences since 2003

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