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Mobile Technology for Streamlining Energy Audits Dustin Bane, Keres / EMAT April 23 rd, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Technology for Streamlining Energy Audits Dustin Bane, Keres / EMAT April 23 rd, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Technology for Streamlining Energy Audits Dustin Bane, Keres / EMAT April 23 rd, 2014

2 Course Objectives  Different methodologies and solutions  Drivers for implementation  Advantages and benefits  Mobile technology components  Application of mobile technology to the energy audit process (with training aid)

3 Methodologies & Solutions  Laptop with software applications (e.g., Excel, Word);  Tablet PC with software applications  Integration of software applications  Tablet PC with custom data collection software  Integrated solution – tablet -> cloud -> workstation (will be using a version of this as a training aid)  Combine tablet and workstation  Virtual audits

4 Drivers for Implementation of Mobile Technology  Energy management is very important to both the public and private sectors, and will only get more important  Budgets continue to get squeezed, and resources are limited  Public sector / government perspective  Private sector perspective

5 Drivers for Implementation of Mobile Technology Bottom line: Everyone is looking for ways to accomplish energy management goals and objectives as cost effectively as possible – using mobile technology can help Tablet Cloud Workstation Report

6 Advantages & Benefits of Mobile Technology for Energy Auditing Primary benefits  Reduce overall costs associated with energy auditing  Reallocate saved money to ECM projects to further reduce energy footprint and associated energy costs  More cost effectively meet energy management goals and objectives

7 Advantages & Benefits of Mobile Technology for Energy Auditing Other benefits  Increased process efficiency  Decreased risk of data loss  Decreased chance of missed data and required site return  Improved capture and organization of onsite data (schedules, photos, etc.)  Shorter time frame from onsite to complete analysis and report  Increased audit report quality and consistency  Increased consistency and accuracy of ECM calculations  Improved data accessibility and security  Can more easily retrieve audit data for additional analysis and reporting

8 Mobile Technology Components Data collection device  Laptop  Tablet – iOS, Windows Data storage  Local / portable storage device (hard drive, thumb drive)  Local network server  Cloud (web server) Workstation  Access to higher performance software applications  Primary for data analysis and reporting Combination of data collection device and workstation (e.g., MS Surface)

9 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Challenges without integrated mobile technology  Inefficient, obsolete data collection process  Hasn’t changed much to leverage new technology  Pen and paper, notes, pictures – all on separate mediums  Difficulty keeping everything organized causes problems when ‘back at the ranch’ (especially if multiple audits were done)  Burdensome process integrating schedules, ECMs, calculations, analysis, photos, etc. into a single, cohesive document

10 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Pre Survey Preparation  Involves gathering data such as utility bills, floor plans, existing inventories and pre survey questionnaires  Can leverage API’s and utility bill reading software to eliminate the tedious process of collecting utility data  Pre-load data collection device with sites, buildings, areas, rooms, operating hours, utility data, specific equipment and other relevant information

11 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Site Survey and Data Collection  Should not rely on Internet connection  Consolidate multiple tools into single device  Especially useful if camera is integrated so that photos can be taken on the fly and immediately assigned to equipment, areas, ECMs, etc.  Software should be optimized for data collection process – intuitive and easy to use, anticipating data requirements

12 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process  Data validations can be implemented to ensure complete and valid data, and eliminate errors and omissions  In-context aids to make process more intuitive (e.g., auto-generate ECM based on inventory)  Data relationships can be captured and maintained throughout audit  Facilitate a quicker survey and data collection process

13 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Data Backup and Synchronization Cloud technology is most reliable and secure Best if multiple connectivity options are available so backup can be done at earliest convenience (e.g., 3G/4G/LTE, wireless) Synchronization and backup to cloud

14 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Analysis and Calculations ECM workbooks and utility benchmarking data can be integrated into system, making calculations and analysis for standard ECMs near- instantaneous Initial calculations can be made automatically but should also be able to be adjusted / customized Independent verification of ECM calculations is a must Should be able to add custom ECMs, and save for reuse ECM calculations should include realistic initial investment cost Potential to include integrated / holistic ECMs

15 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Reporting Utilize report templates based on audit type and scope Can be customizable for different clients or levels Auto-populated by data collected on site and calculations performed by the program Potential is for energy audit report to be nearly complete when auditors leave site

16 Application of Mobile Technology to Energy Audit Process Data Sharing, Exporting and Accessibility All inventories, schedules, ECM tables and utility data could be immediately available for export to Excel Potential for export/integration with Energy Star Portfolio, modeling systems, and client systems

17 Summary  Significant drivers exist for implementation of mobile technology for energy audits  Numerous methodologies and options exist for implementing mobile technology, ranging from laptops with Excel and Word templates to fully integrated systems.  The benefits of implementing mobile technology can be significant. Tablet Cloud Workstation Report

18 Questions Dustin Bane, Keres/EMAT 301-663-4800 x480 (Booth 236)

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