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Paragraph Writing.

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1 Paragraph Writing

2 How to Write A Paragraph?
Using the acronym P.E.E. P – Point E – Evidence E - Explain

3 Step One P…..Make your point What are you trying to get at?
Example: Mobile phones are better than landlines.

4 Step Two E….Evidence You need to support your point with some evidence
Ex. “I know this, because the book says…” My example: Mobile phones are better than landlines. I think this, because mobile phones (on average) cost less to run and you can do more with them. This evidence is backed by internet research.

5 Step Three E….Explain You need to explain your evidence in more detail and how it relates/proves your point My example: Mobile phones are better than landlines. I think this, because mobile phones (on average) cost less to run and you can do more with them. This evidence is backed by internet research. This proves that mobiles are better than landlines and shows a couple of reasons why they are better. They are also a lot better, because you are less restricted with mobile phones and can freely move without being controlled by as many connection problems.

6 Point/Evidence/Explanation
Point – What does the point show in very simple terms? Evidence – This is a ‘quote’ taken from the text to prove or support what it is that you are saying. Explanation – This is where you give a more detailed explanation of the point. It is good to include your own personal opinion here.

7 Example – Pair Share Put the paragraph into a P.E.E. Paragraph
“The red sauce trickled down from his lips, down over his chin onto his black jacket. This shows that he eats in a disgusting way and gets food all over himself. It could be because he is in a rush to get food as he hasn’t eaten for a long time, or perhaps he is not used to other people watching him. Peter has no table manners and is a messy eater.”

8 Example – Pair Share (Point) Peter has no table manners and is a messy eater. (Evidence) The red sauce trickled down from his lips, down over his chin onto his black jacket. (Explanation) This shows that he eats in a disgusting way and gets food all over himself. It could be because he is in a rush to get food as he hasn’t eaten for a long time, or perhaps he is not used to other people watching him.

9 Identify the P.E.E. Look at the paragraph below and decide what is the Point, Evidence, and Explanation. “I tried not to breathe, not to smell him”. Even though Michael is helping Peter, he doesn’t want to smell the horrible smell coming from him. Michael thinks that Peter smells awful.

10 Identify the P.E.E. (Point) Michael thinks that Peter smells awful. (Evidence) “I tried not to breathe, tried not to smell him”. (Explanation) Even though Michael is helping Peter, he doesn’t want to smell the horrible smell coming from him.

11 Practice!! Write 2-3 paragraphs describing yourself. Each paragraph will describe something unique about you. Remember to use P.E.E. Point Evidence Explain

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