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Stupid In America? YOUR reactions…. From 4 th grade to high school: What goes wrong? What changes? Kids become less interested. More fun activities earlier.

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Presentation on theme: "Stupid In America? YOUR reactions…. From 4 th grade to high school: What goes wrong? What changes? Kids become less interested. More fun activities earlier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stupid In America? YOUR reactions…

2 From 4 th grade to high school: What goes wrong? What changes? Kids become less interested. More fun activities earlier on. You have a lot more distractions – a lot more going on in your life as you get older: jobs, sports, responsibilties. Class size increases. Studies get harder. More parental involvement in elementary school.

3 Teachers & Tenure Bad idea – teachers after getting tenure, slack off because they figure they can’t get fired. Don’t care as much about students. They should NOT be accessible 24/7. Must be able to fire in extreme cases – sex with students Good idea: tenure gives teachers more confidence to speak up esp. if they have more experience/ enhanced insight/ different ideas than say younger and or lesser experienced administrators More stability Attracts to profession “perk”

4 Money: How much is enough? Money doesn’t solve everything. More tax dollars better for students: supplies, programs, sports, better teachers (better salaries = better pool of applicants from which to choose) If each student gets a certain amount of money spent on them, why do we not get a say on what that money should be used for? Money hasn’t helped the school systems at all. Paying students get them to try harder?

5 Money Should students get paid for attendance? For performance? Should students do the work of custodians for save money? Money is for the administrators! How important are administrators? Should be enough for a good environment? What is good? Safe?

6 More about money… We have enough money – should be spent more efficiently. - Okay, how? Money doesn’t solve anything – more money = more problems.

7 School Choice: Should your zip code determine your school? NO. Just because you live in a certain zip code doesn’t mean you have to go there. – ex. Bordentown zip code kids go to NBC. NO because its not the kids’ fault on where they live. They may not be comfortable at the school. NO, because a smart person should be in a well-developed school and not an under level one.

8 No, because if you are born into a bad area you should have the opportunity to better your education. No, every school should be like private schools, some more competitive/ more expensive then. - vouchers!!!!!! No, money should follow students to school of choice and bad schools should be put our of business.

9 Drop-outs Dropping out should be illegal. Everyone should be in some type of educational program. More choices for alternative schools. Process should be more difficult. Should be made to take alternate schooling after dropping out. It’s your choice to drop out. They’re affecting themselves & that’s their choice. Should have a legit reason to drop out. What’s legit? A high school diploma should be required by law.

10 Random Drug Testing: students YES! Because drugs impact one’s learning ability. Students would throw fits. Would cause rebellion. Good! Puts emphasis on good behavior. Not good because kids are going to do whatever they want and that’s NOT going to affect them. NOT good – it’s not the teachers/staff’s business on what students choose to do especially if its not affecting class.

11 Random Drug Testing: Staff It is their choice to work at a school and its up to them to be responsible and professional in their workplace. Should be allowed because they are responsible for the students. Yes, they should be equal and should NOT feel like they can get away with doing drugs. Yes, because responsible for students well being and safety.

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