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Let’s learn more about mammals !. IS THIS STRANGE ANIMAL A MAMMAL?

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s learn more about mammals !. IS THIS STRANGE ANIMAL A MAMMAL?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s learn more about mammals !


3 It has got a beak.

4 It has got hair (fur).

5 It has got four legs, but they look like amphibians’ legs with long nails.

6 It has got the tail of a beaver.

7 It has got the “bag” of a kangaroo.

8 It breathes with its lungs.

9 It lays eggs.

10 It feeds its young with milk but it hasn’t got teats.

11 It can swim. It lives in rivers.


13 Are you ready? Do you know the name of this strange animal? PLATYPUS

14 Now, let’s see more odd mammals. A mammal that can fly! Mammals that can swim and live in the water! BAT DOLPHIN

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