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Presented at the NAEHCY Conference Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania November, 2011 Presenters: William Cohee Kristi Peters Carl Love.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented at the NAEHCY Conference Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania November, 2011 Presenters: William Cohee Kristi Peters Carl Love."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented at the NAEHCY Conference Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania November, 2011 Presenters: William Cohee Kristi Peters Carl Love

2 Identification, Enrollment, Success in School DescriptionRequired Evidence that:DocumentationMetNot Met Comments The LEA collects and reports assessment data on the educational needs of homeless children and youth. Section 722 (f)(3) Data Collection: The LEA collects information on homeless children and youth, including their place of residence. The LEA ensures that homeless students are included in statewide assessments. The LEA provides the SEA with academic achievement data for homeless students. The LEA provides the SEA with academic achievement data showing improving performance for homeless students

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4  Advent of unique student identifier in Maryland which allows unduplicated counts.  Meetings with stakeholders during the end of 2008 to go over the new flags that would become part of the annual Maryland Attendance Data Collection.  Beginning in 08-09 school year, the LEA Homeless coordinators began to provide the student counts to the Local Accountability Coordinators (LAC)so that the homeless flags could be uploaded into the Attendance data set for each appropriate student.


6 Attendance Flags for Homeless Homeless A “Y” or “N” indicator of whether the student is homeless. Students should be identified based on their status at any time during the reporting period. Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Indicator of a homeless student's primary nighttime residence, determined at the initial identification as homeless. Required if Homeless = Y. S Shelters, Transitional Housing, Awaiting foster care D Doubled-up U Unsheltered M Motels/Hotels Homeless Served - McKinney A “Y” or “N” indicator of whether the student is served with McKinney-Vento funds. Required if Homeless = Y. Homeless Served - Other A “Y” or “N” indicator of whether the student is served with funds other than McKinney-Vento. Required if Homeless = Y. Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status A "Y" or "N" indicator for homeless youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Required if Homeless = Y.

7  Homeless= Y or N  A “Y” or “N” indicator of whether the student is homeless. Students should be identified based on their status at any time during the reporting period identified within this record.  student’s status at any time during the reporting period identified within this record.

8 student’s status at any time during the reporting period identified within this record  Homeless = Y  TAS = Y  Migrant = Y

9  Homeless Coordinators in each LEA provide counts to State Homeless Coordinator as well as their LAC who upload the data with homeless flags to the State Division of Accountability and Assessment in annual attendance collection.  The Division of Accountability and Assessment provides a preliminary report to the State Homeless Coordinator which is vetted with the LEA Homeless Coordinators if there are any differences in counts.  Differences are reviewed and corrected data are uploaded as appropriate

10  Division of Accountability and Assessment create EdFacts files with unduplicated counts using unique student identifiers based on the flags in the attendance data collection.  Data for the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) are completed using these same data as well as using data collected via a survey sent out by the State Homeless Coordinator regarding services provided in the LEA as well as barriers.

11  Each Spring, the State Homeless Coordinator has a meeting with the LEA Homeless Coordinators to provide feedback and share statewide data for Maryland.  These meetings provide the opportunity for sharing and as well as discussion regarding the necessity of reviewing the data, especially regarding the academic outcomes within each LEA in order to make sure that services are provided as needed for optimal outcomes.

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15 15 Special Subpopulations of Homeless Students Unaccompanied Youth, Migrants, Special Education, English Language Learners

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20  In each year, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, and 2005-2006, 12 of 24 local school systems received a McKinney-Vento subgrant.  In the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years, 11 LEAs received funding.  In 2008-2009, 12 LEAs received subgrants.  In 2009-2010, 16 LEAs received subgrants. 20

21 The 16 LEAs receiving McKinney-Vento funds in 2009-2010 enrolled 12,621 homeless students (duplicated count). The 8 non-funded LEAs enrolled 689 homeless students. Although LEAs receiving funds accounted for the majority of homeless students, unfunded LEAs did enroll 5% of the homeless students in the state in the 2009-2010 school year. Last year (2008-09), 8% of homeless students were enrolled in LEAs without grants. 21

22 22 Reading and Math Achievement

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38 Baltimore County, Maryland Public Schools






44 Baltimore County




48  Teachers can drill down to individual student to adjust teaching methods  Informal assessments for new enrollments  Case Management Approach-Begin informed conversation  Training of school personnel  Knowing resources are needed  Address achievement gaps through homework clubs

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