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Overview Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12

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0 ITU-T Study Group 12: Structures and Guide for University Participants
Sebastian Möller (with the support from Jean-Yves Monfort, ITU-T SG12 Chairman) Quality and Usability Lab, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories TU Berlin, Germany Konzernentwicklung

1 Overview Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12
General structure of the ITU-T Study Group 12 Documents, etc. Quality assessment and prediction for voice services Konzernentwicklung

2 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 General structure of the ITU-T.
Plenipotentiary Conference ITU Council ITU-T World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference ITU-D World Telecommunication Development Conference General Secretariat General Secretariat: Coordinates the Union's activities and the overall management of the Union ITU-T: Telecommunication standardization on a world-wide basis on technical, operating and tariff Questions ITU-R: Radio communications and wireless ITU-D: Use and deployment of telecom networks and services in the developing nations Konzernentwicklung

3 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Structure of ITU-T Study Groups and Working Parties.
STUDY GROUP XX Konzernentwicklung

4 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Structure of ITU-T Study Groups and Working Parties.
Workshops / Seminars: Cover the most important topics in modern telecommunication technology and applications. Speakers are renowned telecommunication experts. Usually free of charge and open to public . To come : From Speech to Audio: Bandwidth Extension, Binaural Perception, see Focus Groups: Participation of non-member experts welcome. Work on a well-defined topic and time-schedule for completion. e.g. : IPTV Focus Group in which SG12 is involved Under SG12 : Focus Group From/In/ToCarCommunication, see Joint Coordination Groups: Coordinate a broad study by more than one study group. They do not perform technical studies nor write Recommendations. Konzernentwicklung

5 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Study Group 12 mandate.
Responsible for Recommendations on the end-to-end transmission performance of terminals and networks, in relation to the perceived quality and acceptance by users of text, data, speech, and multi-media applications. Although this work includes the related transmission implications of all networks and all telecommunication terminals, a special focus is given to IP QoS, interoperability and implications for NGN, and also includes work on performance and resource management.

6 SG 12 – Performance and QoS
Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Management team and structure. SG 12 – Performance and QoS Chairman Mr Jean-Yves Monfort Bridging the gap for developping countries Mr J.J. Massima-Landji, VC QoS Coordination Mr C. Dvorak, VC WP 1 Telephonometry, terminals and subjective assessment Co-Chairs : C. Quinquis, G. Lecucq TSB Support Mrs J. Katona Kiss, Councellor Mrs S. Scott, Secretary WP 2 Performance, planning and tools Mr Klemens Adler, SG 12 Vice Chair WP 3 IP-related QoS and resource management M. Paul Coverdale, SG 12 Vice Chair

7 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 SG12 structure and questions.
SG 12 – Questions 1/12 and 15/12 Workprogram, definitions, handbooks, guides, tutorials, Bridging the Standardization Gaps Mr JY Monfort, Mr J. Pomy, Mr J.J. Massima-Landji Q.1/12 QoS and performance coordination Mr C. Dvorak Q.15/12

8 WP /12 – Telephonometry, terminals and Subjective assessment
Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 SG12 structure and questions. WP /12 – Telephonometry, terminals and Subjective assessment Co Acting Chairs C. Quinquis, G. Lecucq Speech transmission characteristics of speech terminals … Mr Shi Denian Q.3/12 Hands-free communications in vehicles Mr H.W. Gierlich, Mr M. Rung Q.4/12 Telephonometrics methodologies for handsets and headset terminals Mr L. Madec Q.5/12 Analysis methods using complex measurement signals… Mr H.W. Gierlich Q.6/12 Q.7/12 Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment… Mr P. Usai and Mrs C. Quinquis

9 WP 2/12 – Performance, Planning and Tools
Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 SG12 structure and questions. WP 2/12 – Performance, Planning and Tools Chairman Mr Klemens Adler Extension of the E-model Mrs U. Jekosch and Mr S. Möller Q.8/12 Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality… Mr J. Berger Q.9/12 Transmission planning and performance considerations… Mr V. Sypli Q.10/12 Q.12/12 Performance evaluation of services based on speech technology Mr S.Möller&MrA. Raake Q.14/12 In-service non intrusive assessment of voice transmission performance Mr V. Barriac Q.20/12 Objective assessment of conversational speech quality in networks Mr J. Pomy

10 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 SG12 structure and questions.
WP 3/12 – IP-Related QoS andRessource management Chairman Mr Paul Coverdale (also involved in Questions* 13/12 and 19/12) Q.2/12 Speech transmission charact. & meas. methods for IP terminals and gateways Mr U. Brunner Q.11/12 IP based multimedia services end to end transm. planning … M. J. Pomy Q.13/12 IPTV and multimedia QoE/QoS performance requ. and assessment methods A. Takahashi Q.16/12 Broadband and IP-related resource management Mr D. Mustill Q.17/12 Performance of IP-based networks Mr A. Morton and Mr H. Kim Q.19/12 Call processing performance

11 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 SG12 structure and questions.
SG 12 Liaison Officers Joint Rapporteur Group "Multimedia quality assessment" Mr P. Juric JRG MMQA IEC 29 Electroacoustics Mr L. Madec, Mr H.Gerlich IEEE Electroacoustics Mr A. Woo QSDG QoS Development Group Mr D. Mustill Communication Mr C. Dvorak, EWM Mr J. Pomy, Bridging the standardization Gaps Mr J.J. Massima-Landji TSAG Security, OAM, ICG-SAT Mr JY Monfort, FGNGN Mr C.Dvorak, FGNGN Mr P. Coverdale ITU-D Mr J.J. Massima Others Flagship Group QoS Mr D. Waturu

12 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Questions, Rapporteurs and Editors.
Set up by the WTSA or by the Study Group. Define a particular subject to be studied. Rapporteurs: Appointed by the SG or a WP to each Question. Ensure progress of the group of experts towards Recommendations. Lead, moderate debates ( s, conf. Calls, etc.) and coordinate progress. Chair the meetings of the experts (Rapporteurs Group Meetings). Editors: Appointed by Rapporteurs, prepare and follow-up draft Recommendations.

13 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Approval of Recommendations.
Alternative Approval Process (AAP): For technical Recommendations Once the text is considered to be mature, it is submitted for AAP at an SG or WP meeting (Rec. A.8) Traditional Approval Process (TAP): For Recommendations subject to policy or regulatory implications Initiated at an SG or WP meeting and completed, for final approval, at the subsequent SG meeting (Res. 1) Konzernentwicklung

14 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 AAP Sequence.
Approved LC 4 weeks (a) 3 weeks Approved 4 (b) SG or Edited Director's Director's SG (c) WP text announcement announcement Meeting meeting for LC and posting (7) and posting ( 6 ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) for LC Comment AR (a) (b) (5) ( 3 ) resolution 3 weeks Approved 9 11 (b) (a) Edited Director's Director's text announcement notification for AR and posting and publication LC: Last Call (8) for AR (see Rec. A.11) AR: Additional Review ( 10 ) ( 12 ) TG See Figure 1 (Rec. A.8) Konzernentwicklung

15 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Meeting documentation.
Contributions (C): To be submitted at least 10 calendar days before the meeting. Reports (R): Official records of SG or WP meetings. To be available shortly after the closure of the meetings (Rec. A.1). Temporary Documents (TDs): Submitted by an ‘official’ (a member of the SG Management Team, Rapporteur, Editor, etc.) within the meeting participants. Working Documents (WDs): Issued during meetings by small groups. Konzernentwicklung

16 Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12 Further information.
Visit for more information.

17 Overview Structure of ITU-T Study Group 12
Quality assessment and prediction for voice services Quality assessment and prediction Taxonomy of prediction models E-model for NB and WB networks Konzernentwicklung

18 Quality Assessment and Prediction Voice services.
Linguist. Backgr. Attitude Emotions Experi- ence Motivation, Goals User Factors Transmission System Subjective Quality Judgment System Parameters Model Estimated Quality Index Our focus: Methods for assessing narrow-band and wideband speech, but also video quality

19 Quality Assessment and Prediction Quality aspects of transmitted speech.
Quality of Service Service Factors Contextual Speech Communication Factors Quality: Result of judgment of the perceived composition of an entity with respect to its desired composition. (Jekosch, 2005) Quality of Service (Rec. E.800) Quality of Experience Voice Transmission Quality Ease of Communication Conversation Effectiveness Communication Efficiency Economical Benefit Service Efficiency User Factors Usability Utility Acceptability User Satisfaction Quality of Experience (Möller, 2000) Konzernentwicklung

20 Quality Assessment and Prediction Taxonomy of prediction models.
Input information: Signals one or two signals acoustic or electric Parameters Protocol information Measurement of input information: Online Offline Estimation Output information: Listening-only integral quality quality features Conversational Talking-only Application area: Planning Set-up and optimization Monitoring Network type: Narrow-band Wideband Konzernentwicklung

21 Quality Assessment and Prediction Taxonomy of prediction models: Narrow-band case.
Output Information Listening Conversation Overall Quality Feat. Signals 1, el. P.563 Psychoac. Measures CCI (P.562) 1, ac. 2, el. P.862 P.OLQA [Heute05] P.CQO? 2, ac. [STI] P.OLQA? Protocol Meas. P.VTQ? Parameters Estim. G.107 NIEM (P.562) Input Information Konzernentwicklung

22 Quality Assessment and Prediction Taxonomy of prediction models: Wideband case.
Output Information Listening Conversation Overall Quality Feat. Signals 1, el. Psychoac. Measures 1, ac. 2, el. P.862.2 P.OLQA [Heute05] 2, ac. [STI] P.OLQA? Protocol Meas. Parameters Estim. WB-E- Model Input Information Konzernentwicklung

23 Quality Assessment and Prediction E-model for narrow-band networks.
IP WAN Linear distortion, delay Backgr. noise, acoustic coupling Codec Jitter buffer, VAD Packet loss Talker echo, listener echo Circuit noise Backgr. noise, acoustic coupling

24 Quality Assessment and Prediction E-model for narrow-band networks.
IP WAN Ps, Ds, STMR SLR, RLR, Ta Ie, qdu Ppl Bpl TELR, T, WEPL, Tr Nc, Nfor Pr, Dr, LSTR Impairments SNR simultaneous delayed nonlin./timevar. Overall quality R = Ro - Is - Id - Ie,eff Estimated user judgment MOS = f (R )

25 Quality Assessment and Prediction E-model extension for wideband networks.
Ro,max = 129 (Raake, 2006; Appendix II, ITU-T Rec. G.107, 2006)

26 Quality Assessment and Prediction E-model extension for wideband networks.
Ref. Operating rate kbit/s Ie,wb value G.722 64 13 56 20 48 31 G.722.1 32 24 19 G.722.2 23.85 8 23.05 1 19.85 3 18.25 5 15.85 7 14.25 10 12.65 8.85 26 6.6 41 G.711 36 G.728 16 43 G.729 46 G.729A + VAD 47 IS-54 GSM 06.10, FR GSM 06.60, EFR 12.2 G.723.1 5.3 55 6.3 51 Ro,max = 129 AMR-WB (23.05) AMR-WB (6.6) (Raake, 2006; Möller et al., 2006)

27 Thanks to Jean-Yves Monfort (ITU-T SG12 Chairman) for providing the description of Study Group 12. Thank you for your attention. Visit for more information.

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