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Introduction to Histology Four basic tissue types: –Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous All animals are composed of ONLY these four tissue types Tissue.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Histology Four basic tissue types: –Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous All animals are composed of ONLY these four tissue types Tissue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Histology Four basic tissue types: –Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous All animals are composed of ONLY these four tissue types Tissue types are organized to form organs, which form the functional systems of the body

2 Epithelial tissue Function: covers the internal and external surfaces of the body Four types: Squamous, cuboidal, columnar, and transitional Organized in layers: simple or stratified

3 Examples: Epithelial Transitional epithelial: found in the bladder Stretches as the bladder becomes full p. 158 F draw above

4 Examples: Epithelial Simple squamous: lines blood vessels and lungs Allows for increased blood flow and increased oxygen diffusion p. 157 A

5 Examples: Epithelial Stratified squamous: lines the mouth, esophagus, cervix and skin Several layers offers protection to outer layers and membranes of body. p. 157 B

6 Examples: Epithelial Simple columnar: digestive tracts Cells mixed with goblet cells that secrete mucous to aid in digestion p. 158 D

7 ExampleLocationShape (form)Function Transitional epithelium BladderLayer with no specific shape, Cells can stretch Allow bladder to stretch as it fills Simple squamous Lungs, blood vessels Flat and thin layerIncrease flow and absorption rate through tubes Stratified squamous Skin, esophagus, mouth cervix Several layers of thin flat cells Provide protection from abrasions Simple columnar Digestive tractOne cell layer of rectangular cells mixed with goblet (mucous – producing) cells Aid in digestion with mucous production

8 Connective Function: Bind and support other tissues Several types: –Bone –Blood –CT proper: dense and loose –Adipose –Cartilage

9 Examples: Connective CT proper: –Loose: ECM –Dense: tendons and ligaments p. 159 A

10 Examples: Connective Bone p. 161 E

11 Examples: Connective Blood –To circulate materials throughout the organism –RBC’s: contain hemoglobin to allow for oxygen to be carried to the tissues. p. 160 C

12 Examples: Connective Cartilage: vary in # of fibers –Hyaline: ribs, trachea –Elastic: ears, larynx –Fibro: spinal chord p. 160 D

13 Examples: Connective Adipose tissue: –Insulation –Storage p. 159 A

14 Muscle tissue Function: Able to contract for locomotion. Three types: skeletal, cardiac and smooth

15 Muscle tissue Skeletal: voluntary, striated, multinucleate cells Muscles attached to bones for voluntary movement p. 161 A

16 Muscle tissue Smooth: –Non-striated, spindle-shaped, uni- nucleate involuntary cells Muscles found in digestive tract, respiratory tract, etc. p. 161 B

17 Muscle tissue Cardiac:involuntary, striated, branched, uni-nucleate cells Only found in the heart p. 161 D

18 Nervous tissue Function: Respond to stimuli and transmit impulses. Cells are called neurons Composed of cell body, axon and dendrites. Single cell may run up to several feet long. p. 161 IV

19 Mystery Slides Lab activity Pick a Partner Go online and view the Mystery Slides in the “Jost Student Histology” Powerpoint on the Biology 102 website. –In each case, healthy tissue is on left and diseased/damaged tissue is on right.

20 Blocked coronary artery

21 Alveoli of lungs with pneumonia

22 Emphysema in alveoli of lungs

23 Sickle cell anemia

24 Parkinson’s disease

25 Cervical Human papillomavirus

26 Herpes on esophagus

27 Osteoporosis

28 Infected mammary gland from silicone leak

29 Stomach ulcer

30 Cardiac tissue after cocaine use

31 Cardiac tissue following myocardial infarction

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