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Anatomy & Neurobiology ANA 812 Oral Cavity Group Members Asra Majeed Lydia Mustafic Lindsey Godby Alexis Vien.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Neurobiology ANA 812 Oral Cavity Group Members Asra Majeed Lydia Mustafic Lindsey Godby Alexis Vien."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Neurobiology ANA 812 Oral Cavity Group Members Asra Majeed Lydia Mustafic Lindsey Godby Alexis Vien

2 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #68: 2x of Fetal Lip-Human Two types of epithelia:  Cutaneous (outside)  Mucous (inside)

3 Anatomy & Neurobiology Fetal Lip-Human 10x Cutaneous Epithelium: Hair Follicle 10x Mucous Epithelium: Mucous-Secreting Cells

4 Anatomy & Neurobiology Fetal Lip: Mucocutaneous Junction and Vermillion Border Vermillion Border: Where hairy lip stops and red lip begins Mucocutaneous Jctn: Where red lip stops and lip mucosa begins

5 Anatomy & Neurobiology 10x Dermal Papillae at Mucocutaneous Junction and Vermillion Border Dermal Papillae (Connective Tissue)

6 Anatomy & Neurobiology 40x Dermal Papillae at Vermillion Border and Mucocutaneous Junction Dermal Papillae

7 Anatomy & Neurobiology Labial Gland Under Mucosal Epithelium 4x10x Labial Gland

8 Anatomy & Neurobiology Orbicularis Oris muscle: Skeletal muscle fibers

9 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #69: 4x of Fetal Uvula ( the thing that hangs in the back of your mouth)  Uvulus Muscle  Respiratory Mucosa  Stratified squamous epithelium

10 Anatomy & Neurobiology Fetal Uvula: 40x of Respiratory Mucosa and Stratified Squamous Epithelium Respiratory Mucosa:  Pseudostratified columnar epithelium  Cilia  Goblet Cells Stratified Squamous epithelium

11 Anatomy & Neurobiology # 73 Infant Tongue- 2x Upper surface - More complex

12 Anatomy & Neurobiology -The tongue is the only place in the body where skeletal muscles are seen running at right angles to each other #73 Infant Tongue 40x

13 Anatomy & Neurobiology #73 Infant Tongue 100x Nerve CT *Note arrangement of skeletal muscle again

14 Anatomy & Neurobiology #74 Monkey Tongue 2xCircumvallate papillae papillae FiliformPapillae

15 Anatomy & Neurobiology #74 Monkey Tongue Filiform papillae 10x Most commonMost common Slender projectionsSlender projections Keratinized tipsKeratinized tips Cause roughnessCause roughness

16 Anatomy & Neurobiology #74 Monkey Tongue Circumvallate papillae 10x Large CT coreLarge CT core CircularCircular Contain taste budsContain taste buds Glands of von Ebner

17 Anatomy & Neurobiology #74 Monkey Tongue Taste Buds 40x Taste bud

18 Anatomy & Neurobiology #72 Monkey Tongue 4x Fungiform Papillae *mushroom shaped Foliate Papillae

19 Anatomy & Neurobiology #72 Monkey Tongue Foliate Papillae 10x Black material is Indian ink in BVs

20 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide # 70 mandible- monkey ( H& E) Monkey Tooth -2X magnification Tooth Gingiva

21 Anatomy & Neurobiology Monkey tooth-10x magnification of the Pulp Cavity and Cementum Pulp Cavity Dentin Cementum

22 Anatomy & Neurobiology 10X Magnification Cementum and Dentin Dentin Periodontal ligament Cementum Alveolar Bone

23 Anatomy & Neurobiology 2X Magnification of Periodontal ligament Pulp Cavity Dentin Periodontal Ligament Alveolar bone

24 Anatomy & Neurobiology Gingiva, gingival sulcus and alveolar bone Gingival Sulcus Gingiva Alveolar bone

25 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide # 71 Maxilla-Pig (H&E) Developing tooth Pulp cavity Odontoblasts Predentin Dentin Enamel Dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) Ameloblasts Dentinal tubules

26 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #75: Parotid gland- monkey (H&E) 20X -Serous acini predominate -Numerous large ducts Interlobular ducts Intralobular ducts

27 Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #75: Parotid gland- monkey (H&E) 40X Serous acini Ducts

28 Anatomy & Neurobiology #76: Submandibular gland- monkey (H&E) 2X Serous acini Mucous acini

29 Anatomy & Neurobiology #76: Submandibular gland- monkey (H&E) 2X -Serous and mucous acini are present -Serous should predominate -Serous cells are often present as demilunes

30 Anatomy & Neurobiology #77: Sublingual gland- monkey (H&E) 100X -Mucous acini predominte -Serous demilunes present Serous demilune

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