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Anatomy & Physiology Cell + Cell Cells + Cells Tissue + Tissues Organ + Organs System + Systems Human Body Structural Units.

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2 Anatomy & Physiology Cell + Cell Cells + Cells Tissue + Tissues Organ + Organs System + Systems Human Body Structural Units

3 Cells membraneDefinition: - - Is the membrane that encloses the cytoplasm of a cell.Functions: 1-Structural: - Like an egg membrane, it helps the cell maintain its form & separate it from the outside environment. 2- Transportation - Semipermeable, it has a special chemical & physical properties. - It interact with other cells & “decide” what goes in (nutrients) & what goes out (wastes).



6 Cytoplasm * Gel-like fluid, occupies a major portion of the cell. * It consists mainly of water. Functions: Functions: 1- Absorption. 2- Cell duplication.


8 Nucleus - Nucleus has DNA & RNA. - DNA & RNA are 2 proteins that carry genetic information. - The nucleus is the Control Center of the cell. - It directs the metabolic activities. - At least one nucleus in each cell. - RBC lose their nucleus as they mature. - Skeletal muscle have more than one nucleus.


10 Anatomy & Physiology Cell + Cell Cells + Cells Tissue + Tissues Organ + Organs System + Systems Human Body Structural Units

11 Tissues * Tissues are group of specialized cells that joint together to perform a particular function 1- Epithelial2- Connective3- Muscle4- Nerve


13 Epithelial Tissues * Epithelial tissue make a continuous covering of external (Skin) & internal (GIT) body surfaces. * Functions: 1- Protection2- Secretion 3- Regulate the passage of materials across them.

14 Epithelial Tissues * In the small intestine it absorbs nutrients. * In glands it secrets digestive enzymes, hormones, mucous & saliva. * Specialized epithelial cells, i.e. have special Functions such as skin color, hair, nails, mucous production & sweat regulation.

15 Connective Tissue * It is the major structural material of the body. Functions: - Provide support for the body- Connects its organs & tissues.

16 Connective Tissues * It includes( tendons, cartilage, bone, blood, lymph) functions * Their functions include: - Bind & support other tissues. - Store fat. - Kill bacteria. - Produce blood cells & produce antibodies against infection & diseases





21 Membranes * They are layers of tissues. * Functions: - Cover. - Line. - Divide.

22 Membranes 1- Meninges 2- Cell Membrane 3- Serous Membrane 4-Mucous Membrane 5-Synovial Membrane Types

23 Membranes * Meninges: - It covers the brain & the spinal cord


25 Membranes * Cell Membrane: - Structural. - Transportation.

26 Membranes * Serous Membrane: - Surrounds organs in the chest & stomach - Provide protection against disease & reduce friction with neighboring parts.


28 Membranes * Mucous Membrane: - Lines digestive & respiratory tracts. - Secrets mucous fluid that fights infection, contains antibodies.


30 Membranes * Synovial Membrane: - Covers joints & tendons like a bag or sac. - It contains fluid that lubricate joints called synovial fluid.


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