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Medical Terminology Lesson 2. Look-Alike, Sound Alike Terms Arteri/oartery Ather/oplaque or fatty substance Arthr/ojoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology Lesson 2. Look-Alike, Sound Alike Terms Arteri/oartery Ather/oplaque or fatty substance Arthr/ojoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology Lesson 2

2 Look-Alike, Sound Alike Terms Arteri/oartery Ather/oplaque or fatty substance Arthr/ojoint

3 ileumileum – part of the small intestine (remember that the med term for intestines is “enter” and it has an “e” like ileum. iliumilium is part of the hip bone – you can see the ilium when you lay on your’s the bones that are sticking up.

4 InfectionInfection – an invasion of the body by a pathogen. It may be local or affect the entire body InflammationInflammation – a localized response to injury or destruction of tissues. The usual indications of inflammation are (1) redness, (2) heat, (3) swelling (edema) and (4) pain. The suffix –itis means inflammation; however it also is often used to indicate infection.

5 LacerationLaceration – a torn, ragged wound LesionLesion – a pathological change of the tissue due to disease or injury

6 MucousMucous – an adjective that describes the specialized mucous membranes that line the body cavities and some organs Trachea mucous membrane MucusMucus is a noun and is the name of the substance secreted by the mucous membranes. (you can probably figure out a secretion that comes out of the nose….that’s mucus)

7 Myc/o – fungus. Mycosis means any disease caused Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) by a fungus (osis = abnormal condition myc= fungus) Myel/o – bone marrow or spinal cord My/o - muscle

8 -ologist – specialist. A gerontologist is a specialist in treating the elderly.(geront means old age) -ology – the study of. Cardiology is the study of the heart.

9 PalpationPalpation – examination technique when the examiner uses the hands to feel the size and consistency of certain body parts. PalpitationPalpitation – pounding or racing heart

10 ProstateProstate – male gland that surrounds the urethra ProstrateProstrate – means to be lying flat or be overcome with exhaustion

11 Pyel/o – renal pelvis (part of the kidney) pyelogram py/o – pus pyoderma (pus-producing » disease of the skin) Pyr/o – fever or fire (pyretic means pertaining to fever) (pyrosis – abnormal condition of fire…..also known as heartburn)

12 Supination – rotating the forearm so the palm faces upward or forward Suppuration – formation or discharge of pus MRSA

13 Triage – the medical screening of patients to determine the priority of need Trauma – wound or injury. These are the types of injuries that occur in accidents, shootings, natural disasters, or fire.

14 Viral – pertaining to a virus (vir means virus or poison, al means pertaining to) » human immunodeficiency virus Virile – possessing masculine traits

15 A few more word roots…these indicate color Cyan/o – blue (cyanosis) Erythr/o – red erythrema

16 Leukwhite leukocyteLeuk/o – white leukocyte melan/o – black melanoma Poli/o – gray Poliomyelitis affects the gray matter of the spinal cord

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