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The Cell Membrane Chapter 2 Section 2.1- The Components of Cells Topics: Structure, Function, Diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Membrane Chapter 2 Section 2.1- The Components of Cells Topics: Structure, Function, Diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Membrane Chapter 2 Section 2.1- The Components of Cells Topics: Structure, Function, Diseases

2 Why is the cell membrane so important? Controls what molecules enter and leave Selectively permeable O 2, CO 2, and water can pass straight through membrane Charged or larger molecules need channel or carrier proteins to enter.

3 What are the parts of a cell membrane? Phospholipids – Create a bilayer – Phosphate head Hydrophilic- loves water so exposed to watery internal & external cell environment – 2 lipid tails Hydrophobic- hate water so are found in the middle of the membrane

4 What are the parts of a cell membrane? Glycoproteins- carbohydrate chains attached to proteins embedded in CM Glycolipids- carbohydrate chains attached to phospholipids embedded in CM Both of these help other cells recognize each other

5 What are the parts of a cell membrane? Receptor Proteins – Have indentations or shapes that fit and hold molecules outside the cell. – Ligand- molecule that binds to the active site of a receptor – After ligand binds to receptor a cascade of chemical reactions occur inside cell – EX: Ligand might send a message inside the cell to tell cell to make more mucous, hormone, etc.

6 What are the parts of a cell membrane? Selective channel protein- allows certain ions into/out of cell; like a tube for passive movement of larger or charged ions Adhesion proteins- connect two bilayers to each other Enzymes- speed up chemical reactions Carrier protein- open and close to dump molecules in/out Carrier protein clip

7 What are the parts of a cell membrane? Cholesterol – gives cell membrane some structure so it is not “mushy” – Keeps cell membrane from freezing in cold weather

8 Why is the cell membrane called a fluid mosaic model? Mosaic- b/c it is studded with so many different proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, etc. Fluid- b/c the molecules are not rigidly joined. They are moveable around each other Fluid Mosaic Video Clip

9 Cell Membrane Rap!

10 What types of diseases are associated with proteins in the cell membrane? Congenital Insensitivity to Pain (CIP)- – sodium channel proteins are mutated and block sodium ions which leads to decreased or absent nerve impulses – No nerve impulses= can’t feel pain Normal Sodium Channel Video Clip

11 What types of diseases are associated with proteins in the cell membrane? Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PE or PEPD) – Sodium channel proteins are mutated and left open too long causing a prolonged and intense pain response

12 What types of diseases are associated with proteins in the cell membrane? Cystic Fibrosis (CF) – Abnormal sodium and chloride channel proteins – Sodium chloride trapped inside cell draws water out of mucous lining lungs/pancreas which causes mucous to be very thick. – CF patients have difficulty breathing due to thick mucous secretions in pancreas and lungs, & frequent lung infections

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