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Published byAmelia Styer Modified over 10 years ago
6A.1 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE USE OF THE UNFCCC - NAI GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTOY SOFTWARE CGE Greenhouse Gas Inventory Hands – on Training Workshop for the African Region Pretoria, South Africa 18 – 22 September 2006
6A.2 2 CONTENT During the workshop are included the following presentations related with the UNFCCC - NAI Software: 1.Introduction to the use of the UNFCCC - NAI Inventory Software (version 1.3). 2.Sectoral presentations. Include: a)Specific details of the UNFCCC -NAI Software use to calculate and report GHG emissions in the sectors: Energy; Industrial Processes; Agriculture; Land- use Change and Forestry (two options: Revised IPCC Guidelines, 1996 and IPCC GPG-LULUCF, 2003) and Waste b)Practical exercises (to be solved by the participants during and after the presentations).
6A.3 3 This software, produced by the UNFCCC Secretariat, will support non-Annex I Parties in the compilation of their national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and in the preparation of their national communications. This software is used for two main objectives: 1)To calculate the emissions in the different sectors and source categories. 2)To report the emissions by sectors and source categories and the national inventory at country level. ¡Using the software It is always possible report a complete inventory independently of the method used to calculate the emissions! UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE
6A.4 4 The software is based on the commercial spreadsheet application Microsoft Excel. You must have Excel 2000 or a later version installed on your computer to be able to run this software. Note: There are difficulties to start the software using Windows 2003 if it not contains the Visual Basic Library 4.0 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Design/Environment
6A.5 5 In general, this software uses Tier 1 methodologies for estimating GHG emissions and removals for all source categories described in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. However, for some source categories it is possible to use Tier 2 methods recommended in IPCC-GPG 2000 using variants included in the the worksheets or modifying these lightly. Also it is possible to use methods from 2003 IPCC-GPG-LULUCF. Even if higher-tier methods are chosen to estimate emissions/removals, the summary tables in this software can still be used for reporting. UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Methodologies
6A.6 6 The software is based on the IPCC inventory software version 1.1, but has additional characteristics not present in the IPCC software. These are described in Sections 4 and 5 of the software manual. UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Methodologies
6A.7 7 For example, a new module (Module 5B) has been added to the present software so that inventory compilers may apply the more recent methodologies developed by the IPCC to the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, as described in the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2003 GPG-LULUCF). The UNFCCC encourages the use of these methodologies, though the user may still choose to use the outdated Module 5 Land-Use UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Methodologies. New Characteristics
6A.8 8 In the Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management (2000) the IPCC developed the concept of a key source and in the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2003) this was extended to the more general concept of a key category. The software contains a tool that links directly to the summary tables and allows the user to perform both level and trend key category analyses. UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Methodologies. New Characteristics
6A.9 9 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Methodologies. New Characteristics For non-Annex I Parties the use of tables contained in decision 17/CP.8 is encouraged. These tables are included in the software and are (partly) filled automatically, so that once the inventory has been compiled using this software, the time for preparing the reporting tables can be kept to a minimum.
6A.10 10 Table 1 and 2 of the UNFCCC Guidelines are very similar to Table 7A (Summary Report) of the UNFCCC-NAI Software)
6A.11 11
6A.12 12 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Documentation Boxes. New Characteristics It is recommended introduce notes in the worksheets and tables of the software that clarify, among other aspects for example: 1)If the estimates carried out are complete or representatives only of a part of the country or activity. 2)Informations on the methods, data and factors used, especially if they are not those included in the IPCC Guidelines, GPG2000 and GPG-LULUCF, 2003. The software provides boxes in each worksheet for documenting data sources and individual steps in the inventory preparation and to include any clarifications considered necessary.
6A.13 13 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Benefits In estimating GHG emissions and removals, and in reporting these to the UNFCCC, the software offers multiple benefits. It guides the user in a simple step-by-step approach through the emission/removal calculations, which can easily be followed for Tier 1 with the instructions given in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines and the 2003 IPCC Good Practice Guidance (LULUCF); It helps to avoid potential mistakes/inconsistencies in the inventory preparation and enhances transparency; It helps to save resources, in particular time;
6A.14 14 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Benefits It facilitates the reporting to the UNFCCC, as well as the management of data; It offers a uniform data management system for inventories from more than one year. This is particularly useful in trend analyses, such as the Key Category Trend Analysis, for which this software provides a tool;
6A.15 15 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Benefits In the preparation of the 2000 GHG inventory it is recommended to revise the data provided in previous inventories. Parties wishing to report for years other than 1990 or 1994 and 2000 are welcome to do so. The UNFCCC -NAI Inventory Software facilitates the recalculation of emissions in previous inventories and the report of inventories for different years.
6A.16 16 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Where to get the software and its manual? Either on CD-ROM or from Internet. CD-ROM version included in: GCE NAI Training Package on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories -Internet site: It is recommended to download it and its manual from the UNFCCC Website
6A.17 17
6A.18 18 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Installing the software Once you have downloaded the file “”, extract the contents (8 Excel files) into a directory of your choice (e.g. “C:\UNFCCC\Software”). This software is a customized spreadsheet software that contains seven modules (OVERVIEW, MODULE1, MODULE2, MODULE4, MODULE5, MODULE5B, MODULE6) and an initialization routine (START).
6A.20 20 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Starting the software The software can be started by double-clicking “START.XLS”. ¡Do not double click any of the other files! Optional: You may want to create a short-cut to the software on your desktop. For this, go to the directory into which you have extracted the files, right-click on START.XLS, and select Sent To -> Desktop (create shortcut). An icon called “Shortcut to START.XLS” will appear on your desktop. Rename this icon to, e.g. UNFCCC_NAI_Software.
6A.21 21 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Starting the software When you open the software you will be asked to “enable macros”: Select “Yes”. Excel will then automatically open. This is to protect against macro viruses. Excel will ask you this question every time you open the software
6A.22 22 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Starting the software If after starting the UNFCCC software nothing happens You may have disabled the macros. Restart the UNFCCC software and enable the macros. Should the problem persist change the security settings of your spreadsheet software to medium or low (Tools-> Options -> Security -> Macro security).
6A.23 23 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Selecting a year of the inventory The UNFCCC logo will appear and you have to click the button in the lower right corner to continue. You will be presented with a dialogue box requesting the year of your inventory. Select a year from the dropdown list (the default is the current year) or type in a new year (4 digits).
6A.24 24 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Constructing an inventory for the selected year If no inventory exists yet for this year, you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking whether you would like to create a new inventory for that year. Click ‘Yes’ to start your inventory, if you choose ‘No’ the software will close.
6A.25 25 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Selecting a year to use as a template You will then be asked to select an inventory to use as a template. From the drop-down list, you can select a year which already contains inventory data or you can select a set of blank sheets. If you would like to use the format and data from a previous year’s inventory as a starting point, select a year from the list. If you would like to start with a blank set of worksheets, select Blank sheets from the list.
6A.26 26 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Loading the file Overview.xls Once you have created an inventory, the next time you start the software this inventory will appear in the drop-down list. After you have selected the inventory you would like to work with, the Overview module opens automatically (Excel will load the file called Overview.xls).
6A.27 27 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Loading the file Overview.xls The Overview file contains the reporting tables from the Reporting Instructions (Volume 1, IPCC Guidelines) and other general information relating to your inventory. It will be open at all times when you are running the software. This is to make sure that all the calculations are updated as you work.
6A.28 28 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE The Overview module The Overview module serves two purposes: First, from here the modules for individual sectors can be accessed through the menu bar; and Second, the Overview module contains summary tables that can be used for reporting, and also the Key Category Analysis tool that can be used for identifying key categories in the inventory.
6A.29 29 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview module main screen The Overview module opens automatically in the sheet “head”. The standard EXCEL menu system is replaced by a special menu system (Main Menu) Here you can enter your country, the inventory year and contact information. It is very useful from a data management point of view to fill in these cells, and you only have to do it once. The country name and inventory year you enter will appear automatically on all worksheets.
6A.30 30 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview module. Menu bar The menu bar is customized to allow quick navigation within the overview module and to get to the sectoral modules easily. It contains essential Excel menus, but also additional menus specific to this software. The File, Edit, Insert, Window and Help menus are standard Excel menus that can be used to open and close files, modify the worksheets, change from one worksheet to another and obtain help within the Excel programme. There are currently no Help items for this software.
6A.31 31 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview module: Menu bar. Summary tables There are a number of summary tables in this Overview module that can be used for reporting. The Long Summary menu option contains three choices which will guide you to the summary table 7A, sheets 1, 2 and 3 of the IPCC Reporting Instructions. The Short Summary menu option guides you to summary table 7B of the IPCC Reporting Instructions and to Tables 1 and 2 of decision 17/CP.8.
6A.32 32 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview module: Menu bar. Uncertainty The Uncertainty menu option will show you summary table 8A, sheets 1, 2 and 3 of the IPCC Reporting Instructions.
6A.33 33 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview module: Menu bar. Key categories Key Category Analysis Tool Its aim is the identification of emission and removal categories that contribute significantly to the inventory. Tabs at the bottom of the window
6A.34 34 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Overview Module: Menu bar. Sectoral reports You can also click on the tabs at the bottom of the window to move from one sectoral report to another and to the summary tables. The tabs are labeled using the same format as the IPCC Workbook and Reporting Instructions and the 2003 Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (Module 5B). In the Overview module, the tabs are labeled with Summary Table names. For all the sector worksheets (Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land-Use Change and Forestry, Waste) the tabs are labeled with the number of the worksheet and the number of the sheet within that worksheet. Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl-PageUp/Ctrl_PageDown keys to navigate in the workbook as usual.
6A.35 35 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Selecting a sector to work on Click on Sectors at the top and select the sector you will work with (e.g. Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, etc.: Modules 1, 2, 4, 5, 5B, 6 [1].[1] A new file will be opened when you select a sector. This file contains the worksheets from the workbook for that particular sector. [1] There is no Module 3 for “Solvent and Other Product Use” provided in this software since there is no workbook methodology provided in the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. [1]
6A.36 36 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Completing your inventory After choosing the sector you wish to work on and the file has been opened, use the instructions in the workbook to fill in the required information for making the emission estimates. The workbook contains detailed explanations on how the calculations should be made. Users are encouraged to provide additional documentation in the worksheets.
6A.37 37 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Completing your inventory After you fill in the information for the selected sector (e.g. Energy) you should save the changes by selecting File>Save. To move to another sector : 1)Click on Window and select Overview.xls from the menu. This will take you back to the Main Menu. 2)Click on Sectors again and choose a new sector.
6A.38 38 GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Saving the changes Once you have completed the data and saved the changes, the values are transferred automatically to Sectoral Tables. Also, the values are transferred automatically from the Sectoral Tables to the Summary Report Tables (7As1 - 7As3), and the Short Summary Report (7Bs1).
6A.39 39 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Sectoral and summary tables. General recommendations Don't trust in the automatic filled of the Sectoral report and Summary tables. Diverse causes may produce that in this automatic filled arise errors that falsify the emissions obtained for the sector and the inventory. Carry out a meticulous checkup of the worksheets and verify if their results have been appropriately transferred to the tables of Sectoral report. After it verifies that an appropriate correspondence exists between the Sectoral report tables and the Summary tables.
6A.40 40 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Sectoral and summary tables. General recommendations Also remember that in the tables of Sectoral report and Summary, should be incorporated manually the emissions obtained: a)In those source categories in which the software doesn't have worksheets or, b)In those that were carried out estimates using methods different to the one included in the software.
6A.42 42 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Printing the worksheets To print individual worksheets, click on the printer icon on the Excel toolbar. If you would like to print more than one worksheet at once, select the Tab of the first sheet you wish to print and then, while holding down the Shift key, select the last sheet you wish to print. Once the sheets are selected simply click on the printer icon as before.
6A.44 44 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Protection The software is protected to make sure that the formulas and tables cannot be modified accidentally. Cells which contain formulas or information which should not be changed have been protected to prevent mistakes from being made. WARNING: You should be cautioned that, if the base worksheets are modified, it is your responsibility to ensure that all formulas, calculations and links between tables are correct.
6A.45 45 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Protection The protection function can be disable, however, to allow the user to modify the format and contents of the worksheets. Is recommended that the modifications in the disabled worksheets are only made, if you have enough domain of the application Excel. For example, to force the introduction of a result (value) in certain estimate, could erase an instruction, links etc., and to introduce errors in the estimates or in the software operation. WARNING: If you introduce a modification makes sure that all the formulas and links remain correct and when finishing, protect again the worksheet
6A.46 46 UNFCCC - NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Disabling the protection The protection function is located at the bottom of the Edit menu item (in other Excel versions it is in tools or in a window that appears making right click in any command of the main menu) If you select Unprotect Sheet you will disable the protection on the current sheet. If you select Unprotect Workbook, you will disable the protection on the entire Excel workbook (the file you are working in).
6A.47 47 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Disabling the protection You might want to disable the protection on a worksheet to: 1.increase or decrease the width of a column; 2.add colour to a cell, or change a formula; 3.add a row or column to the worksheet, perhaps to add a sector, fuel type, domestic livestock type etc. You might want to disable the protection on a workbook to: 1.add or delete worksheets from the workbook; 2.copy or move worksheets from one workbook to another.
6A.48 48 UNFCCC – NAI GHG INVENTORY SOFTWARE Unprotect-Reprotect Unprotect When you select Unprotect sheet (or Workbook) you will get a dialogue box which confirms the action. Reprotect After you have made your modifications, you may wish reprotect the worksheet or workbook. To do this you simply have to select the ‘Protection’ menu item again and you will get another confirmation dialogue box which will say that the worksheet or workbook has been protected.
6B.49 Thank you
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