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Mathew Napier(1), Jason Moore(2), Kurt Lanes(1), Sana Rezgui(2),

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Presentation on theme: "Mathew Napier(1), Jason Moore(2), Kurt Lanes(1), Sana Rezgui(2),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathew Napier(1), Jason Moore(2), Kurt Lanes(1), Sana Rezgui(2),
MAPLD 2004 SINGLE EVENT EFFECT (SEE) ANALYSIS, TEST, MITIGATION & IMPLIMENTATION OF THE XILINX VIRTEX-II INPUT OUTPUT BLOCK (IOB) Mathew Napier(1), Jason Moore(2), Kurt Lanes(1), Sana Rezgui(2), Gary Swift(3) (1)Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM, USA (2)Xilinx, San Jose, CA, USA (3)JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA "This work was carried out in part by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration." "Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement by the United States Government or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology."

2 Purpose & Outline Analyze and Evaluate the different types of TMR IOB Mitigation structures. Discuss the trade offs: SEE, electrical/timing and resources, and how these trades off effect the operation and MTBF of a system. OUTLINE IOB SEE IOB Mitigation Triple Module Redundant IOB JPL Dual-MR SEE Trade offs Cross Section Signal Integrity and Timing System Implementation TMR, EDAC, I/O Count High-speed Interfaces

3 SEU Hazards for Xilinx Technology
Configuration Memory Configuration memory controls logic function and routing Configuration Memory Upsets Cause Changes logic function Changes routing Changes IO Configuration Transient and Static Bit Errors Changes data and control states Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) Power On State Machine Upsets (POR Upset) Causes power on reset to occur Select Map and JTAG Disables part configuration/scrub Effective mitigation techniques exist for each of these error modes SRAM Configuration Memory Controls Logic Function Look-up Tables Internal Registers Store State Data SRAM Configuration Memory Controls Routing Switch Matrix

4 Input Output Buffer (IOB)
IOB are used to interconnect the Xilinx FPGA fabric with external devices. Support a wide range of I/O operating standards. Differential – LVDS… ECL Single Ended – LVCMOS…HSTL Silicon features greatly increasing system performance. Flip Flops in the IOB Double Data Rate Flip Flops Digital Impedance control An IOB consists of the following parts Input path Two DDR registers Output path Two 3-state DDR registers Separate clocks for I & O Set and reset signals are shared Separated sync/async Separated Set/Reset attribute per register Reg DDR mux 3-State OCK1 OCK2 Output PAD Input ICK1 ICK2 IOB

5 IOB Detailed View (FPGA Editor)
IOB Details 3-State Control Registers IO standard options (LVDS, etc) Output Registers Input Registers IOB Detailed View (FPGA Editor)

6 Xilinx Triple Module Redundancy (XTMR): Inputs
SEU Immunity requires the use of triple redundant input pins for every input signal. Not triplicating input Global signals (clk, rst, etc) can seriously compromise SEU resistance. Triplication of input data paths can be traded for EDAC. Reduce I/O count SEU resistance is sometimes traded-off for resource utilization. Xilinx input Capacitance is 10pF per I/O so user needs to verify that interfacing parts can drive 30pF at speed.

7 XTMR : Triplicated Outputs with Minority Voters
Outputs can be triplicated, using three pins for each output signal. Minority voters monitor each of the triplicated design modules If one module is different from the others, its output pin is driven to High-Z Voters are triplicated P Minority Voter TR0 P Minority Voter TR1 P Minority Voter TR2 Convergence point is outside FPGA, at trace

8 XTMR: Triplicated Output Operation - Datapath SEU
Minority Voter P TR0 TR1 TR2 Z If a datapath SEU occurs, minority voter places its pin in high-Z Remaining valid outputs drive output to correct value. If an SEU occurs on the Minority voter, the worst it can do is disable a valid output. To pass an incorrect output, two upsets would have to occur on the same path Active Scrubbing of the part will eliminate the accumulation of double SEUs in Configuration Logic Minority Voter P TR0 TR1 TR2 Z

9 XTMR : Duplicated Outputs with Minority Voters (JPL)
TR0 TR1 TR2 Convergence point is outside FPGA, at trace In this scheme (by Gary Swift at JPL), triplicated design domains are driven on to two pins Two minority voters monitor each of the triplicated design modules If a module is different from the others, its output pin is driven to High-Z Voters are duplicated If an SEU occurs on the datapath without a pin, the outputs continue operating as normal. Minority Voter P TR0 TR1 TR2

10 XTMR: Duplicated Output Operation - Datapath SEU(2)
Minority Voter P TR0 TR1 TR2 Z If an SEU occurs on the datapath with a pin, that pin is driven to high-Z. The main advantage of this technique is that it uses 2 rather than 3 pins thus reducing pin count and maintaining SEU immunity. If an SEU occurs on the Minority voter, the worst it can do is disable a valid output. Same as XTMR Minority Voter P TR0 TR1 TR2 Z

11 XTMR: Single output pin
If a design is pin-limited, you can elect not to triplicate some outputs. A single Majority Voter can be placed in series with a single output. This will cause additional output delay and leave the output path susceptible to SEU TR0 TR1 Majority Voter TR2 OBUF

12 XTMR Output Analysis How many configuration bits in TMR I/O after Minority Voter? Errors in these bits will change the IOB function and NOT be caught by the voter. How many one bit upsets will really change the Function? Does a Stuck at High, Stuck at Low or Inverted IOB Failure in a XTMR structure still function correctly? Can two I/O overdrive the failed one? Voltage output High Voltage output Low Timing Rise/Fall How does this change for different I/O types and switching speeds. How to design a system that balances SEE sensitivity System performance and speed Resource Utilization

13 Schematic Analysis Determine the number of Configuration Memory Cells (CMC) needed to configure unprotect and TMR I/O Configuration by analyzing Xilinx schematics. Guidelines/Assumptions Not all SEUs will be catastrophic – therefore there are two types of SEUs (Hard and Soft Failures) Hard Failure : 100% certainty that when it occurs – will cause a system failure Causing the output to become inverted Causing the output to be either stuck high/low Changing the signaling standard to something completely different (e.g. LVCMOS to HSTL) Causing the output to be tri-stated Soft Failure: Uncertain as to the effect Changing the signaling standard to something similar (LVCMOS to LVTTL) Changing the drive strength or slew rate Changing the termination

14 Schematic Analysis Results
CLB LUT Routing to IOB IOB Schematic Analysis of this path = 109 bits (but only 92 “essential) 26 Hard Failures 66 Soft Failures

15 TMR Output Results Schematic Analysis of this configuration = 173 bits
CLB and Routing IOB Schematic Analysis of this configuration = 173 bits 27 Hard Failures 122 Soft Failures TMR has larger cross section then unprotected . AC analysis will determine which type is more robust.

16 SEE Mitigated IOB Signal Integrity and Timing
MEMEC Insight MB-2000 board used as test platform to test Electrical and Timing Characteristics of XTMR. Tied Three I/O together and ran through four different cases: Normal, Stuck at High, Stuck at Low, Inverted For Each Case the following measurements were measured. Voh, Vol, Tr, Tf 4GHz Scope Pictures I/O Types Evaluated included 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V LVCMOS & LVTTL, LVDCI (Impedance control) & LVDS. Fast and Slow Slew Rate. Hyperlinx Simulations were preformed on all of the above cases to verify correlation between measured and simulated data. JPLs dual-redundant minority voters mitigation scheme will fail all of the above operating conditions if one of the I/Os fail.

17 SEE Mitigated IOB Signal Integrity and Timing
XTMR 1.8V LVCMOS One output Inverted Voh downto 1.4V down from 1.8V Vol upto .4V up from 0V Noise do to lack of termination Normal Inverted

18 SEE Mitigated IOB Signal Integrity and Timing
Stuck at High LVCMOS1.8V Measured Voh = 1.72V Vol = .4V Tr = .58ns Tf = .51ns Simulated Voh = 1.79V Vol = .54V Tr = .80ns Tf = .60ns Hyperlynx IBIS Model Stuck at High Simulation Stuck at Low Simulated Voh = 1.26V Vol = -.06V Tr = .60ns Tf = .70ns LVCMOS1.8V Measured Voh = 1.44V Vol = -.04V Tr = .62ns Tf = .52ns Simulation data correlates with measured data Stuck at Low Simulation

19 SEE Mitigated IOB Signal Integrity and Timing
Measured Data Spread Sheet Normal Stuck At Low Stuck At Low INV SAH Failure limits V output low margin or violates level

20 CMC Failure Comparison
How does Naked I/O compare to TMR in dynamic test in the beam and Fault Injection? Test will show CMC sensitivity do to switching failures large enough to break output switching state. TMR displayed zero failures at 3.3V and 1.8V Naked I/O has much larger CMC failure cross section then TMR setup. I/O test design is only running at 30MHz. TMR failures may show up at higher speeds. Inverted

21 System Goals & Implimentation
Xilinx FPGA technology is a Mission Enabling Technology SEU Goal – Develop a design that produces the SEU performance comparable to that of a fully hardened design while exploiting the capabilities of state-of-the-art CMOS process technologies SEU Result – System Upset rate is superior to that which could be achieved with unmitigated SEU hard logic IMPLIMENTATION Command and control logic is implemented in SEU hard logic Processor Memory includes Parity protection Fail over to boot code SEU detection and recovery for SEU soft devices is automatic and occurs without ground intervention SEU induced outages that do not require ground intervention are booked against mission availability Although not a specific requirement good SEU performance under nominal solar flare conditions is desired

22 SEU Mitigation and Error Control
Mitigate IO Upsets TMR of IO for clocks and address signals EDAC for data path signals Mitigate Configuration Memory Upsets TMR internal logic Configuration memory scrubbing to prevent error accumulation Design approach does not include POR upset mitigation Use of shadow devices effective against POR errors POR Error rate is very low The flight system makes extensive use of several techniques to exploit the advantages of nano-meter CMOS technology while maintaining excellent SEU performance Multiple bit Reed-Solomon forward error correction codes Single bit error correcting codes Simple parity error detection Cyclic-Redundancy-Check for burst error correction Triple Modular Redundancy Error Scrubbing Mitigation technique is selected based upon error rate, vulnerability, system impact, and implementation complexity Mitigation techniques provide coverage for dynamic SEU errors Error Correction Techniques Implemented for SEU Mitigation Improve the Overall Design Robustness and Reliability

23 Mitigation Overview – Sensor Data Processor (SDP)
Processes 8Gbps of Data. Outputs 340Mbits of Processed Data. Architecture Fiber Receiver and SERDES link, 4 channels at a maximum of 160Mpix ea. Four Quadrant Processors for data processing. Contains 640 Mbytes of SDRAM for data storage 320 bit 85Mhz SDRAM 1.8V Can generate upto 340Mbits/s of Source Packet Data One Central Virtex For Data Networking De-mux data from Serdes chips outputs to 4 processing channels/Quadrant Xilinx Controls Frame Summation Rates and Reference Frame Generation Rates. Transfer Source Packets to downlink modules at up to 340Mbits/s Max USES Compresses source Packets.

24 Mitigation Overview – Sensor Data Processor (SDP)
RS-ECC RS-ECC XC2V3000 640MB +ECC TMR Fiber Input TMR XC2V3000 640MB +ECC ECC ECC 320 320 PIX/Packet SERDES Osc I2C JTAG PIX/Packet JTAG I2C ECC/CRC TMR XC2V3000 Interface Control Gilgamesh A-I2C CTM Voltage Temp. XC2V3000 640MB +ECC TMR TMR XC2V3000 640MB +ECC PIX/Packet JTAG PIX/Packet 320 320 ECC/TMR I2C TIME System CLK Packets I2C JTAG JTAG I2C SDP PXS To DLM/DLC CTM

25 SDP- SDRAM SDRAM interface, 1 per Quadrant Virtex Test
20 1.8V Micron Mobile SDRAM 1.8V LVTTL I/O 320 Bit Data Bus – 240 Pixel DATA, 80 ECC Data is Reed Solomon Encoded TMR'd outputs from Virtex: address,control and Clock Address and control signals are AC Terminated. TMR’d input to Virtex: Clock Feedback – Used to de-skew the SDRAM Clock Currently running at 85MHz designed to operate at 100MHz Test Measured TMR SDRAM Addr, RAS and CAS signals for the following cases. Inverted, Stuck High, Stuck Low Measured Voh, Vol, Tr and Tf. Count the Number of Reed Solomon Errors, If any. SDRAM ADDRESS & CONTROL

26 SDP- SDRAM(2) SDRAM Address Normal SDRAM Address One I/O Inverted

27 No SDRAM Errors for All Three Failure Cases
SDP- SDRAM(3) No SDRAM Errors for All Three Failure Cases

28 Upset Rates for Various SEU Mitigated IO Configurations

29 Lessons Learned Triple redundant outputs for >2.5V LVCMOS or LVTLL achieve correct Vol and Voh levels for all failure cases For low voltage I/O <1.8V Thresholds are very close to margins for failure conditions and may violate other parts spec. For SDRAM interface 1.8V I/O tolerated all three failure cases at room temperature. Double redundant outputs will not meet the correct Vol and Voh levels under I/O failure. Rise and/or Fall times are lengthened do to I/O failure. May cause more failures at higher speeds. Recommendation If resources permit XTMR output for all control signals is recommended regardless of I/O type. High Speed, Jitter or Duty Cycle Sensitive Devices Outputs need special consideration EDAC on Data busses are ideal for IOB failure protection.

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