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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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1 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Prof.Dr.Fehmi Tabak Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Department of Infectious Diseases

2 Topics Background Information “Sores” “Drips”
Role of STDs in HIV Transmission

3 Background Information

4 Background Epidemiology

5 Syndromes Urethritis Genital ulcer adenopathy syndrome
Mucopurulent cervicitis Pelvic inflamatuar diseases (PID) Vaginitis

6 STDs of Concern “Sores” (ulcers) Syphilis
Background STDs of Concern “Sores” (ulcers) Syphilis Genital herpes (HSV-2, HSV-1) Others uncommon in the Turkey Lymphogranuloma venereum Chancroid Granuloma inguinale

7 STDs of Concern (continued)
Background STDs of Concern (continued) “Drips” (discharges) Gonorrhea Chlamydia Nongonococcal urethritis Mucopurulent cervicitis Trichomonas vaginitis / urethritis Candidiasis (vulvovaginal, less problems in men) Other major concerns Genital HPV (especially type 16, 18) and Cervical Cancer

8 Syphilis Genital Herpes (HSV-2, HSV-1)
“Sores” Syphilis Genital Herpes (HSV-2, HSV-1)

9 Genital Ulcer Diseases – Does It Hurt?
Sores Genital Ulcer Diseases – Does It Hurt? Painful Chancroid Genital herpes simplex Painless Syphilis Lymphogranuloma venereum Granuloma inguinale

10 Primary Syphilis - Clinical Manifestations
Sores Primary Syphilis - Clinical Manifestations Incubation: days (average 3 weeks) Chancre Early: macule/papule  erodes Late: clean based, painless, indurated ulcer with smooth firm borders Unnoticed in 15-30% of patients Resolves in 1-5 weeks HIGHLY INFECTIOUS

11 Primary Syphilis -Chancre -LAP
Sores Primary Syphilis -Chancre -LAP

12 Secondary Syphilis - Clinical Manifestations
Sores Secondary Syphilis - Clinical Manifestations Represents hematogenous dissemination of spirochetes Usually 2-8 weeks after chancre appears Findings: rash - whole body (includes palms/soles) mucous patches condylomata lata - HIGHLY INFECTIOUS constitutional symptoms Sn/Sx resolve in 2-10 weeks

13 Secondary Syphilis Rash Generalized LAP Condylomata lata
CNS involvement Fever Glomerulonephritis Hepatitis Artralgia

14 Secondary Syphilis Rash
Sores Secondary Syphilis Rash Source: Florida STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

15 Secondary Syphilis: Generalized Body Rash
Sores Secondary Syphilis: Generalized Body Rash Source: CDC/NCHSTP/Division of STD Prevention, STD Clinical Slides

16 Secondary Syphilis Rash
Sores Secondary Syphilis Rash Source: Florida STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

17 Secondary Syphilis Rash
Sores Secondary Syphilis Rash Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

18 Secondary Syphilis Sores
Source: Diepgen TL, Yihune G et al. Dermatology Online Atlas

19 Secondary Syphilis – Condylomata Lata
Sores Secondary Syphilis – Condylomata Lata Source: Florida STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

20 Tersier and late syphilis
Gom (Syphilitic granulomas) CNS and CVS involvement

21 Syphilis Latent syphilis Serology (+), Clinic (-)
Varies from several months to several years More duration less infectivity Early (<2 years) Late (>2 years) Neurosyphilis Any neurological symptom or sign

22 Syphilis - Diagnose Dark field microscopy Serology

23 Syphilis - Diagnose Non-spesific serological tests
VDRL RPR Spesific serological tests FTA-ABS TPHA MHA-TP ELISA - The only positive thing of my life is my VDRL test!!!

24 Genital Herpes Simplex - Clinical Manifestations
Sores Genital Herpes Simplex - Clinical Manifestations Direct contact – may be with asymptomatic shedding Primary infection commonly asymptomatic; symptomatic cases sometimes severe, prolonged, systemic manifestations Vesicles  painful ulcerations  crusting Recurrence a potential Diagnosis: Tzanck smear Culture Serology (Western blot) PCR

25 Epidemiology of Genital Herpes
Sores Epidemiology of Genital Herpes One of the 3 most common STDs, increased 30% from late 70s to early 90s 25% of US population by age 35 HSV-2: 80-90%, HSV-1: 10-20% (majority of infections in some regions) Most cases subclinical Transmission primarily from subclinical infection Complications: neonatal transmission, enhanced HIV transmission, psychosocial issues

26 Genital Herpes Simplex
Sores Genital Herpes Simplex

27 Genital Herpes Simplex in Females
Sores Genital Herpes Simplex in Females Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

28 “Drips” Gonorrhea Nongonococcal urethritis Chlamydia
Mucopurulent cervicitis Trichomonas vaginitis and urethritis Candidiasis

29 Gonorrhea - Clinical Manifestations
Drips Gonorrhea - Clinical Manifestations Urethritis - male Incubation: d (usually 2-5 d) Sx: Dysuria and urethral discharge (5% asymptomatic) Dx: Gram stain urethral smear (+) > 98% culture Complications Urogenital infection - female Endocervical canal primary site 70-90% also colonize urethra Incubation: unclear; sx usually in l0 d Sx: majority asymptomatic; may have vaginal discharge, dysuria, urination, labial pain/swelling, abd. pain Dx: Gram stain smear (+) 50-70% culture

30 Urethritis

31 Urethral discharge

32 Drips Gonorrhea Source: Florida STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

33 Gonorrhea Gram Stain Drips
Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

34 Nongonococcal Urethritis
Drips Nongonococcal Urethritis Source: Diepgen TL, Yihune G et al. Dermatology Online Atlas

35 Nongonococcal Urethritis
Drips Nongonococcal Urethritis Etiology: 20-40% C. trachomatis 20-30% genital mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium) Occasional Trichomonas vaginalis, HSV Unknown in ~50% cases Sx: Mild dysuria, mucoid discharge Dx: Urethral smear  5 PMNs (usually 15)/OI field Urine microscopic  10 PMNs/HPF Leukocyte esterase (+)

36 Chlamydia Life Cycle Drips
Source: California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

37 Chlamydia trachomatis
Drips Chlamydia trachomatis Responsible for causing: Cervicitis, Urethritis Proctitis Lymphogranuloma venereum Pelvic inflammatory disease Potential to transmit to newborn during delivery Conjunctivitis, pneumonia

38 Lymphogranuloma venereum

39 Drips Normal Cervix Source: Claire E. Stevens, Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

40 Chlamydia Cervicitis Drips
Source: St. Louis STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

41 Mucopurulent Cervicitis
Drips Mucopurulent Cervicitis Source: Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

42 Laboratory Tests for Chlamydia
Drips Laboratory Tests for Chlamydia Tissue culture has been the standard Specificity approaching 100% Sensitivity ranges from 60% to 90% Non-amplified tests Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA), e.g. Chlamydiazyme sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 97% respectively useful for high volume screening false positives Nucleic Acid Hybridization (NA Probe), e.g. Gen-Probe Pace-2 sensitivities ranging from 75% to 100%; specificities greater than 95% detects chlamydial ribosomal RNA able to detect gonorrhea and chlamydia from one swab need for large amounts of sample DNA

43 Laboratory Tests for Chlamydia (continued)
Drips Laboratory Tests for Chlamydia (continued) DNA amplification assays polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ligase chain reaction (LCR) Sensitivities with PCR and LCR 95% and 85-98% respectively; specificity approaches 100% LCR ability to detect chlamydia in first void urine

44 Chlamydia Direct Fluorescent Antibody (DFA)
Drips Chlamydia Direct Fluorescent Antibody (DFA) Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

45 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Drips Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) l0%-20% women with GC develop PID In Europe and North America, higher proportion of C. trachomatis than N. gonorrhoeae in women with symptoms of PID CDC minimal criteria uterine adnexal tenderness, cervical motion tenderness Other symptoms include endocervical discharge, fever, lower abd. pain Complications: Infertility: 15%-24% with 1 episode PID secondary to GC or chlamydia 7X risk of ectopic pregnancy with 1 episode PID chronic pelvic pain in 18%

46 HPV and Cervical Cancer

47 HPV and Cervical Cancer
Infection is generally indicated by the detection of HPV DNA HPV infection is causally associated with cervical cancer and probably other anogenital squamous cell cancers (e.g. anal, penile, vulvar, vaginal) Over 99% of cervical cancers have HPV DNA detected within the tumor Routine Pap smear screening ensures early detection (and treatment) of pre-cancerous lesions

48 Estimates for HPV-Associated Cancers
HPV and Cervical Cancer Estimates for HPV-Associated Cancers Cervical cancer: In the U.S., an estimated 14,000 cases and 5,000 deaths Worldwide, an estimated 450,000 cases and 200,000 deaths

49 Perianal Wart HPV and Cervical Cancer
Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

50 HPV Penile Warts HPV and Cervical Cancer
Source: Cincinnati STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

51 HIV Infection Infection of immun system
Seen oppurtunistic infections and neoplastic diseases in the last stage

52 Transmission Risks

53 HBV Infection

54 HBV Carrier : 2-3.000.000 CHB (25%) : 500-750.000
Cihrosis and HCC(ex)/year : 5000

55 1/3 - %5 CHB – Epidemiology 1/3-%5 HBsAg Prevalance ³8% -HİGH
2-7% - Moderate <2% - Low 36

56 Genital siğiller HPV (human papilloma virus) etkendir
Erkek ve kadın genital bölgesinde ve anus çevresinde sert, ağrısız, küçük siğillerdir. •Virüsün 6 ve 11. alt tipleri dış genital bölgede; •16, 18 ve 31. alt tipleri ise, servikal displazi ve karsinomla ilişkilidir.

57 Teşekkürler... Şüpheli cinsel temastan kaçının Tek eşliliğe yönelin
Korunma yolları Şüpheli cinsel temastan kaçının Tek eşliliğe yönelin Riskli kişilere HBV aşısı uygulayın Kondom kullanın Uyuşturucu ve alkol aldıktan sonra şüpheli cinsel temastan kaçının Teşekkürler...

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