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Learn How to Protect Yourself and Others The Flu.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn How to Protect Yourself and Others The Flu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn How to Protect Yourself and Others The Flu

2 SymptomsColdFluFever Usually mild Usual; high (100-102 F), occasionally higher, especially in young children); lasts 3 to 4 days HeadacheRareCommon General aches, pains Mild Usual; often severe Fatigue, weakness Occasionally Usual; can last 2 to 3 weeks Extreme exhaustion Uncommon Usual; at the beginning of the illness Stuffy nose CommonOccasionally SneezingCommonOccasionally Sore throat CommonOccasionally Chest discomfort, cough Mild to moderate; hacking cough Common; can become severe

3 Complications Sinus congestion, middle ear infection Sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infection, muscle inflammation, pneumonia that can be life threatening Prevention Wash hands often, avoid close contact with anyone who has flu symptoms, get flu vaccine Wash hands often, avoid close contact with anyone who has flu symptoms, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, get flu vaccine Treatment Bed rest, increase fluid, fever control and decongestants Bed rest, increase fluid, fever control, pain reliever and antiviral drugs may be helpful in some cases

4 Call your doctor if: 1) Persistent fever: 1) Persistent fever: This can be a sign of bacterial infection that needs treatment. Painful swallowing: 2) Painful swallowing: Sore throat from cold or flu are usually mild and if severe it could mean strep infection. Persistent coughing: 3 ) Persistent coughing: When a cough persist for two to three weeks, it could be bronchitis. Postnasal drip, sinusitis, asthma are other causes of persistent cough. Persistent headache and congestion: 4) Persistent headache and congestion: If you have pain on your face or around the eyes with thick nasal discharge, you could have bacterial infection and may need an antibiotic.

5 If you have any of these symptoms seek medical attention immediately: 1) Severe chest pain 2) Severe Headache 3) Shortness of breath 4) Dizziness 5) Confusion 6) Persistent vomiting

6 Difficulty or rapid breathing 1) Difficulty or rapid breathing Bluish skin color 2) Bluish skin color Not drinking enough fluids 3) Not drinking enough fluids Lethargy 4) Lethargy Extreme irritability and distress 5) Extreme irritability and distress Fever and rash 6) Fever and rash Symptoms that were improving and then suddenly worsen 7) Symptoms that were improving and then suddenly worsen

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