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A S TUDENT ’ S SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR COMPUTERS & THE INTERNET Name: Taya Fast Block: 2 Date: October 12,13 Course: Technology 9.

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Presentation on theme: "A S TUDENT ’ S SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR COMPUTERS & THE INTERNET Name: Taya Fast Block: 2 Date: October 12,13 Course: Technology 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 A S TUDENT ’ S SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR COMPUTERS & THE INTERNET Name: Taya Fast Block: 2 Date: October 12,13 Course: Technology 9

2 I NTERNET S AFETY : W HY S HOULD I CARE The internet is a very scary place to be. It is also very public; and not everyone who uses the internet is necessarily very “good”. That’s why you have to protect yourself when on the internet.

3 T OP 5 PERCUSSIONS TO TAKE NEVER give out any personal information (birthday/age, phone number, address, etc) NEVER meet up with anyone that you have only met online

4 T OP 5 PERCUSSIONS TO TAKE Don’t give out your password to anyone; even if you know them Don’t download anything illegally Do not post anything that you will later regret because everything that is posted is PERMANANT Don’t click on pop-ups

5 E RGONOMICS Employs and employers should be more concerned with Ergonomics because it would be used mostly in a work environment; But it also effect everybody so the general public should be aware as well Ergonomics means: A science that deals with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely In my on words Ergonomics means: The parts of something's or someone’s design that make it easy to use

6 E RGONOMICS We use Ergonomics in a work place almost everyday; it makes it easer for the employer/employ to perform their required tasks As well it makes the everyday life easier in different ways; for example a good ergonomic chair would make the office life a lot better

7 S HORT T ERM E FFECTS Shot term effects with poor ergonomics: Sore muscles (for example: your back) Short attention spans And bad work habits Creates someone who would be very stressed out

8 T HE L ONG T ERM E FFECTS Long term effects with poor ergonomics: Even worse work habits Not being able to concentrate which means not getting much done Very sore by this point And maybe close to a breaking point from all the stress

9 C OMPARING Bad < Good The chair on the left is not a good chair and does not have good ergonomics because it gives no support and it wouldn’t be very comfortable (because it have any padding). The chair would give the person a harder time sitting for long periods or working say on a computer; The chair on the right though, has very good ergonomics because it gives great support, padding and leg support. It makes the sitting period very comfortable and relaxing for the person.

10 I NTELLECTUAL P ROPERTY / F ILE S HARING Something that is creative that has been copyright and patent I found mixed results for whether it is illegal or legal on many different sites; I also don’t have a really opinion on this because yes it isn't right if someone takes someone else's work without citing and ta.. Definition:Legal/Illegal:

11 Taking all the credit; but If they do cite it properly then I think it is fine

12 U SEFUL S ITES Word Reference (.com) is a better more effective translator. It is completely privative so it can not be edited by the public. It is also really accurate (unlike GoogleTranslate). So therefore it is very trustworthy and very useful.

13 U SEFUL SITES Checkmymark is a really good way to manage your marks and assignments. Teachers post your marks under you account so that you can see them. It’s a completely private site and the only person who can edited it is your teacher and ->

14 -> Sometimes your principal.

15 U SEFUL S ITES Dictionary (.com) is a great way to define words. It is a very trustworthy site and is not biased.

16 U SEFUL S ITES Thesauruses make a story more exciting. It is not a “nice” site it is a “fantastic” site. It has all the words needed. It is a trustworthy site and not biased.

17 U SEFUL S ITES Another useful site is called Student Life. It is like an online app to keep students more organized. You can create a calendar, block schedule and even play some online learning games. It is trustworthy and not biased.

18 W ORK C ITED S LIDE 1. BizSyz, Central Eglinton Community Center, Wb Framework,( N/d), October 23, 2013. WordPress programs/courses programs/courses 2. Angela Leong, About Gizmodo Australia, Allure Media, (2007), October 23,2013, Gawkar Media 3. N/m, Merriam –Webster Online, “Erganomics” (2013), October 24,2013, Merriam incorrpriate

19 W ORK C ITED S LIDE #2 Abe Abbs,, “furniture”, (2013), October 28, 2013, /ig/Berkline-Massage-Chairs-/Feel-Good- Massage-Chair-16020.htm /ig/Berkline-Massage-Chairs-/Feel-Good- Massage-Chair-16020.htm

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