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Greetings from Burmah Road Gospel Hall, PENANG Christian Assembly Paklok Passover Meetings – 4-6 April, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Greetings from Burmah Road Gospel Hall, PENANG Christian Assembly Paklok Passover Meetings – 4-6 April, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greetings from Burmah Road Gospel Hall, PENANG Christian Assembly Paklok Passover Meetings – 4-6 April, 2015

2 III. T HE F ISH T HAT S WAM - Matt. 12:38-41 A.THE STORY OF THE FISH THAT SWAM Or the Story of Jonah in only 48 verses (KJV) Ch. 1 Jonah Running away from God. (3, 12, 15) Ch. 2 His Rescue. (1:17; 2:1, 10)

3 A.THE STORY OF THE FISH THAT SWAM. B. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF … 1.The Swallowing Fish – Or In the fish’s belly. a. The “Great Fish-y” Story, Proved true by the Lord. A Man-eating Shark/Whale? A Monster Fish? – A Messiah-verified Story! b. The Fish Prepared by God to Swim, to Swallow and to Spit out. 2. The Son of Man in the Belly of the Fish as Jonas was…so shall the Son of man Be. Jon. 1:17 Mt. 12:39-41; 16:4 Jon. 1:17 cf. 2:10 Mt. 12:40b

4 III. T HE F ISH T HAT S WAM - Matt. 12:38-41 A. THE STORY OF THE FISH THAT SWAM Ch. 3 His “Repent” Sermon of eight words, 3:4 cf. 4:11 The Results: Repentance, 5-10 Ch. 4 His Rejection of God’s Grace. 1-3 His Rebuke. 4-11 God’s Roles. 1:17; 2:10; 4:6, 7, 8

5 A. THE STORY OF THE FISH THAT SWAM. B. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF … C. THE SIGN OF….the prophet Jonas. Matt. 12:38, 39 1. THE PROPHET JONAH - 1:17 In the fish’s belly: a type of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. a. A Comparison – Jonah and Jesus i. Each was a Messenger sent by God and had a Message from God. ii.Each experienced a Miracle coming out of the “grave” three days and three nights later. Matt. 12:40 - For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

6 1. THE PROPHET JONAH a. A Comparison – Jonah and Jesus b. A Contrast i.Jonah was disobedient and ran away from God; ii.Jonah was judged for his sin in the fish’s belly; iii. Jonah was unhappy when sinners repented; Jesus was obedient to God even unto death. Jesus was judged for your sins in the grave. Jesus welcomed sinners who turn unto Him in repentance.

7 C. THE SIGN OF…. the prophet Jonas. Matt. 12:38, 39 1. THE PROPHET JONAH 2. THE PEOPLE OF NINEVEH a. The Ninevites Repented, but Jesus’ generation Refused. b. The Ninevites Repented at Jonah’s 8-word Sermon, but Jesus’ generation Rejected His many Sermons. The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation. Mt. 12:41

8 C. THE SIGN OF…. the prophet Jonas. Matt. 12:38, 39 1. THE PROPHET JONAH. 2. THE PEOPLE OF NINEVEH. 3. THE PERSON GREATER THAN JONAH. T HE G REATER J ONAH Son of God in His Nature. His Miracles Authenticated His Person and Mission Greater than Jonah, yet the People Rejected Him. Jesus died to live forevermore to be the future Judge. J ONAH A Son of Man with Human Frailties. Wrought No Miracle to Authorise His Preaching and the People Repented. Jonah lived to die later.

9 Conclusion: The Fish that Swam and Swallowed Jonah had Spit him out on dry land! (Jon. 2:10) Jesus lived, died and Rose again triumphant over Death and the Grave to Live forevermore. Now He offers those in this generation a Life with Him if they will Receive Him as their Saviour from Sin. If they Reject Him, Jonah and the Ninevites will Rise up to testify against them in the Judgment to come.

10 III. A – THE FISH THAT SWAM III. B – THE BIRD THAT SOARED. A. THE BIRDS FOR THE CEREMONY TO CLEANSE THE LEPER. Lev. 14 1.The Law Pertaining to the Offender – he was Heinous and Helpless. Lev. 13:44-46, NKJV He is a leprous man. He is unclean…his sore is on his head…his clothes shall be torn and his head bare; and he shall cover his mustache, and cry, 'Unclean! Unclean!…All the days he has the sore he shall be unclean. He is unclean, and he shall dwell alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp.

11 1. The Law Pertaining to the Offender. 2. The Law Pertaining to the Offering of the Two Birds. a. The Significance of the Birds, Lev. 14:4ff i. Their Characteristics - Creatures of the heavens. ii. Their Cleanliness - two Clean living alive) birds. 14:4 iii. The Comparison with Christ Phil. 2:5-8 Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross.

12 A. THE BIRDS FOR THE CEREMONY. Lev. 14 B. THE BIRDS FOR CLEANSING. Lev. 14:4, 5 1.One bird must be Slain …Lev. 14:5, 6 a.In an earthen vessel cf. Christ as a partaker of flesh and blood. Cf. Heb. 2:14 b.Over running water - It was Seeped with blood of the Slain bird – the Spirit’s Role in Redemption. Heb. 9:14 cf. Jn. 7:38, 39 2.The Other living bird must be Set free – the Bird that Soared. Lev. 14:5, 7, 6

13 A. THE BIRDS FOR THE CEREMONY. Lev. 14 B. THE BIRDS FOR CLEANSING. Lev. 14:4, 5 C. THE BIRD THAT SOARED WAS CONNECTED WITH …14:6, 7 1. The Bird that was Slain. 14:6 The living bird was dipped in the blood of the Slain bird and Set free - the two are one, cf. Rev. 1:18a,b 2. The Blood that was Sprinkled. 14:7 It was Sprinkled seven times on the leper.Cf. 16:14, 19

14 2. The Law Pertaining to the Offering of the Two Birds a. The Significance of the Birds. b.The Singleness of the Birds. i. The Shed blood made the two birds one.Lev. 14:6 Cf. The Sacrifice on the Day of Atonement – the two goats. 16:7-10 The Lord’s Lot (goat) to be killed and Sacrificed.16:5, 7-9 The Scapegoat to be Set free. 16:10 ii. The Sprinkled blood made the leper and the two birds one.Lev. 14:7

15 D. AN EIGHTH DAY CONSECRATION. Lev. 14:10-32 1. The eighth day – for the Christian, a new Walk with the Wave offering. Lev. 14:12, 24 The cleansed leper was to present his offerings on the eighth day. Lev. 14:10, 23 a. For the Confirmation of his Cleansing with the Offerings (guilt, sin, burnt and grain) b. For the Consecration of Committed Living with the blood and oil. Lev. 14:14-18 c. All Cleansed – rich or poor – must Come before the Lord. Lev. 14:10, 11, 21-23

16 1. The eighth day 2. The Morrow after the Sabbath – The First Day of the Week – the day of Christ’s Resurrection. Mt. 28:1; Mk. 16:7; Lk. 24:1

17 Summary: The Creatures at the Cross of Christ 1. The Sheep was Silent before its Shearers at the Cross. Isa. 53:7b 2. The Lamb was led to the Slaughter and Slain on the Cross. Isa. 53:7a; Jn. 1:29 3. One Goat with blood Shed on the Cross and one Set free. Lev. 16:15a 4. The Dogs Surrounded the Cross. Psa. 22:16

18 5. The Bulls and Lions Sieged the Cross. Psa. 22:12, 13 6. The Fish Sheltered the Victim on the Cross. Mt. 12:40 7. The Bird Soared from the Cross in Victory. Lev. 14:7 Worthy is the Lamb for He was Slain on the Cross. Rev. 5:11, 12

19 Conclusion:The Resurrection of Christ... 1. Proclaims the Vindication of His Claims.Jn. 11:25 2. Proves the Veracity of Christianity. I Cor. 15:4, 17, 18 3. Provides the Victory for the Christian. Rom. 6:3-6; Gal. 2:20

20 For those interested in… Viewing the Powerpoint Presentation again; Listening to the Study again And/Or Want a full Outline of the Study, Please visit:

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