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Jason Meininger Mac Clark Kayleb Jester Amanda Smith Brianna Murray Period 4 Due: 1/14/2011.

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2 Jason Meininger Mac Clark Kayleb Jester Amanda Smith Brianna Murray Period 4 Due: 1/14/2011

3 North America (such as South Dakota and Nebraska), South America,Europe, Africa, Asia North America (such as South Dakota and Nebraska), South America,Europe, Africa, Asia Middle latitude Middle latitude North America (such as South Dakota and Nebraska), South America,Europe, Africa, Asia North America (such as South Dakota and Nebraska), South America,Europe, Africa, Asia Middle latitude Middle latitude

4 Climate Cold winters and hot summers Winter as low as -40 F and Summers are around 70 F Mostly dry Has 2 seasons- one is a growing season with no frost; the second season is dormant- nothing grows because it’s too cold

5 Precipitation Rainfall is about 500 to 900 mm. per year The rain is great enough to support grasses and about 50 trees and plants

6 Plants and Adaptations – Plants- Flea band, Milkweed, Big Blue Stem grass, Stinging nettle – Adaptation for a Flea Band- when burnt it lets off smoke that repels insects and is also used to sooth sore throats – Adaptations for a Indian grass- is a perennial plant native to the United States and known as warm season grass – Adaptations for Milk Weed - attracts bees, butterflies, and humming birds and five inside pedals are hooded yellow or orange Milk Weed

7 Animals and Adaptations The animals in the grassland adapt to dry windy conditions Grasshoppers- 1. Their long legs help them jump far distances. 2. The grasshopper has an exoskeleton skin that protects it like a shield of armor. Antelope – 1. Acute senses of smell and hearing give antelopes ability to perceive danger at night when out in the open. ( When lions are often on prowl). 2.Their eyes are placed on the sides of their heads give them a broad radius of vision. Bison- 1. Huge herds of bison once roamed the grassland. 2. Their grazing and dust bathing influenced the composition of plant communities and other animals.

8 Plants and Adaptations Big Blue stem Grass adaptations -beard grass and it grows in little hill shaped groups Sting Nettle Adaptations- sting is caused by formic acid that covers the hairs of the plant and it is dangerous

9 Land and Agricultural Uses Farming and ranching The soil is very rich The land is used for growing crops Food-oats, wheat and barely are grown. Cattle ranching in Montana on a Prairie.

10 Samburu National Reserve Located in Kenya Located in Kenya The things you can do there are: see animals such as cheetahs, lions, and leopards. You can also view birds. The things you can do there are: see animals such as cheetahs, lions, and leopards. You can also view birds. Shamwari Grasslands - Located in eastern cape of South Africa - Many animals to look at such as elephants and rhinos, this is a family destination area, and has a popular bush spa - Many animals to look at such as elephants and rhinos, this is a family destination area, and has a popular bush spa

11 Gegentala Grasslands Location Location – north of Hohhot in Mongolia in China View scenery View scenery Eat Mongolian food and watch Mongolian dances. Eat Mongolian food and watch Mongolian dances.

12 Environmental Concerns Over use of rich soil Over plowing Many species are losing their homes because of people taking to much of the land. Farmers uses winter wheat this plant to make the soil better.

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