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What are the social conflicts that impact our adult personalities?

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2 What are the social conflicts that impact our adult personalities?


4 Trust vs. Mistrust

5 Trust Vs. Mistrust ( Birth to age 1 ) n Trust= Secure Attachment n Mistrust= Insecure or Disorganized Attachment

6 Autonomy vs Shame

7 Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt ( The Terrible Twos) n Autonomy = n Resists being dominated n Shame & Doubt n Needs constant structure

8 Initiative vs. Guilt

9 Initiative vs. Guilt ( 3 -5 yrs old) n Initiative= n Accepts Challenges n Sets Goals???? n Guilt n Depressed Easily n Low Self Esteem, Energy

10 Industry vs. Inferiority

11 Industry vs. Inferiority ( 6-12 yrs old) n Industry= n Likes “ projects” n Enjoys learning n Inferiority= n Timid & Withdrawn n An observer

12 Identity Vs. Role Confusion

13 Identity vs. Confusion ( 12- 18/19) n Identity= n Challenges adult authority n Self -accepting n Confusion n Overly Hostile to authority n Overly Obedient n Self-rejecting

14 Intimacy vs. Isolation

15 Intimacy vs. Isolation ( 20/30 yrs old) n Intimacy= n Participates in groups, games etc n Able to make and keep commitments nInIsolation nSnSabotage relationships nWnWithdraws from“ life” nQnQuestionable job performance

16 Generativity vs. Stagnation ( 30’s - 60 yrs old) n Generativity n Willing to take risks, explore, and PRODUCE nSnStagnation nDnDissatisfaction with self, job, life and mate

17 Integrity vs. Despair

18 Integrity Vs. Despair ( 60 yrs old - death) n Integrity= n Self Approving n Accepts the aging process gracefully n.n. n Despair n Anger at self, others, world and society

19 Genertivity vs. Stagnation

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