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THE OZ EFFECT Supporting students through phases of transition Stephanie Birk, M.A. Assistant Director of Career Services, University of Illinois at Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "THE OZ EFFECT Supporting students through phases of transition Stephanie Birk, M.A. Assistant Director of Career Services, University of Illinois at Chicago."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE OZ EFFECT Supporting students through phases of transition Stephanie Birk, M.A. Assistant Director of Career Services, University of Illinois at Chicago Self Professed “Transition Specialist”

3 OBJECTIVE  Developmental insights  Re-energize your work  A Re-fresher  Communicating career wisdom


5 EXERCISE TO EMPATHIZE  Your young adult self  Feelings  Challenges  Opportunities

6 BAD JOB, OR BAD TRANSITION? Higher rate of job turnover – less than 50% of graduates remain with their first employer 2 years after graduation (Sturges & Guest, 2001 in Wendlandt & Rochlen, 2008). Nearly 1/3 of students transfer to a new school during the first years of college. (Pemberton, 2012)

7 TRANSITIONS UNIVERSAL PROCESS Phases of Transition (Bridges, 2004)  An Ending  “letting go”  Period of Confusion/Distress/Chaos  “neutral zone”  A New Beginning  “new way of being” HO: Personal Transition Reflection


9 TRANSITIONS 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF YOUNG ADULT TRANSITION (FOX, 2011) Managing loss Establishing place Focusing on self Searching for purpose

10 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY OF EMERGING ADULTHOOD LIFE-PHASE SPECIFIC PROCESS Erikson’s Developmental Tasks (Erikson, 1968) Identity vs. Role Confusion High school graduate entering college or work Intimacy vs. Isolation College graduate entering work

11 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY OF EMERGING ADULTHOOD LIFE-PHASE SPECIFIC PROCESS Seven Vectors (Chickering & Reisser, 1993)  Gaining competence  Managing emotions  Moving through autonomy towards interdependence  Developing mature interpersonal relationships  Establishing Identity  Developing purpose  Developing Integrity

12 IDENTITY FORMATION Marcia’s Identity Formation Model Identity Achievement Undergone a “crisis” and made a commitment Identity Forclosure Not undergone a crisis but made a commitment anyway Identity Moratorium Undergone a “crisis” but failed to commit to a value Identity Diffusion Neither crisis nor commitment has been made. Experiences Crisis Not in Crisis Commitment Made No Commitment Made


14 MILLENIALS The GAP: 3 differences from Millenials to today’s working culture… Experimentation, Collaboration and Movement. Tried &True vs. Trial & Error  Tip 1: Channel experimental creativity through useful tools, i.e. social media/technology Work out Loud vs. Confidentiality  Tip 2: Accept the “need to know” basis of confidentiality of the workplace Instantaneous Progress vs. Climbing the Ladder  Tip 3: Walk, Don’t Run (Blain, NACE, 2010) HO: Educational Vs. Corporate Culture

15 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES  Anticipation  I can’t wait for the freedom! But… I’m scared!  Adjustment  Who do I want to be now? Who am I? Will I succeed, or will I fail?  Achievement  My friends are my family, my college is my home HO: Preparing for Change

16 COLLEGE GRADUATES DEVELOPMENTAL CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES  “Novice” period of adulthood, age 22-33 (Levinson, 1978)  “Experimenting stage” (Erikson, 1968)  “Starting over”  Common Experiences

17 COLLEGE GRADS  Anticipation  Time for the real world!  Adjustment  I’ve got an “expectation hangover” (Hassler, 2008)  Out with the old, in the with new  Achievement  I’m doing it! HO: Are You Ready for A Culture Shock?

18 NO WORK? AFFECTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT  Leads to an erosion of self-esteem  Questioning self  Becoming more externally focused (loss of sense of control) and feeling helpless  Higher levels of anxiety, depression.  Unemployed workers are twice as likely as their employed counterparts to experience psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, psychosomatic symptoms, low subjective well-being, and poor self-esteem (Paul & Moser, 2009). Social support can also mitigate the negative impacts of unemployment and underemployment (Belle & Bullock, 2011). (Goldsmith, 2008)

19 SOCIAL SUPPORT/MENTORSHIP Shifting Sands Shared Experience Wise Guides HO: Identifying your Mentors

20 TO SUMMARIZE…  A final note

21 STUDENT TOOLKIT  1: Transition Curve  2: Expectation Hangover  3: Educational vs. Corporate Culture  4: Awareness, Inquiry, Adaptive Action  5: Personal Transition Reflection  6: Identifying Mentors

22 THANK YOU! Stephanie Birk Presentation copy available

23 REFERENCES  Arnett, J.J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, Vol 55(5), 469-480.  Arndt, T. & Ricchini J. (2003). Backpack to briefcase: steps to a successful career. Alexandria, Virginia: Life After Graduation, LLC.  Bridges, W. (2004). Transitions: making sense of life’s changes. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press.  Chickering, A.W. and Reisser, L. (1993). Education and identity. (2 nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.  Erikson, E. H. Identity, youth and crisis. (1968). New York: WW Norton. 128-135.  Fischer, J. (2003) accessed online at: 1/20/12.  Fox, K. (2011). Figuring it out: a grounded theory of college to post-college transitions.  Hassler, C. (2008). 20 something manifesto: quarter-lifers speak out about who they are, what they want, and how to get it. Novato California: New World Press.  Helkowski, C. and Hettich, P. (2005). Connecting college to career. California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.  Krumboltz, J.D. and Levin, A.S. (2004). Luck is no accident: making the most of happenstance in your life and career. California: Impact Publishers.  Larose & Boivin (1998). Attachment to parents, social support expectations, and socio-emotional adjustment during the high school to college transition. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 8(1). 1-27.  Levinson, D.J. (1978) The Seasons of a man’s life. New York,: Knopf. 78-84.  Marcia, J. E. (1973). Ego-Identity Status, in Michael Argyle, Social Encounters. p. 340.  Parks, S.D.(2000). Big questions, worthy dreams. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.  Pemberton, S. (2012). Road to college. accessed online at  Wendlandt, N.M., and Rochlen, A.B. (2008). Addressing the college to work transition. Journal of Career Development. Vol 35 (2).

24 MEDIA  Emerging Adulthood:  Millenials:  20-something shared experience:  8 tips for College Freshmen:

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