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Created by: Charlette, jess, kaitlyn, david. Nouns into verbs. Huge inflow of European vocabulary into English vocab due to renaissance cross- pollination.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Charlette, jess, kaitlyn, david. Nouns into verbs. Huge inflow of European vocabulary into English vocab due to renaissance cross- pollination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Charlette, jess, kaitlyn, david

2 Nouns into verbs. Huge inflow of European vocabulary into English vocab due to renaissance cross- pollination. Allowed endless possibilities for Shakespeare. Able to exploit multiple meanings of one word.

3 “Thou” is addressing one person “ye” is addressing more than one “you” was used as a subject

4 Inflectional endings which suffixes the indicated the words grammatical functions in the way that many modern languages still have had disappeared “you” – used by people of lower class You is also a formal way for upper class “Thou” and “thee” were by higher class

5 Used “thou” and “thee” to talk to: Lower classes Addressing god And when talking about supernatural beings

6 “thou” expressed intimacy “thou” can also express anger “you” expressed formality, politeness, and distance This is all similar to modern English

7 Still changing and developing we now use “you” as both singular and plural forms Shakespeare was a leading figure Renaissance explosion made it wonderfully flexible

8 “Shakespeare's” development of middle english to early modern english.” -early-middle-english.htm -early-middle-english.htm

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