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Review Humanism is the worst heresy in the present day church.

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2 Review

3 Humanism is the worst heresy in the present day church.

4 To show grace is to extend favor or kindness to one who doesn’t deserve it, who can never earn it and who can never repay it.

5 There is nothing you can do to make God love you less and nothing you can do to make God love you more.

6 “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

7 Is your walk of discipleship made up of you trying to do things for Christ?

8 or in allowing Christ to do things IN and THROUGH you?

9 To be in Jesus is not only an outward profession, but also an inward change of heart and indwelling of His Holy Spirit.

10 We are no longer slaves to sin.

11 Just as you inject a turkey with all kinds of spices, Jesus desires to inject those who live by grace with all of His great attributes.

12 When we live the Christian life by the power of the Spirit it is an easy yoke to bear.

13 This FREEDOM given by Jesus is a freedom FROM the slavery of guilt, sin’s power, God’s wrath, satanic and demonic

14 authority, shame, other people’s opinions, expectations or obligations.

15 This FREEDOM given by Jesus is a freedom TO see the power of God transform your spirit, to see the power of God

16 work through you, to know the love of God in a relationship with Him, the joy of Jesus and His peace that passes understanding.


18 Reasons People Drift away from God: -Burn out -Sin -Doesn’t work for them. -Hypocrites in the church

19 When this happens there are two possibilities.

20 OUR ENEMY=the flesh

21 The flesh = “the techniques we use to try to meet our needs, independent of Jesus Christ.” (Steve McVey)

22 How can you as a believer know if you are living your life under the influence of your flesh? INCONSISTENCY

23 Brennan Manning description of self- improvement and self- effort...

24 If this describes you today, are you ready for a change?


26 -Learn -Believe -put into action “Victory is the life of Christ being expressed IN and THROUGH the believer.”

27 The power of God is available to you NON- STOP to bring victory into your life, not defeat.

28 1 Cor. 15:57: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

29 2 Cor. 2:14: “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”

30 Romans 8:37: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.”






36 We have the perpetual power of God that is available in our lives 24/7 to bring VICTORY!

37 1. Know it. 2. Believe it. 3. Live your DAILY life based on it.

38 Remind yourself that Jesus is never closer or further to you. His Spirit lives IN you.

39 The Christian life is not primarily a life of service for God. It is a life that is primarily a life of intimacy with God.

40 The Christian life is not primarily a life of service for God. It is a life that is primarily a life of intimacy with God.

41 Galatians 5:22-23

42 The fruit of the Spirit is: Love Joy Peace

43 The fruit of the Spirit is: Patience Kindness Goodness

44 The fruit of the Spirit is: Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control

45 BY FAITH Hebrews 11 Knew it Believed it Lived it


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