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Advanced Communications User Training
(ACUT) New Hampshire Wing, CAP The communications mission of CAP is to organize and maintain a reliable, nationwide, point-to-point, air-to-ground, and ground mobile radio capability for use in emergencies and for training communications personnel. The primary purpose of any CAP communications facility is to provide the commander with the means for controlling his/her units and their activities. Provides the commander at each echelon the ability to communicate with superior and subordinate commanders. 1Lt Tony Immorlica Communications Training Officer New Hampshire Wing Version 1.0 February 10, 2010
Advanced Communications User Training (ACUT)
4/13/2017 Advanced Communications User Training (ACUT) CAP communication systems: standards and rationale Radio Basics: Familiarity with different radio modes (e.g. AM, FM, SSB) Narrowband operation Radio Propagation and Frequency Bands (i.e. HF, VHF) Repeater Basics: Operation, use and restrictions Radio Operation – model specific info Formal message preparation and handling Network operating procedures It is assumed the student has read and is familiar with CAPR and 100-3
ACUT Completion and Credit
Prerequisite for this course: BCUT Successful completion of the ACUT requires passing an open book test: Working knowledge of CAPR and is assumed A passing score is 80%, corrected to 100%. No documentation is issued Trainee records accomplishment in personnel record [CAPF 45 or CAPF 66]
CAP Radio Operator Authorization
Authorization is currently done in two phases: Basic Communications User Training - BCUT 3-4 Hour Class on: Standard Operating Procedures Local Operating Procedures Entitles CAP member to operate a CAP Radio Issued a CAPF 76, Radio Operator Authorization by Wing or higher headquarters Advanced Communications User Training - ACUT 4-5 Hour Class Pass the Advanced Communications User Test Entitles CAP member to be assigned a call sign Required as part of the Communications Specialty Track NOTE: BCUT and ACUT will soon be replaced by a new Introductory Communications Users Training [ICUT] course; release date is pending
Operation of CAP Radio Stations by Unauthorized Personnel
4/13/2017 Operation of CAP Radio Stations by Unauthorized Personnel The operation of all CAP Radio Stations must be under the direct supervision of a properly authorized Civil Air Patrol radio operator. Pilots/co-Pilots must have taken BCUT training as a minimum to operate CAP VHF radios
CAP Radio Station Licensing
CAP is a considered a federal agency, thus its Radio Stations are licensed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Public stations are licensed by the FCC Federal agencies are not allowed to use services allocated exclusively to the public sector for their business. This excludes the use of Amateur Radio and Citizens Band for CAP business. CAP radio stations are authorized by the Federal Government through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for emergency, training, and operational activities. The regulation for all CAP Communications is CAPR 100-1
Assigned Call Signs Calls assigned to Individuals
Call signs associated with Resources Aircraft Ground Vehicles Headquarters Tactical Call Signs
Aircraft Call Signs CAP corporate aircraft will use “CAP xxxx” (ex. CAP 2869 pronounced “CAP twenty-eight sixty- nine”) at all times. Member-owned aircraft may also use the CAP call sign when on reimbursable missions. Flight Plans. The three-letter identifier “CPF” is used within the FAA computer system in place of the spoken word “CAP.” For this reason, “CPF_______” will be used in place of the aircraft tail number on flight plans. In the remarks section, the voice identifier “CAP________” must be included as well as the tail number of the aircraft.
CAP Radio Tactical Call Signs
At Certain Special Activities functional call signs may be approved by the commander of the activity. These would include SAR/DRA missions Encampments Incident Command System (ICS) operations Within CAP, each region and wing is assigned a unit tactical call sign. The tactical call sign plus a serially assigned number comprise the complete CAP tactical call sign. Serially assigned numbers will not exceed four digits. Tactical call signs one through five in each region/wing will change with changes in staffing. (1) Region/wing commander (2) Region/wing vice commander (3) Region/wing chief of staff (4) Region/wing director of communications (5) Region/wing chaplain During actual/practice search and rescue missions and special events, temporary functional call signs may be assigned. the authority to use this option: The wing DC, the mission commander, or the special events commander have
ES Mission Communications
4/13/2017 ES Mission Communications Communicators are needed for nearly all ES missions in CAP, both SAR and DR. Scheduled radio check-in procedures Sending a position report Reporting a clue or a find Additional training is required to achieve a Radio Operator emergency services rating.
4/13/2017 Out of Wing Operation Operation of mobile stations outside of the wing in which they are licensed is permitted. Operation on CAP frequencies in Canada and Mexico is prohibited. Special limitations apply within 75 miles of the Canadian border Check with the Director of Communications before operating radios in those areas
Communicating with Other Agencies
4/13/2017 Communicating with Other Agencies CAP stations operating on non-CAP frequencies must have written authorization from the licensed agency. The radio must meet all requirements for use in that band under FCC or NTIA Some agencies are requiring that we use encryption A copy of the FCC license or the federal authorization must also be obtained.
Interagency Operations
CAP has Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with a number of agencies On file at National Headquarters AF MARS, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, US Coast Guard Auxiliary On file at NH Wing Headquarters NH Office of Emergency Management NH National Guard
Concept of Operations CAP communications relies heavily on VHF-FM (very high frequency-frequency modulation) because VHF provides excellent, dependable, short-range communications. VHF is readily adaptable to ground and air mobile operations. We are developing digital voice and encription options that may be used in this mode. CAP is also licensed to operate on specific HF (high frequency) bands, and utilizes Single sideband modulation (SSB). This affords long distance, even world-wide contacts – but is highly dependent on frequency and atmospheric conditions Aircraft radios operate on 118 to 137 MHz using Amplitude Modulation (AM). Radio certificates are issued through the FAA
Standardized National Channelization and Programming Plan
VHF-FM operations by CAP is governed by the Standardized National Channelization and Programming Plan that has been mandated in the CAPR Compliance with this plan is mandatory for all corporate radios. All CAP assigned radio frequencies are designated “For Official Use Only”
CAP Assigned Frequencies: FOUO For Official Use Only
What is FOUO A designation that there is sensitive information Used when frequency documentation is needed in the document What FOUO isn’t Classification For use on every single document UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Frequency information contained in this document is designated by the Department of Defense (DoD) as For Official Use Only (FOUO) and may not be released to anyone without the prior permission of NHQ and CAP-USAF.
Encryption Encrypted P25 transmissions of any kind are permitted ONLY if advance authorization is granted in writing by the NTC. Only approved keys provided by the NTC will be used when we encrypt. When working with other agencies, CAP must conform to that agency’s rules and procedures for using encryption.
Radio Basics
Basics of Radio: Modulation
To send a signal via radio, the radio modulates or superimposes voice on a radio frequency. AM, FM and SSB are just ways of sending voice information. CAP uses AM – amplitude modulation FM - frequency modulation, and SSB – single sideband along with some “P25” digital modes. Normally, we use: AM on Aircraft Bands SSB on HF FM on VHF and UHF 19
Frequency Modulation FM
FM is used by CAP for VHF radios in vehicles, aircraft, walkie-talkies and base stations, for short range comms. The advantage is less static from ignition systems in vehicles, and excellent audio quality. FM also has a “capture effect” where the strongest station comes in over a weaker station. That is good and bad. CAP also uses FM in the ISR UHF radios. 20
Single Sideband SSB CAP uses SSB on HF
SSB uses a very small bandwidth, compared to AM and FM modes Used for L O N G Distance Comms HF Operation is specialized, but very useful because it is very efficient Seek Special Training in HF, not included in this course. Ask your Comm. Officer 21
Amplitude Modulation AM
Used in aircraft radios to communicate with ATC, tower, other aircraft, airport operations, etc. Worldwide standard for aircraft communication Very old type of modulation first used in early development of radio Tends to be noisy, easily interfered with. Allows lots of static and ignition noise. Bad feature. Allows two stations to be heard over one another – i.e. no capture effect as with FM. Good feature.
Basics of Radio -Propagation
Radio propagation is a term used to explain how radio waves behave when they are transmitted, or are propagated from one point on the earth to another There are many way that waves propagate in the atmosphere, including Ground Waves Sky Waves Tropospheric Scattering Line of Sight Propagation changes with frequency, time of day, atmospheric conditions and sun spot activity
Ground Wave Propagation
Surface or Ground waves follow the curvature of the earth. Since the ground is not a perfect electrical conductor, ground waves are attenuated as they follow the earth’s surface. As frequency decreases, ground losses become lower at lower VLF (very low frequency) and LF (low frequency) are mostly used for military communications, especially with ships and submarines. Surface or Ground waves are radio waves that follow the curvature of the earth. These can be vertically polarized to alleviate short circuiting the electric field through the conductivity of the ground. Since the ground is not a perfect electrical conductor, ground waves are attenuated as they follow the earth’s surface. At low frequencies, ground losses are low and become lower at lower frequencies. VLF (very low frequency) and LF (low frequency) are mostly used for military communications, especially with ships and submarines. A sudden ionospheric disturbance is often the result of large solar flares directed at earth. These solar flares can disrupt HF radio propagation. Early commercial and professional radio services relied exclusively on long wave, low frequencies and ground-wave propagation. To prevent interference with these services, amateur and experimental transmitters were restricted to the higher (HF) frequencies, felt to be useless since their ground-wave range was limited. Upon discovery of the other propagation modes possible at medium wave and short wave frequencies, the advantages of HF for commercial and military purposes became apparent.
Skywave Propagation Skywave propagation, or “skip”, results from refraction of radio waves in the ionosphere These layers are directly affected by the sun, and its varying activity (sunspot cycle) determines the utility of these modes. Forecasting of skywave modes is of considerable interest to amateur radio operators and commercial marine and aircraft communications, and also to shortwave broadcasters. A sudden ionospheric disturbance is often the result of large solar flares directed at earth. These solar flares can disrupt HF radio propagation. Skywave propagation, also referred to as skip, is any of the modes that rely on refraction of radio waves in the ionosphere, which is made up of one or more ionized layers in the upper atmosphere. These layers are directly affected by the sun, and its varying activity (sunspot cycle) determines the utility of these modes. Forecasting of skywave modes is of considerable interest to amateur radio operators and commercial marine and aircraft communications, and also to shortwave broadcasters.
Line-of-Sight Propagation
Above HF (30 MHz) most propagation is line of sight – “if you can see it, you can hear it” In some cases, VHF signals can be received from reflections off of structures, terrain, etc. increasing range Ground plane reflection effects are an important factor in VHF line of sight propagation. Ground plane reflection effects are an important factor in VHF line of sight propagation. The interference between the direct beam line-of-sight and the ground reflected beam often leads to an effective inverse-fourth-power law for ground-plane limited radiation. a ground plane structure or relationships exists between the antenna and another object, where the only structure of the object is a structure which permits the antenna to function as such (e.g., forms a reflector or director for an antenna).
Tropospheric Scattering
At VHF and higher, the atmosphere at a height of around 6 miles (10 kilometers) can scatter some of the normally line-of-sight beam of radio frequency energy back toward the ground, allowing over-the-horizon communication between stations as far as 500 miles (800 km) apart. A related mode, referred to as ducting, can occur when signals are confined between two ionized layers resulting in propagation for some thousands of miles. This is rare. A special form of tropo scattering relies on reflecting radio waves off the intensely ionized regions generated by meteors. This mode is very short-duration (a couple of seconds per event) and can also result in receiving signals some thousands of miles away. At VHF and higher frequencies, the atmosphere at a height of around 6 miles (10 kilometers) can scatter some of the normally line-of-sight beam of radio frequency energy back toward the ground, allowing over-the-horizon communication between stations as far as 500 miles (800 km) apart. A special form of tropo scattering relies on reflecting radio waves off the intensely ionized regions generated by meteors. This mode is very short-duration, often only a couple of seconds per event,
Diffraction Diffraction phenomena by small obstacles are also important at high frequencies. Signals for urban cellular telephony tend to be dominated by ground-plane effects as they travel over the rooftops of the urban environment. They then diffract over roof edges into the street, where multipath propagation, absorption and diffraction phenomena dominate. Diffraction phenomena by small obstacles are also important at high frequencies. Signals for urban cellular telephony tend to be dominated by ground-plane effects as they travel over the rooftops of the urban environment. They then diffract over roof edges into the street, where multipath propagation, absorption and diffraction phenomena dominate.
Absorption Low frequency radio waves travel easily through brick and stone. As the frequency rises, absorption effects become more important. At microwave or higher frequencies, absorption by molecular resonance in the atmosphere is a major factor limiting radio propagation. For example, around 60 GHz there is a major absorption peak which makes this band useless for long-distance use but good for local, covert use . Beyond around 400 GHz, the Earth's atmosphere is effectively opaque to radio waves. Heavy rain and snow also present major challenges to microwave reception. Low frequency radio waves travel easily through brick and stone. As the frequency rises, absorption effects become more important. In addition, at microwave or higher frequencies, absorption by molecular resonance in the atmosphere is a major factor in radio propagation. For example, in the GHz band, there is a major absorption peak which makes this band useless for long-distance use. Beyond around 400 GHz, the Earth's atmosphere is effectively opaque to radio waves. Heavy rain and snow also present major challenges to microwave reception.
Effect of Antenna on Propagation
Two important factors for antennas: 1. Directivity – function of antenna design 2. Placement – height above ground and attitude [horizontal or vertical] Antennas can be “omni-directional” [whips, vertical antennas] or “directional” [beams, requiring a rotator to point in a desired direction] Height above ground and attitude determines the “take-off” angle and thus impacts skip distance
Propagation - Summary Generally, you need not be overly concerned about propagation but should be aware of the limitations and advantages Hints… if you have trouble making contact: When operating VHF Move to higher ground or move your location Your handheld antenna should be held vertically When operating HF Change frequency Wire antennas close to the ground favor more local [e.g. NER] reception
Basics of Radio: Spectrum Wideband and Narrowband
Radio spectrum is a national, albeit limited resource. Spectrum is governed by national policy as well as international agreements Most countries institute tight radio regulations for application of radio spectrum. The amount of spectrum a particular signal occupies is a function of how the RF carrier frequency is modulated to transfer meaningful information
Wideband 25khz This view of a wideband 25khz radio signal represents our older frequencies.
Narrowband 12.5khz This view of a narrowband 12.5khz radio signal represents our new equipment. You will notice the signal or “Bandwidth” is much more narrow than the older, wideband frequencies.
NTIA Mandate for Narrowband
As of 1 October 2009, all of our NER VHF-FM repeaters were changed to narrow-band. We are the First region to be essentially 100% completed with transition. As a result of this change, transmitting using equipment designed for most other services can not be used in the CAP Network. We are required to use equipment that has been approved by the NTIA for our channel assignments in the federal spectrum. The NTIA Standards are far more restrictive than FCC Type Acceptance standards for commercial users.
Wideband on a Narrowband System
Attempting to utilize a narrowband system with a wideband only radio is a potentially dangerous act. The Narrowband system will have extremely degraded performance. Doing this cause harmful interference and presents a serious safety situation to aircrews and other ground teams. Attempting to access this system will cause dangerous interference to not only the system you are attempting to access but the adjacent channel users. This should not be an issue if you use only CAP assigned radios
CAP Radio Equipment and Operation
Frequency Bands used by CAP
VHF – Very High Frequency - is only capable of line-of-site communications Buildings, mountains, leaves may interfere Higher an aircraft, the wider coverage 2500’ AGL has an effective radius of 50 Miles HF - High Frequency - is capable of world wide communication Strongly dependent on frequency, antenna, time of day 38
Types of radios EJ Johnson Motorola ICOM Aircraft Radios Base Radio
Mobile Radio Portable Motorola HF ALE ICOM ISR Aircraft Radios Aircraft use two types: AM – used mostly by pilots to communicate with Air Traffic Control FM – used primarily by Mission Observer to communicate with Mission Base
Model Specific Information
These next few overview slides go into basic radio functions and operations for the: E.F. Johnson Series Mobiles E.F. Johnson Handhelds Tait - T-2020 Mobiles (Analog Only 100 Channels Maximum, Mission Support Radio) NAT - NPX-136 Aircraft Radio (Analog Only 100 Channels Maximum, to be replaced with Technisonic TDFM-136) Technisonic - TDFM-136 Aircraft Radio
EF Johnson 5300 Series Mobile
1 - Power Switch / Volume The On /Off and Volume control knob is located on the left under display screen; push the knob for on/off, rotate for volume control. 2, 6 & 8 – non functional 4 - Zone / Channel Selector Knob Push in to alternate between Zones and channel selection. Rotate knob to scroll up or down within the channel / zone bank. 9 – Key Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 – Scan 7 – Squelch On/Off 3 - The light above the Hi / Low power switch shows RED when you transmit, GREEN when the frequency is in use.
EF Johnson 5100 Series Handheld
6 2 2 1 5 4 15 16 11 18 12 7 17 10 13 14 1 3 8 2 4 5 6 1 – Power On / Off and Volume 2 – Channel Selector 3 – Antenna Connection Port 4 – Keypad LOCK Button 5 – Not Programmed 6 – Transmit / Receive Light 7 – Speaker Mic. Connection 8 – PTT Button 9 - Speaker 10 – Microphone 11 – Not Programmed 12 – Not Programmed 13 – Not Programmed 14 – Not Programmed 15 – Not Programmed 16 – Not Programmed 17 – Light 18 – Up / Down Zones 9
TAIT T-2020 Mobile 1 - POWER SWITCH and Volume Control
2 -Channel Selection, use keypad to the right of the display screen. Channels are the common simplex channels and mobile repeaters ( to be assigned by CUL). For Channel 1 thru 16 selection (refer to channel chart) can be obtained by pushing a number button on the key pad AND the “enter” key. Example I want channel 10, press (1) and (zero) then (ENTER). For Ch 2, Press ( 2) and (enter) 1 3 - Channel Up 4 – Channel Down 5 – ENTER Button 2 5 3 4
National Airborne Technologies - NPX-138
2 3 4 5 1 - On / Off 2 – Channel Up / Down – (Toggle Left or Right) 3 – Squelch (Press In) 4 – Screen Brightness 5 - Always Leave on (ID)
Technisonic Model TDFM-136 Aircraft VHF FM Radio
1 – On / Off – Volume 2 – Channel Display 3 - Display Brighter 4 – Display Dimmer 5 – Channel Memory Scroll Down 6 – Channel Memory Scroll Up 7 – Enter 8 – Guard Select Switch To select and view CAP channel designators, push tone pad Button “1/CHAN” NOT “ 7/FREQ.” 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8
Voice Operating Modes Simplex vs. Duplex
Transmit and receive on the same frequency Buildings, terrain, altitude Single Frequency - One Station at a Time Duplex Transmit on one frequency and receive on another R T Two Frequencies - One Station at a Time Repeaters – Duplex mode Used to extend coverage and get over obstacles Repeater increases the range of mobile stations due to its high profile location
Inside the Repeater Repeater will turn on its transmitter only if the Tone Decoder hears a repeater specific tone Transmit Frequency Voice Repeater Receiver Repeater Transmitter Receive Frequency PTT Tone Decoder “Mike Button” Tone The Repeater will only turn on its transmitter if it hears a site specific sub audible tone. This tone is already programmed into your CAP radio. This is why so many channels are required within CAP. We have three pairs of repeater frequencies and many tones, used to make sure one radio only brings up only one repeater at a time. The Tone Decoder “presses” the Push To Talk (PTT) button to turn on the transmitter. The Tone Decoder “listens” for tones on the incoming signal
Inside the Repeater Repeater will turn on its transmitter only if the Tone Decoder hears a repeater specific tone Transmit Frequency Voice Repeater Receiver Repeater Transmitter Receive Frequency PTT Tone Decoder “Mike Button” Tone The Repeater will only turn on its transmitter if it hears a site specific sub audible tone. This tone is already programmed into your CAP radio. This is why so many channels are required within CAP. We have three pairs of repeater frequencies and many tones, used to make sure one radio only brings up only one repeater at a time. The Tone Decoder “presses” the Push To Talk (PTT) button to turn on the transmitter. The Tone Decoder “listens” for tones on the incoming signal
There are 64 NBFM Compliant Repeaters In the CAP North East Region There are 64 NBFM Compliant Repeaters In the CAP North East Region
Geographically Defined Restrictions
Because of the international agreements between Canada and the U.S., CAP must restrict its operations on certain frequencies when within 75 nm miles of the international border. Operators entering those areas should make themselves aware of any restrictions in effect. Aircraft Operations are restricted to channels Air 1 or CAPGUARD ONLY and are limited to 3,000 ft AGL. We are permitted to operate up to 12.5KFT ONLY WITH USAF MISSION AUTHORIZATION
Aircraft use of Repeaters
Primary mode of operation should be simplex Only use the repeater if simplex is not possible. Within 75 miles of the Canadian border use of CAP VHF assigned frequencies prohibited above 3000 ft. AGL
NH Wing Communications
NHWG VHF Communications
NH Wing maintains 7 VHF repeaters Locations were chosen such that all squadrons have access to at least one Derry, Laconia, Ascutney, Lebanon, Littleton, Keene, and Portsmouth [location of the Portable repeater] In addition we have: “Portable” repeater based in Portsmouth Highbird repeater * – utilized by aircrafts assigned by the IC VHF Frequencies [Channels] are programmed to show the repeater location [Tag], not the frequency * Requires an ACUT qualification
CAP VHF Radio Frequencies
CAP Frequencies are FOUO Thus, CAP radios are programmed to display the specific designator for each programmed channel, for example Designator: Function/Usage: CC-1 Command/Control 1 CC Command/Control 2 AIR Air/Ground 1 AIR Air Ops 2 CAPGUARD Calling Channel TAC Tactical 1 When communicating, use designators, not a channel number – ex. This is Abenaki 45 on TAC-1
NHWG VHF Channels / Zones
EF Johnson RS5300 Radios operates on 16 Zones, each having a 16 Channel capability NHWG uses Zones 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 Remaining zones are used nationally Use of Zones: Zone 2 – primary analog channels Zone 6 – duplicate of Zone 2 in a digital mode [more secure] Zone 3 – Northeast Region repeaters Zone 4 – NH Forestry Zone 7 - Coast Guard and Weather Channels Zones/Channels to be used for a specific mission will be assigned by the Incident Commander
NHWG VHF Channel Plan example: EF Johnson RS5300
1 CC1 Command and Control 2 CC2 Command and Control 3 AIR 1 Aircraft Channel 4 AIR 2 Aircraft Channel 5 CAP GUARD Universal Calling Channel 6 TAC 1 Ground Channel 7 DERRY NHWG Repeater 8 LACONIA NHWG Repeater 9 ASCUTNEY NHWG Repeater 10 LEBANON NHWG Repeater 11 LITTON NHWG Repeater 12 KEENE NHWG Repeater 13 HIGH BIRD Airborne Relay Station 14 PORTABLE NHWG Repeater 15 Fish and Game Used for Liaison only 16 SANFORD Used for Fire Patrol Zone 2 Note: Aircraft Radios do not use Zones
CAP HF Channel Plan All operations are simplex
Frequencies are designated by two alpha characters First letter denotes primary usage A = National N = Northeast Region NE Region frequencies NA, NB and NC Frequencies can be found on-line Password protected, FOUO
Search and Rescue Aircraft Communications
Air-Ground Communications on aircraft frequencies Aeronautical Search And Rescue Stations (SAR) Operate on two Aircraft Frequencies 122.9 MHz - TRAINING Only 123.1 MHz - ACTUAL Missions Only 121.5 MHZ – ELT and Emergency MHZ – Training
CAPGUARD A Guard channel is a common channel monitored by all units to allow short-term contact, regardless of what other operational channels the station may be using. The channel designated “CAPGUARD” [FORMER LABEL WAS GUARD 1] is restricted to use ONLY for calling and then immediately moving to another channel. All CAP stations should maintain a constant listening watch on this channel, to the maximum extent possible.
Operating Procedures
PROWORDS Prowords are a special set of words used for clarity and brevity in communications. Some of the most commonly used prowords are: THIS IS Preface to your call sign ROGER Last transmission received OK OVER I’m done, go ahead OUT I’m done, bye WAIT I will be back in a few seconds SAY AGAIN Say that again CORRECTION Oops! I really meant to say WILCO ROGER and I will comply AFFIRMATIVE Yes In order to create a standard terminology for CAP communicators, a set or prowords has been defined which are to be used whenever they are appropriate.
Phonetic Alphabet & Numbers
A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November O Oscar P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor W Whiskey X X-Ray Y Yankee Z Zulu Pronunciation of Numbers 1 WUN 2 TOO 3 TREE 4 FO-WER 5 FIFE 6 SIX 7 SEVEN 8 ATE 9 NINER 0 ZERO Spelling of Words and Initials When it becomes necessary to spell difficult words or groups, or to identify any letter of the alphabet, the standard phonetic alphabet will be used. The word or group to be spelled will be preceded by the proword “ISPELL.” If the operator can pronounce the word to be spelled, he/she will doso before and after spelling to identify the word. Single letters will be identified phonetically by the proword “INITIAL (S).” Pronunciation of Numbers In order to distinguish between numerals and words which are pronounced similarly, the proword “FIGURE(S)” must proceed such numbers. Numbers will be transmitted digit by digit except that exact multiples of hundreds and thousands may be spoken as such. The proword “FIGURE(S)” shall be used whenever numerals are to be transmitted except in conjunction with the words “NUMBER” or “TIME.”
Use “I SPELL” for pronounceable words Example: LODI “I SPELL LODI LIMA OSCAR DELTA INDIA LODI” Use “FIGURE(S)” AND “INITIAL(S)” for non-words Example: N516F “INITIAL NOVEMBER FIGURES FIVE ONE SIX INTIAL FOXTROT” CORRECTIONS Use proword “CORRECTION” Example: “… Turn right at next corner … CORRECTION Turn left at next corner…”
Calling Another Station
To Establish Contact “Abenaki 11 THIS IS Abenaki 85 OVER” Response “Abenaki 85 THIS IS Abenaki 11 OVER” If the station does not answer after a second call: STATION NOT HEARD, THIS IS HILL Abenaki 85 OUT. This lets other stations know the frequency is available. No need to use call signs until communications are complete On Closing the Contact Abenaki 85 OUT” Always end a transmission with OVER or OUT NOT BOTH! Classroom Hands On Training To establish communications, identify the station you wish to communicate with, followed by “this is” and your tactical call sign. The CAP assigned tactical call must be used to identify the station. Example: Abenaki 85, this is Abenaki 15, over. The response is normally: This is Abenaki 85, over. The alternate response : Abenaki 85, over. May also be used Hands On Use: (Supervised by the instructor) Each person in the class should use the radio and speak to either the instructor or another student. This should include use of spelling with phonetics and figures. Use handheld or mobile radios on low power. Use simplex frequencies only.
Nobody Hears Me! Choose a Good Communications Site.
High ground (the higher the antenna, the better). VHF is line of site. Stay away from interference generators High power lines Power Transformers Underground Cables Computers (even in the field) Other radios on different frequencies
Nobody Hears Me, STILL! Common Problems & Solutions
Operator Failure! (This is the most common cause!) Make sure you are following normal procedures and briefings. Check the radio Is the radio turned on, correct channel, and volume up? Is the battery good? (Replace with a charged battery) Switch to a repeater, if available Ask for a relay (from aircraft if available) Move to higher ground or another location
4/13/2017 Message Handling
Message Traffic Categories of Traffic Formal Traffic
Administrative Traffic Informal Traffic Categories of Traffic Formal Traffic Official traffic transmitted for, by, or in the name of the commander. Administrative Traffic The transmission of direct questions and answers between staff officers, relating to the official business of the organization(s) to which the participating officers are assigned. Traffic that is personal in nature is prohibited. Informal Traffic Traffic other than formal or administrative types, or traffic which does not lend itself to the preparation of formal messages. Usually is a direct exchange of information between various participants of a mission or exercise. Example During an actual mission or training period, instructions to air and ground mobile stations, rapid exchange of target information, preliminary status reports, etc.
Sending A Formal Message
Originator writes message of CAPF 4 (Message Form) Operator sends the form over the appropriate net (local, wing, region, etc. - Which ever assures fastest delivery) When transmitting the message the operator speaks slowly and clearly so that the receiving station has time to write the message completely. When finished, ask if fills are needed and provide them.
CAP Radio Message Form Elements of CAP Form 4 Precedence Routine
Priority DTG "TIME" or "DATE-TIME GROUP" FROM TO INFO TEXT OF MESSAGE Elements of Formal Message Traffic (PRECEDENCE) Indicates To the originator The required speed of delivery to the addressee. To communications personnel The relative order of handling and delivery. To the addressee The relative order in which he/she would note and respond. Precedence Designations ROUTINE To be used when the message must reach the addressee within several hours. Examples: Operational plans on projected operations supply matters, personnel matters PRIORITY To be used when the message requires expeditious action by the addressee and/or will furnish information essential to conduction of operations in progress. REDCAP (no longer a Precedence) REDCAP was formerly a Precedence Designation. Now, REDCAP messages are designated as such inside the body of the message, with a line such as THIS IS REDCAP TRAFFIC.
Message Body & Record Time
Body or text of message Originator states the message as clearly and briefly Radio Station Operator Information Fill in time of: receipt or transmission
Header Information Originator of Message (From) Addressee (TO)
Name of the headquarters of the originator, a slant Bar (/). And the originator Office symbol, name and / or duty. Example: From: HQ NHWG /CC From: Amitrano Squadron /Capt. Dolittle, Safety Officer Addressee (TO) The unit and name and/or office symbol of the addressee. To: HQ Northeast Region / CC To: All Units NHWG Copies To (Information) All additional units and/or personnel who the originator desires to receive a copy of the message.
Date-Time Group 16 0218Z APR 98 Date Time Month Year
Date and Time in ZULU Greenwich, a city near London, England, was accepted by international agreement as the reference point for the Earth's rotation. This time zone is referred to as the "ZULU" time zone. Each time zone in the world has been assigned a letter of the alphabet, and they are always referred to phonetically. Traveling west from England for five time zones, you arrive at the East coast of the United States. The central United States is one more time zone west. California an additional two time zones west, and Hawaii an additional two time zones west. We Americans normally tell time from a 12 hour clock We therefore have two ten o'clock, two eight o'clock, two four o'clock, etc. during each 24 hour period. You can see how confusing this can be when it is happening all over the world. Whose time would you use on radio messages and radio logs? This is the reason for ZULU time and a 24 hour system instead of local time and a 12 hour system. We in CAP, and all military organizations, employ a time system that indicates zero through twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes. There is no "twenty four hundred" since the twenty-fourth hour of one day is identical to the zero hour of the next. Therefore, time designator 2400 is not used. Only times 0000 ZULU through 2359 ZULU are used by CAP and military organizations. The first two digits represent the hour and the last two represent the minute. In a Date-Time Group, the first two digits represent the day of the month. the next two indicate the hour. and the last two indicate the minute. All single digits are preceded by a zero to maintain the six digit format. This six digit block is followed by the word "ZULU", the abbreviated name of the month. and finally by the last two digits of the year. ZULU - Designates that time is UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) Z = EST + 5 hours Z = EDT + 4 hours
Draft Message Draft this message on some scrap paper first, then when you have stated it in a short, clear and concise fashion, transcribe it onto a CAP message form. It is Thursday, 2 June 1998 at 10:00 AM, Eastern Standard Time. You operate the Condor Composite Squadron Radio Station, Abenaki 141, in the New Hampshire Wing. A few minutes ago your squadron commander, Captain Smith, asked you to send a routine message to the Wing Director of Operations requesting he schedule orientation flights for 10 cadets of your squadron for one day on the weekend of 12/13 July if possible.
Passing the Message Later that same day (2 JUN) you participate in your Wing's VHF/FM Net at 7:00 PM (EDT). You check into the net and “with traffic” with the net control station, Abenaki 15, your Routine message for Abenaki 4. Abenaki 4 has also joined the net. Soon the Net Control Station (NCS) directs you to send your routine message to Abenaki 4. You do, and he accepts it at The NCS closes the net at 2329 Z (Log the net closed time.) After receiving the message completely and getting any required fills, the receiving operator acknowledges with "I acknowledge receipt of your Z APR 04 (or whatever the DTG is), OVER".
Repetitions Before an operator can give a receipt for a message. he must have correctly received the complete message. When any portion is missed, the operator must ask for a “fill”. When words are missed or doubtful, repetitions will be requested by the receiving station(s) before receipting for the message as follows: the prowords SAY AGAIN in conjunction with "ALL BEFORE ______", "ALL AFTER ______", "ALL AFTER ______ and ALL BEFORE", "WORD BEFORE ______" or "WORD AFTER_" In complying with requests for repetition the transmitting station will identify the portion being repeated as follows: "I SAY AGAIN ALL BEFORE ______", "I SAY AGAIN ALL AFTER ______", "I SAY AGAIN ALL AFTER and ALL BEFORE ______", etc.
4/13/2017 Communication Nets
Communication Nets Purpose of Nets
Pass Traffic (information) from Wing or Higher Headquarters to subordinate units Pass Traffic (information) from subordinate units to Wing or Higher Headquarters Categories of Traffic Formal Informal Administrative A Formal Net is established to control the flow of traffic on a single radio channel. There are two primary net types in CAP Directed Nets Free Net
Net Control Station (NCS)
4/13/2017 Net Control Station (NCS) Controls and directs the flow of radio traffic within their Net Is primarily responsible for net discipline. NCS is charged with the responsibility for the efficient movement of traffic within the net or network, for the relay of inter-net traffic, and for implementing the necessary measures to promote and insure circuit discipline. The decisions and instructions of the NCS in conducting the Net are final and will not be contested on the air.
NCS script Each wing has its own Net script Roll call
Radio Net Operation A Formal Net is established to control the flow of traffic on a single radio channel The Net Control Station (NCS) maintains net discipline by controlling who is talking The NCS must be contacted first for permission to contact another station Sample Net Check-in (Abenaki 14 is the NCS): “Abenaki 14, THIS IS Abenaki 404 with no traffic, over”
Formal Nets Directed Nets
In this net, stations obtain permission from the net control station (NCS) prior to communicating with other stations. The net is often started with a roll call. The purpose of the roll call is to determine which members are monitoring the Net. Each station identifies itself, as called, with its CAP assigned tactical call sign Following roll call, transmission of traffic occurs. Free Net Net Control Station (NCS) authorizes member stations to transmit traffic to other stations in the net without obtaining prior permission from the net control station. Free net operation does not relieve the control station of the responsibility for maintaining circuit discipline
Radio Nets - Contacting Another Station
Abenaki 14 NCS 1 Abenaki 401 2 Abenaki 404 3 All transmissions must receive permission from the Net Control Station (NCS) 1 - “Abenaki 14, THIS IS Abenaki 401 with traffic for Abenaki 404 OVER” 2 - “Abenaki 401, Contact Abenaki 404 with your traffic, OUT” 3 - “Abenaki 404, THIS IS Abenaki 401, OVER”
4/13/2017 Break-in Procedures Only emergency or urgent traffic justifies break-in procedures. A station wishing to break in will transmit at the pause with his/her station call sign. The word "Break" is not used as a break-in proword. This proword is used solely to separate message text from other portions of the message.
Distress and Emergency Signals
MAYDAY Distress PAN Urgency SECURITE Safety } Supersedes all Priority or Routine Traffic Operator Responsibility #1 LISTEN #2 Be Prepared to Assist #3 Do NOT Transmit Unless Your Services are Needed It is imperative that CAP Communications personnel be familiar with the international distress and emergency signals: MAYDAY Distress! When this signal is heard, it means that someone is in serious danger and in the need of immediate help. If this signal is heard, the operator must cease transmission immediately and monitor carefully to be able to provide assistance. Stations must not transmit if there is any possibility of interfering with the distress traffic. Any station in a position to render assistance will do so and all other stations will continue to monitor until the situation is rectified and the frequency is released for normal use. PAN Urgent Condition! This is the international urgency signal. If this signal is heard, all communications then occurring on the calling frequency are silenced. This signal’s priority is second only to MAYDAY. SECURITE Pronounced as “SEH-KUR-EEH-TAY”, this is the international radiotelephone safety signal. Takes priority over all other traffic except the distress and urgency signals.
PROHIBITED Operating Practices
Violation of Radio Silence Personal Conversation Transmitting in a Net without permission of NCS Lack of identifying call sign Excessive tuning and testing Use of Amateur Radio or Citizens Band frequencies for CAP business Operational Violations. Unauthorized communications, poor radiotelephone procedure of a grievous nature, or unauthorized subject matter. False or Fraudulent Signals No person within the jurisdiction of the United States shall knowingly utter or transmit, or cause to be transmitted, any false or fraudulent signals of distress. Poor Operating Practices Personal conversation of any type Use of given names or nicknames in place of authorized call signs Transmitting in a directed net without permission of the Net Control Station Excessive tuning and testing Profane, indecent, or obscene language Technical Violations. Off frequency operations, improper modulation, unauthorized emission Use Of Amateur Radio The use of frequencies in the amateur radio service to conduct CAP business including SAR/DR operations is prohibited. Members with amateur radio licenses may only use CAP frequencies for CAP operations. CAP radios may be used on the amateur frequencies only for recreational use, by a licensed amateur radio operator acting as control operator as governed by appropriate FCC Regulations
Safety Concerns Lightning precautions
Route wires and cables out of traffic areas Locate antenna away from electrical wires and people. Properly ground all equipment - Make sure IT is the path of least resistance.
Mission Skills Sending a Position Report
Steps to regain communications Reporting a find Reporting a Clue Employing Appropriate Frequencies Conducting Scheduled Check-ins Choosing a good Communications Site Knowledge of Plans and Procedures Message Handling Procedures Communications Safety Procedures
Communications Awards, Activities and Programs
4/13/2017 Communications Awards, Activities and Programs The Communicator Badge The Senior Communicator Badge The Master Communicator Badge See CAPR for more details The Communicator Badge: The basic Communicator Badge is designed to recognize those individuals involved in communications. Eligibility Criteria: Obtain the Radio Operator Permit card. Participate in one mission in any communications capacity. Participate in one communications exercise sanctioned by the Wing Director of Communications Actively participate in communications, checking into 25% of the local nets over a minimum of one year. Attend at least one communications meeting. The Senior Communicator Badge: The Senior Communicator Badge is designed to recognize the continuing participation of active communicators. See CAPR for eligibility criteria. Senior does not refer to Senior Members; it refers to a more advanced rating. The Master Communicator Badge: The Master Communicator Badge is designed to recognize those communicators who have graduated to the communications management function and are actively promoting communications at all echelons by their actions.
Cadet Eligibility for Communicator Badge
4/13/2017 Cadet Eligibility for Communicator Badge Cadets are encouraged to pursue each level of the communicator badges. To do so, cadets must meet all of the training requirements listed in the appropriate section of CAPP 214 with the exception of the portions specifically intended for the senior member training program.
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