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Technological Advancements in SciVis

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1 Technological Advancements in SciVis
SciVis I V102.02

2 X-ray Crystallography
When X-rays are beamed at a crystal, electrons diffract (bend) the X-rays, which causes a diffraction pattern. These patterns convert into visual maps. This process allows scientists to perceive molecules in three dimensions. This is a process used to help discover the structure of DNA.

3 X-ray Crystallography

4 DNA Fingerprinting DNA Fingerprinting is a method of identification that compares fragments of DNA. DNA is the genetic material found within the cell nucleus. With the exception of identical twins, the complete DNA of each individual is unique.

5 DNA Fingerprinting Steps
A DNA fingerprint is constructed by first obtaining a DNA sample from body tissue or fluid. The sample is then cut into pieces using enzymes, and the segments are arranged by size using a process called gel electrophoresis.

6 DNA Fingerprinting The segments are marked with probes and exposed on X-ray film, where they form a characteristic pattern of black bars — the DNA fingerprint. If the DNA fingerprints produced from two different samples match, the two samples probably came from the same person.

7 DNA Fingerprinting DNA fingerprinting technology has helped scientists to discover the genetic causes of many disease processes. Mapping the entire Human Genome (all of our DNA) has been one of the most massive scientific endeavors of all time. The complete human genome was completed in 2003. DNA fingerprinting helped advance forensic science and paternity testing.

8 Microscopy (microscopes)
Light Microscopes use light and lenses to magnify small transparent objects. The Electron Microscope was developed due to the limitations of Light Microscopes. Light Microscopes are limited by the physics of light to magnify 1,000 times while Electron Microscopes can magnify up to 1,000,000 times.

9 Microscopy (microscopes)

10 Telescopes Refracting and reflecting light telescopes collect light to view distant images. Radio telescopes collect radio waves to understand materials in space. Orbiting telescopes eliminate problems associated with looking through the atmosphere.

11 Telescopes

12 Computers Computers allow for the manipulation of large amounts of data. Computers help automate machinery, tools, and processes. The Internet allows for rapid and widespread movement of data.

13 Medical imaging X-rays are short wavelengths that penetrate tissue producing negative images of bones. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is an imaging technique that uses magnets in medical settings to produce computer-enhanced images of the soft tissue inside of the human body.

14 Medical imaging 3D Sonograms of a 61/2 month fetus in the womb of a mother.

15 Remote Sensing GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system able to show an exact position on the earth anytime, anywhere outside, and in any weather. The satellites transmit timed signals that can be detected by anyone with a GPS receiver. Radar and Sonar use electromagnetic waves to determine location, position, and movement of objects.

16 Radar and Sonar

17 Radar and Sonar

18 Radar and Sonar

19 Remote Sensing Satellites serve a variety of purposes from transmission of television signals to guidance and tracking systems for defense. For meteorologists, satellites provide a comprehensive view of the world's weather by observing weather and the environment on a scale not possible by other means.

20 Remote Sensing: Mars

21 Virtual Reality Virtual reality is computer generated three-dimensional images that allow the user to interact with a virtual world (computer gaming). Simulations mimic real world activities that may be dangerous or impossible to perform by a human (e.g. flight simulators).

22 Simulations

23 Holograms Holograms are three-dimensional images produced by multiple lasers. Holograms are used on credit and bank cards for theft protection

24 The End

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