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Investor Presentation August 2010 Tim Haig, CEO Chris Clinning, CFO.

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1 Investor Presentation August 2010 Tim Haig, CEO Chris Clinning, CFO

2 22 Forward-looking statements This presentation and our answers to questions contain statements about expected future events and financial and operating results of BIOX that are forward-looking. By their nature, forward-looking statements require BIOX to make assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. There is significant risk that the forward-looking statements will not prove to be accurate. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a number of factors could cause actual future results and events to differ materially from that expressed in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, our comments are subject to this disclaimer and qualified by the assumptions, qualifications and risk factors (including those associated with legislation affecting the biodiesel industry, the availability of producer payment programs, and commodity prices) referred to in BIOX’s public disclosure documents filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Except as required by law, BIOX disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements.


4 44 Energy security: An escalating issue 35% Saudi Arabia Russia United States China India Iran Canada UAE Venezuela Mexico $400B 2008 U.S. Oil Import Expenditure Oil Production by Volume Oil Consumption by 2030 Angola Nigeria Algeria Kuwait Iraq Brazil Norway Libya Source: CIA Factbook, 2010 Source: Congressional Research Service, 2008


6 66 A better fuel for a cleaner world Produced from multiple feedstock sources  Soybeans  Rapeseed  Palm oil  Jatropha  Yellow grease  Animal fats (white grease, tallow)  Future feedstocks (algae, etc.) CO 2 90 50 CO particulate matter 50 ~ ~ % % % ~

7 77 Renewables are inevitable Clean Air Act of 2006 Gazette, April 10, 2010 Renewable Fuel Standard Program RFS-2, February 2010 Renewable Energy Directive Passed in 2007 Renewable content in diesel by 2011 2 % by 2012 2 > % by 2010 5.75 %

8 88 Mandated demand for renewables is taking off 2012 demand for renewables in diesel2009 biodiesel production Billions of litres 4 0.6 0.12 3.8 1.4 14.8 7.5 0211139157

9 99 Mandates should transform biodiesel pricing Biodiesel price + Petroleum diesel price + Incentives TodayPost-mandate Biodiesel price + Input costs + Profit margin (Voluntary)(Obligatory)

10 10 of production costs are feedstock costs 80 % ~ Historically

11 11 The BIOX multi-feedstock advantage High FFA feedstocks historically trade at 35-40% discount to seed oils impede High levels of FFAs traditional conversion processes 2008 U.S. Biodiesel feedstock sources Low FFA High FFA 17% 26% Other 57% Soy White grease Yellow grease Tallow

12 12 BIOX’s proprietary production process Cosolvent Technology FFA conversion vs. FFA pretreatment Acid Base Cosolvent (recycled) Feedstock 100 Alcohol 8 Biodiesel 93 Bioheat 7 Glycerin 8 Highest possible yields >99% Continuous process <90 minutes True multi-feedstock capability  Permits high FFA content –Tallow –White grease –Used cooking oil –Crude palm oil  FFA converted  1:1 yield  Low temperature (60°C)  Atmospheric pressure  99.99% recycled  Efficient “mass transfer” 12

13 13 The impact of our technical advantage CompetitionBIOX Chemistry consumption likely higher Higher priced low FFA feedstock or pretreatment = yield loss Yield: ? 35-40% price discount on higher FFA feedstock Cannot use less chemistry (stoichiometrically) Yield: 1:1 Atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature = low energy cost Energy consumption likely higher BIOX = low cost provider 13

14 14 Biodiesel directly competes against fossil fuel prices; Many of our competitors sit idle Biodiesel prices based on production costs; BIOX maintains cost advantage The BIOX economic advantage Obligatory (post-mandate)Voluntary (pre-mandate) Biodiesel fixed to diesel price Unprofitable 30% lower cost Traditional (soy feedstock) Biodiesel price BIOX (multi- feed stock) Traditional (soy feedstock) 30% lower cost + industry margin Biodiesel fixed to feedstock price Biodiesel price BIOX (multi- feed stock) 14

15 15 Our key assets Nameplate commercial-scale facility Adequate resources to build second processing facility 67 million litres/year 46 million raised in RTO $

16 16 Canada’s largest biodiesel producer 16 1 produced to date million litres 9 3

17 17 Our Hamilton I facility  Designed, built, owned and operated by BIOX  Location: Hamilton, Ontario  Biodiesel produced conforms to North American and EU standards  Operating at full production levels since April 2008  Small footprint 10,000 ft 2  Modular design

18 18 We select the optimal locations Access to  Proximity to plant- based feedstock Access to  Petroleum distribution infrastructure  Customers (refiners and importers)  Transportation logistics  Favourable jurisdictions  Multiple feedstocks Traditional producers BIOX Biodiesel plant 1000 ft 500 ft BIOX facility Shell terminal Downtown Hamilton 18

19 19 Our next facility Financing in place Fabrication (9 months) Assembly (45 days) Maximum capacity (3 months) Permitting  67 million litres/year nameplate facility  Estimated processing plant cost: $38-40 million  No significant reengineering  No major changes in construction methods  Established relationships with experienced contractors No scale-up

20 20 Glycerin Revenue generators Biodiesel  95% of revenue  Off-take agreements  Balance sold on North American or European biodiesel spot market  Anticipate direct sales to major petroleum companies (obligated parties) Carbon credits

21 21 Corporate overview TSX symbol BX Market capitalization $52.4 mm Share price* $1.15 Cash $31.6 mm Working Capital $35.0 mm Debt $12.0 mm Shares outstanding 45.7 mm * As of Aug 10, 2010

22 22 2010 Q3 review Q3 2010YTD (in thousands) 14,40041,800 Production (litres) 7,10033,000 Sales (litres) $6,600$33,000 Sales revenue $3,100$400 BIOX Canada 1 operating loss prior to non-cash items $4,500$4,000 Operating loss prior to non-cash items $6,000$13,000 2 Net loss 1 BIOX Canada = Hamilton I facility 2 Included $3.9M of non-recurring non-cash warrant valuation charges and non-recurring costs of $0.6M related to the amalgamation

23 23 Management Tim Haig Chief Executive Officer Kevin Norton Chief Operating Officer Chris Clinning Chief Financial Officer Scott Lewis Vice President, Business Development and Sales Nak Paik Vice President, Operations Officer Neil Van Knotsenburg Vice President, Projects  Founded BIOX  Patented the process  Purchase patents from UofT  Built two pilot plants  Raised capital for first plant  Constructed, commission and operate largest plant in Canada

24 24 BIOX  Mandates should drive market economics (demand and repricing)  Technology leads to low cost provider in growth markets  Currently has assets generating cash flow  Possess capital to build additional capacity  Highly experienced management team

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