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Presentation on theme: "H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

2 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. TheProcedure

3 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Alignment of Engine The chocks may compress 0.001 times the chock height when the holding down bolts are tightened. èper 10 mm of chock height align the engine 0.01 mm higher...but maximum 0.05 mm èAlign close to the top of the allowed coupling tolerance èObtain satisfactory alignment and crankshaft deflections èCheck deflections after the job is finished when temperatures have returned to ambient

4 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Preparing of chocking area èFinish all welding on the foundation èAll bolt holes should be drilled èFit the reamer bolts inside before pouring èCheck ship trim

5 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Check all materials and tools are available EPOCAST 36 resin and hardener Foam Rubber StripsRubber TubeSealing Compound (Mastic) Non-Melt Grease F36 Release Agent Spray FT36 ScissorsMixing Tool with Mixing Blade HeaterDigital Temperature Gauge Barcol Hardeness Tester

6 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Cleaning of chocking area èClean the foundation from rust, oil, grease, mill scale, paint NOTE: Epoxy Primer (20-25 µm) is allowed èFor deck machinery a thin coat of inorganic zinc or similar is acceptable

7 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part I) èInsert the flexible damming between bedplate and topplate

8 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

9 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

10 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

11 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part I) èInsert the rubber tube into the bolt hole

12 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

13 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part I) èSpray release agent slightly into the mould

14 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

15 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part II) èTack weld front metal dam in place

16 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

17 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part II) èSeal the front metal dam with sealing compound

18 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

19 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part II) èComplete the foam damming on both ends of the metal dam

20 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

21 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Damming procedure (Part II) èSpray release agent to the inside of the front metal dam

22 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

23 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Mixing procedure èAdd hardener according to mixing and pouring guide into the resin can èPlace the switched-off mixing tool inside the resin can

24 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

25 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Mixing procedure èMix the resin/hardener between 250-500 rpm for 2-3 minutes èSwitch off the mixing tool and take out of the resin can

26 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

27 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Pouring procedure èEnsure that all damming is complete èPour the resin shortly after mixing into the lower end of each chock èHeight of overpour for static pressure should be min. 20 mm min. 20 mm min. 20 mm

28 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

29 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

30 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Test piece èPreparing of test piece for each batch number 100 1. Spray release agent Metal front damming 2. Pour EPOCAST Sealing mastic

31 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. After pouring Curing time: è< 13 °C :no cure è14-17 °C:approx. 48 hours è18-20 °C:approx. 36 hours è> 20 °C :approx. 24 hours

32 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.

33 H.A. SPRINGER marine + industrie service RESEARCH MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. Barcol hardeness test èRemove the heaters èRemove the front metal dam and rubber tube èCheck the barcol hardeness on the side of each chock NOTE:min. 40 Barcol èRemove the wedges or back-off the jacking screws Insert the foundation bolts and tight them according to the approved documents

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